What is congestive heart failure?
What is congestive heart failure?
Web: https://johnsonfrancis.org/general/wh… What is congestive heart failure?
0.14 -> congestive heart failure is a
2.22 -> combination of right heart failure and
3.78 -> left heart failure it is characterized
6.18 -> by elevated jugular or Venus pressure
8.16 -> enlargement of liver dependent edema and
11.4 -> Pulmonary congestion
12.9 -> it is often the final common pathway for
15.66 -> more serious cardiac ailments
18.06 -> it can be secondary to Allah heart
20.039 -> disease or myocardial disease
22.26 -> in adults the most common cause would be
25.08 -> severe coronary artery disease
28.039 -> idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy is
30.9 -> also an important cause of congestive
32.82 -> cardiac failure
34.32 -> congestive heart failure can be treated
36.42 -> symptomatically with diuretics and
39.36 -> afterload reducing agents like
41.48 -> Angiotensin converting enzyme Inhibitors
45.14 -> Angiotensin receptor blockers and
48.18 -> Angiotensin receptor nebulizing blockers
51.12 -> RNA
53.1 -> specific treatment addressed at the
55.379 -> cause will be much more rewarding like
58.14 -> wall replacement or repair in case of
61.559 -> severe Walla heart disease causing
63.78 -> congestive heart failure
67.34 -> coronary arteries can also improve the
70.02 -> heart failure in some cases
72.659 -> some forms of reversible cardiac failure
75.479 -> like those due to myocarditis or
78.78 -> peripatan cardiomapathy improve with
81.659 -> symptomatic treatment alone
Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zV6cKeLA7lI