Endothelin-1 Receptor Antagonist Pharmacology | Everything You Need to Know

Endothelin-1 Receptor Antagonist Pharmacology | Everything You Need to Know

Endothelin-1 Receptor Antagonist Pharmacology | Everything You Need to Know

This video is perfect for nurses who want to learn everything you need to know about Endothelin-1 Receptor Antagonists.

In this video, I will teach you about Endothelin-1 Receptor Antagonist pharmacology, including their mechanism of action, types, indications, adverse effects, contraindications, and special considerations.

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00:00 Mechanism of Action
00:46 Types
01:10 Indications
01:26 Adverse Effects
01:43 Contraindications
02:15 Special Considerations
03:41 Thank you!!!

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DISCLAIMER: Please note that my videos are solely for educational purposes and should not be considered as medical advice. While I aim to provide accurate information, errors may occur due to human error.


0.24 -> endothel and one receptor antagonists or
3.24 -> eras are a medication that blocks the
5.52 -> effects of endogenous endothel in one or
8.22 -> et1 endothelene one is a peptide hormone
11.099 -> produced by vascular endothelial cells
13.5 -> or the cells that align the inner
14.94 -> surface of blood vessels it
17.039 -> predominantly binds to endothelon type a
19.14 -> or ETA receptors in vascular smooth
21.66 -> muscle causing vasoconstriction and
23.88 -> increased self-proliferation but
25.98 -> endothel and one also binds to
27.779 -> endothelian type B or ETB receptors but
30.96 -> to a much smaller degree and causes
32.82 -> vasodilation endothel and one receptor
35.64 -> antagonists work by competing with
37.38 -> endothel and one for these receptors and
39.78 -> in doing so block endothel and one's
41.7 -> effects resulting in vasodilation and
44.28 -> decreased self-proliferation
46.559 -> three orally administered endothel and
49.02 -> one receptor antagonists are available
51.2 -> bosentan Masset 1010 Amber sentin
55.039 -> bosentan and massetentin are
57.48 -> non-selective blocking both endothel and
60 -> type A and B receptors whereas Amber
62.82 -> sentin is selective for endothel and
64.799 -> type A receptors these medications can
67.56 -> be memorized by remembering that they
69.18 -> end in tan
71 -> endothelon 1 receptor antagonists are
73.619 -> used to treat pulmonary hypertension
75.479 -> their ability to cause vasodilation
77.82 -> lowers blood pressure in the pulmonary
79.619 -> circulation while their ability to
81.6 -> decrease cell proliferation may have a
83.7 -> positive impact on vascular remodeling
86.84 -> unfortunately endothelon-1 receptor
89.64 -> antagonists can cause severe adverse
91.799 -> effects such as headaches flushing
94.5 -> peripheral and pulmonary edema nasal
97.02 -> congestion reduced sperm production
99.18 -> birth defects anemia and liver injury
103.619 -> endothel and one receptor antagonists
106.2 -> should not be taken with severe liver
108 -> impairment as they can cause a dangerous
110.22 -> increase in the medications plasma level
112.46 -> additionally this medication is unsafe
115.14 -> to take while pregnant or breastfeeding
117.18 -> as it is known to cause severe birth
119.1 -> defects and harm to infants endothel and
122.28 -> one receptor antagonists are also
124.2 -> contraindicated with severe anemia or
126.6 -> heart failure as they can worsen these
128.459 -> conditions
129.539 -> fluid retention caused by endothel and
132.06 -> one receptor antagonists can increase
133.8 -> strain on the heart
135.72 -> and finally some special considerations
138.68 -> individuals undergoing this therapy
141.06 -> require regular blood work including
143.04 -> liver function tests complete blood
145.08 -> count and for women HCG levels these are
148.86 -> used to monitor for liver injury anemia
151.5 -> and pregnancy anemia caused by endothel
154.8 -> and one receptor antagonist tends to
156.84 -> stabilize within four to twelve weeks of
158.879 -> starting treatment if liver function
160.98 -> values are significantly elevated a
163.8 -> doctor may decide to pause or
165.36 -> discontinue the medication as doing so
167.58 -> reverses the damage in addition to
170.34 -> monitoring liver function tests it's
172.379 -> important to monitor for signs and
174.06 -> symptoms of liver injury such as nausea
176.459 -> vomiting fever abdominal pain lethargy
179.94 -> and jaundice
181.5 -> furthermore women taking endothel and
183.959 -> one receptor antagonists must use
185.76 -> reliable contraception to prevent the
187.8 -> occurrence of birth defects however
190.019 -> hormonal birth control alone is
192.18 -> insufficient as endothelin 1 receptor
194.519 -> antagonists can accelerate its
196.379 -> metabolism bosentan in particular also
199.68 -> accelerates the metabolism of some
201.659 -> medications such as Warfarin and
203.76 -> anticoagulant and when bozatan is taken
206.58 -> with Glyburide a medication for type 2
209.04 -> diabetes the risk of liver injury is
211.5 -> significantly increased unfortunately
214.14 -> endothel and one receptor antagonists of
216.9 -> multiple drug interactions that can
219.12 -> either increase or decrease the plasma
221.159 -> levels of the medications involved I
223.86 -> hope you found this video useful and if
225.9 -> you did please let me know by giving
227.64 -> this video a thumbs up subscribing and
230.22 -> leaving a comment below thank you and
232.379 -> bye
235.08 -> [Music]
245.42 -> thank you

Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZwUJ-ZjGnhI