Pulmonary Hypertension। PAH। पल्मोणरी हायपरटेन्शन को जल्द ठीक करने के लिये सही ईलाज ।
Aug 24, 2023
Pulmonary Hypertension। PAH। पल्मोणरी हायपरटेन्शन को जल्द ठीक करने के लिये सही ईलाज ।
#pulmonaryhypertension #pulmonaryhypertensionHindi #pulmonaryhypertensionCauses #pulmonaryhypertensionSymptoms #PulmonaryhypertensionDiagnosis #pulmonaryhypertensionRiskFactors #pulmonaryhypertensionTreatment #PAH #pulmonaryhypertensiontreatmentHindi Hello friends, In this video we have discussed about Pulmonary Hypertension or PAH and all its ralated aspects to make it understand for everyone. Comments will be answered. For Teleconsultation our Whatsapp Number is 9763287676. Please dont call directly. For Free Medical Advice kindly join our Telegram Group. You will receive the group joining link after messeging on our Whatsapp number. Answer to all queries about Gangrene is in following playlist— Gangrene Playlist— • Gangrene Playlist. Most watched videos of our channel in this playlist— Most Watched — • Most watched Some Useful Gadgets For Patients:— 1. Health monitoring smart watch— https://amzn.to/3huWrQ1 2. Digital Blood pressure monitor:—https://amzn.to/2TxGkt0 3. Digital thermometer:—https://amzn.to/3hrLgYC 4. Pulseoximeter:—https://amzn.to/3qFFVB9 5. Sugar checking machine:—https://amzn.to/3dC9LRs 6. Hair growth tonic—https://amzn.to/3Afdgai 7. Nebuliser machine:—https://amzn.to/3hc1yFZ 8. Spirometer for lung excercise:—https://amzn.to/3jDD9L8 9. Oxygen Concentrator:—https://amzn.to/3ymBRIJ 10. N95 Masks— https://amzn.to/3jJL0GV 11. Infrared Thermometer—https://amzn.to/3qP4Odr Explained in simple language by professional doctor with reference from Medical library and latest research meta analysis. Dr.K.S.Chougule is highly recommended full family physician who is known for his passion and dedication to LISTEN,TREAT and EDUCATE his patients on their health concerns. Experience: 1 year in medical ICU (Govt.hospital, Kolhapur) 1year in Emergency and casuality. 4 months each in Medicine , Surgery and Neurology. Currently working at Matru krupa Hospital , Ratnagiri, Maharastra. Thanks and Regards, Dr.K.S.Chougule. BAMS, MD. Post graduate diploma in emergency medicine. Post graduate diploma in geriatric medicine. Disclaimer: Any photographs or music or graphs or images used in this video are purely for educational purpose and there is NO any kind of violation of rules or regulations is intended. This information is intended as patient education only and should not be used for diagnosing and treating health problems. As it is not A substitute for professional medical care. We reccomend you guidance from your local physician before application of information in this video. Follow us on Twitter---https://twitter.com/DrKSChougule3?s=08 Facebook ---https://m.facebook.com/DrKSChougule-1 … LinkedIn—https://www.linkedin.com/in/dr-k-s-ch … Instagram—https://www.instagram.com/drkschougule/ #Onlinedoctorconsultation #Onlineconsultation #Onlinedoctor #Onlinetreatment #drkschougule #doctor #health #besttreatment #hindiconsultations #wellness #bestdoctor Email— [email protected]
9.84 -> Hello friends, my name is doctor, welcome to all of you in cancel, in today's video we are
15.96 -> going to talk about pulmonary hypertension, it is also called F in short, so
21.96 -> what is palmular hypertension, which can be special. What are its science and symptoms, how
26.76 -> to diagnose it and how to treat it, today we will talk about it further in this video
31.14 -> . The pressure increases
36.48 -> and increases in such a way that the blood vessels inside the lungs of the question, which are the arteries, have a lot of
42.12 -> damage, they have a lot of effect, along with this, the right side of our heart or
47.46 -> the right side If it happens, it also has a very bad effect, so in this way the blood pressure which
53.52 -> fits the right side of the heart and the blood pressure inside the lance which fits them badly,
58.86 -> we call this type of blood pressure pulmonary. Hypertension or else they speak like this, first of all let's talk about
64.2 -> what are the causes of palmular hypertension. This is due to mutations or
68.7 -> changes in genes, due to which parmure hypertension can occur in any person, followed by
74.46 -> any congenital heart disease, along with long-term use of some particular medications. HIV
81.12 -> infection or chronic liver disease and connectivity disease are
88.14 -> some of the reasons due to which a patient may develop nuclear hypertension, after that we will
93.54 -> talk about pulmonary hypertension. The first thing about the symptoms or science and symptoms, then
99.36 -> the patient may have pain in the sign due to parmorial hypertension, there may be palpitations, the
104.76 -> first means that the patient can feel his own heartbeat now, speaking of this The patient feels very
111.6 -> tired, the patient has difficulty in breathing or shortness of breath, these are some important symptoms
117.6 -> which are seen in the presentation of pulmonary hypertension, along with this, dizziness, feeling very tired,
123.48 -> swelling on the legs of the patient. visit and patient
130.92 -> A small amount of bluishness is visible on the skin and lips which can vote, these symptoms
137.82 -> are also seen due to the patient's hypertension, after this we will talk about the diagnosis of pulmonary hypertension. First of all,
142.86 -> pulmonary To diagnose hypertension, we can do blood test like CBC is done,
147.54 -> along with this we can do it in paste one as well as it can be done in the station from chest one,
153.72 -> after that it can be done in paste. 2D can be done 2D one as well as on it our scan city scan this type
160.74 -> of thing can also be done and right heart catarajation and pulmonary function test now we can test
167.52 -> after this slip study ventilation perfusion scan open Long biopsy and genetic testing are
173.76 -> some of the diagnostic tools using which we can diagnose this question. Finally,
180.48 -> now we will talk about the treatment of pulmonary hypertension
185.7 -> . to any bhaisod ilator we can take such as we
190.74 -> can also give stimulants like ayushi gate and along with this boys
198.96 -> can also give floor increasing medicine like sealdah film then now medicine can be given after that some
204 -> calcium channel like embroidery pin blockers are also given in the hedio along with this we
208.86 -> can give him warfare inside the blood thinners in the introduction after that we can give him degoxin in the paste and diabetics
214.14 -> which again I or injection lasix this type of medication Can also be given in some refractive cases
219.54 -> where the patient is not getting any relief from the medical treatment, he
223.68 -> is not getting any relief from the problem, then we can also do surgery in that patient.
229.2 -> Methods surgery is done first of all we can do atrial septrostomy and the second option is to
234.42 -> learn transparent so in which patient which surgery should be done depends on what
239.28 -> science and symptoms the patient is having when They are coming from, how much is their civil and the medicine
245.4 -> that we give for the treatment. How much relief is he getting from it in the special, after seeing all these things,
250.26 -> then it is decided that which of these surgeries should be done in his pace, then
256.08 -> in short about de parmonary hypertension thanks for watching this video til give thanks You Very Much
261.24 -> [Music]
Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZqkW-lQS4hQ