Signs & Symptoms: Cardiac Arrest vs. Heart Attack

Signs & Symptoms: Cardiac Arrest vs. Heart Attack

Signs & Symptoms: Cardiac Arrest vs. Heart Attack

Many people confuse heart attacks and cardiac arrest. Watch as experts at the Red Cross explain the differences and share information on heart attack signs and symptoms, cardiac arrest symptoms and how you can help someone in need.

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4.28 -> A heart attack is an episode where the
6.667 -> heart muscle isn't getting enough oxygen to it.
9.49 -> When a patient has having a heart attack
11.28 -> and not complaining of chest pain,
12.68 -> the most common thing they complain of is
14.4 -> shortness of breath and fatigue.
16.31 -> It's a very typical story that someone will say
19.23 -> to their spouse I'm feeling tired, run down,
22.05 -> and they go to sleep and they never wake up
24.19 -> because they're having a massive heart attack,
27.26 -> that then leads to them going into cardiac arrest.
30.67 -> - We know that cardiac arrest is a big killer of people
33.67 -> in the United States.
35.29 -> - Cardiac arrest is a situation where the heart muscle
37.78 -> is not pumping at all,
39.37 -> and there's no profusion throughout the entire body
42.48 -> of blood, because the heart muscle is not at all working
45.54 -> to create a good blood pressure.
48.47 -> Once a patient is in cardiac arrest,
50.27 -> you need to start chest compressions immediately.
53.32 -> The way we tell someone's in cardiac arrest is
55.5 -> they're unconscious, and unresponsive to stimuli.
59.05 -> And so our messaging is to do chest compressions
61.14 -> when you think someone's in cardiac arrest.
63.31 -> It is much better to chest compressions on someone who has
66.15 -> a pulse than not to do chest compressions on someone who
68.97 -> doesn't have a pulse.
70.03 -> - The cases where people do well is when they're recognized,
74.77 -> when they get bystander CPR,
77 -> and they get access to a defibrillator,
79.02 -> and they activate 911.
81 -> Those pieces of the chain are in place,
83.509 -> our survival rates can be over 30 to 40%,
86.91 -> and in some places, higher.
88.51 -> - We have the possibility not just to save people
91.591 -> who only have a few months to live,
94.17 -> we have the possibility to save young people
96.49 -> who have many years ahead.
98.76 -> Save them so they can be more productive,
100.8 -> and save them so that their families aren't
102.78 -> losing someone before their time.
104.97 -> (instrumental music)
