The Surgeon General's Call to Action to Control Hypertension

The Surgeon General's Call to Action to Control Hypertension

The Surgeon General's Call to Action to Control Hypertension

The US Surgeon General’s office has released a report emphasizing the importance of making hypertension control a national public health priority. Vice Admiral Jerome Adams, MD, MPH, the 20th US Surgeon General, discusses the report’s background and recommendations. Recorded October 7, 2020.

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Topics discussed in this interview:
0:00 Introduction
0:26 What is it like to be Surgeon General?
1:52 Background on Janet Wright, MD (report co-author)
3:36 Why should we focus on hypertension now?
6:47 How do we increase blood pressure control in the US?
10:43 Preventive care
14:08 Ensuring that hypertension remains a national priority
15:55 Access to health services
18:22 Engaging communities
21:14 Partners in this initiative
23:10 Changing the trend
25:02 Closing remarks
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0.426 -> >> Hello and welcome to Conversations with Dr.  Bauchner. It is Howard Bauchner, editor in chief  
4.88 -> of JAMA. And what a delight today to be joined  by Admiral Jerome M. Adams. Jerome is the 20th  
12.96 -> Surgeon General of the United States. Jerome,  before we get started and we're going to talk  
17.68 -> about a new initiative from your office and I am  incredibly excited about it, in part because of a  
24.16 -> paper we published just two months ago. But,  Jerome, before we get focused on the Viewpoint,  
30.56 -> what's it like to be Surgeon General? >> Well, if you'd asked me that question  
37.04 -> before 2020 I would have given you an incredibly  different answer. But what I will tell you is that  
43.36 -> I come from a family who have worked in public  service. Several of my uncles have been in the  
50.16 -> uniformed services and it has always been my dream  to be able to give back. My kids keep saying,  
56.48 -> "Dad, how come you keep taking more and more  important jobs that pay less and less money?"  
60.72 -> Started in private practice, went into academia,  ran the Indiana State Department of Health and now  
66.08 -> Surgeon General. So the most honest thing I can  tell you is that as challenging as it has been,  
71.44 -> it's the honor of my life and I really do believe  you're put in certain positions for a reason.  
77.76 -> And, so, I'm just trying to do the best I can  with the opportunity I have and the voice that  
83.28 -> I have in my place at the table to try to move  things a little bit in the right direction.  
88.72 -> And to the topic of today, that's really  what it's all about, it's realizing that a  
94.64 -> very few of us have the ability to  change the world in one fell swoop.  
99.12 -> We all just have to do a little bit with  the levers that we have in front of us, the  
104 -> opportunities we have in front of us. And I just  want to thank you and the viewers and listeners  
108.56 -> for giving me the opportunity to serve. >> Jerome, we're going to talk about the  
112.88 -> Viewpoint, which is just being released  simultaneously with this conversation,  
117.6 -> it's entitled, "A National Commitment to Improve  the Care of Patients with Hypertension in the  
123.36 -> United States. And it's timed with the release of  the Surgeon General's call to action to control  
129.68 -> hypertension. So before we get focused on the  Viewpoint, could you just say something about  
135.36 -> your co-author, Janet Right? Well, Dr. Right  works in my office, Dr. Janet Right, she used to  
142.16 -> run the Million Hearts initiative, which really  looked at the different things that we could do  
148 -> to try to save lives from the number one killer  in our country and that is cardiovascular disease.  
153.68 -> And I want to remind people of that, because a lot  of people are saying to themselves even right now,  
160.4 -> why are you worried about high blood pressure,  hypertension in the middle of a pandemic? I  
165.52 -> would remind folks that any life lost is a tragedy  and we need to remain focused on doing everything  
172.64 -> we can to slow the spread of Covid, because  we've lost 200,000 lives. But we can't lose  
177.84 -> sight of a fact that we lose over 600,000  lives to cardiovascular disease every year.  
184.56 -> We lose about 100,000 lives due to stroke every  year. And we're finding more and more about the  
191.6 -> interplay between uncontrolled high blood  pressure and dementia, maternal mortality,  
197.68 -> sexual and reproductive health. The time is  now for us to prioritize what is an epidemic,  
204.72 -> an epidemic of uncontrolled blood pressure in this  country. One in two adults in the United States  
211.12 -> approximately have high blood pressure. >> Well, you've summarized the data,  
216.4 -> which was going to be my next question.  
219.04 -> More than 600,000 deaths from cardiovascular  disease, it's about 500,000 deaths from cancer,  
225.28 -> we'll see what happens at the end of the year in  terms of Covid related and Covid excess deaths.  
230.32 -> But the other consequences, stroke, kidney  disease, dementia, all related, associated  
237.68 -> with hypertension. Why, why now, Jerome? >> Well, I think it's important for people  
244.08 -> to understand that what we're seeing in terms  of Covid really shouldn't surprise us. many of  
252.08 -> the people who are at risk of dying from Covid, of  getting Covid, are the same people who are at risk  
258 -> from getting and dying from cancer or  cardiovascular disease or stroke or any  
263.2 -> of the other causes of death in the United States.  Covid and high blood pressure disproportionately  
270.72 -> impact black and brown communities. 80%, 80% of  Hispanic Americans and Black Americans who have  
278.32 -> high blood pressure do not have it under control.  So, again, these numbers mirror what's happening  
285.28 -> in Covid and there's the magnitude factor, again,  500,000 people will die with hypertension listed  
294.4 -> as a primary or secondary cause of death on  their death certificate this year. That's direct,  
299.76 -> direct link to hypertension. And many other  diseases impacted or exacerbated by hypertension,  
305.36 -> so just from a sheer magnitude point of view,  we need to consider this as important as we  
310.48 -> consider other things like Covid. But we're also  seeing rates of control hypertension go down. The  
318.08 -> decade before 2010 we actually saw an increase in  hypertension control, but as you all talk about  
324 -> in the article that you put out a few  weeks ago, we've seen rates of control  
328.88 -> decrease over the last decade. So we have a  pandemic, which has shown a light on disparities,  
335.6 -> we've seen it really pray on people who are at  higher risk due to high blood pressure or high  
341.6 -> blood pressure exacerbated diseases. And I really  feel like we have more tools than ever before.  
350.16 -> I know not everyone can see on the podcast, we're  doing video and audio, but I'm holding up my own  
355.84 -> automated blood pressure cuff right now. I have  high blood pressure. My family's been impacted by  
361.2 -> it, all four of my grandparents died from diseases  related to high blood pressure. My grandfather on  
367.2 -> my mother's side died of a stroke, my paternal  grandfather died of a heart attack and both of  
372.4 -> my grandmothers died from dementia, which again  can be exacerbated by high blood pressure and  
377.68 -> it's why we all need to prioritize getting it  under control. We cannot wait another second  
384.56 -> to make this a national priority. And, again,  tools, such as automated blood pressure cuffs,  
390 -> teen based care and we'll talk about some  of these other things, I hope, in a bit,  
394.16 -> but we've never had more tools, more opportunity  to really deal with an epidemic that is impacting  
403.04 -> as many and arguably more people than Covid. >> Yeah, the Paul Motner [assumed spelling]  
409.44 -> that we published almost a month ago  and then Janet had called me and I found  
413.36 -> out about the Surgeon General's call -- call  to arms. I found the Motner article almost an  
419.92 -> indictment of the American healthcare system.  That control had declined over the last decade  
425.52 -> I found so disturbing. We can actually diagnose  hypertension and treatment isn't that expensive.  
430.88 -> It's not like a lot of other things that we do,  where getting from diagnoses to treatment can be  
436.16 -> very difficult and expensive. So I think there's  a way forward. Jerome, when you think about it,  
442.72 -> how do we get the 45 or 50% of people who have it  appropriately recognized, diagnosed and treated  
449.04 -> and controlled, how do we get the 50% to 75%? >> Well, that's a great question. And I just -- I  
456 -> appreciate you bringing up that  it is an indictment of our system,  
459.68 -> that we have gone backwards in terms of control.  W Edwards Demming [assumed spelling] said,  
464.96 -> "Every system is perfectly designed to get exactly  the results that it gets." We need to understand  
471.36 -> that our systems, in many cases, are  fundamentally flawed, broken. We pay for  
477.68 -> people to do things to you and check a box, but  we don't pay for outcomes. Your doctor or nurse  
485.04 -> or healthcare system will get paid for bringing  you in for a visit, checking your blood pressure  
490 -> and then sending you back out, but they don't  necessarily get paid for following up to see  
494.8 -> whether or not you're doing the things you were  told to do. For checking another blood pressure  
499.12 -> outside of clinic to make sure that you didn't  either have white coat hot hypertension or high  
504 -> blood pressure or that your blood pressure wasn't  artificially low or that we didn't just catch you  
509.2 -> at a time of day when you weren't particularly  stressed or had other things going on in your life  
514.16 -> that normally would raise your blood pressure up.  We need to make sure we're focused on the evidence  
521.2 -> based practices out there that have allowed  practices across the country, rural and urban,  
527.68 -> black communities, white communities, rich,  poor. Large, small practices have been able  
532.56 -> to achieve 80 plus percent hypertension control  through the -- and are recognized through the  
539.04 -> Million Hearts Champions initiative. So I would  encourage people to go to  
546.08 -> and find out about some of those champions,  because a lot of people have said, "Well,  
549.92 -> I can't do this, I'm just one doc or I'm just a  small practice or I'm in a bad community." No.  
556.96 -> Anyone can get this under control. And to  answer your question, again, very simply,  
562.32 -> I think we need to have the courage to acknowledge  that our systems are fundamentally broken. But one  
569.36 -> more thing I just want to add in really quickly,  Howard, because it perhaps is the most important  
574 -> aspect of this. This isn't all about taking a  pill. We know that two of the top things that you  
582.64 -> can do to get your blood pressure under control  are eating a healthy diet and being more active.  
589.68 -> And we also know that not everyone  has an equitable opportunity  
594.56 -> to eat a healthy diet and to be more active. This  is what we call the social determinates of health.  
600.08 -> So we talk about medical preexisting conditions,  but we don't talk enough about social preexisting  
605.2 -> conditions, transportation, childcare, a  job that pays a good wage, the environment,  
611.04 -> the neighborhood you live in and whether or  not it's safe to go out and be active. And  
615.6 -> I think that reflects in our failure to be able  to control high blood pressure or control Covid  
622 -> and I hope one of the things that comes out of  Covid-19 is that is that we really all recognize  
629.76 -> the disproportionate impact that diseases can have  on certain communities. But we also realize that  
635.76 -> if any of us is unhealthy it can have a spillover  impact on all of us and our viability.  
641.76 -> >> Jerome, how do you think -- part of it is  hypertension is kind of silent, if it's not  
649.2 -> extreme. You know, you'll have a blood pressure  of 135 or to 140 over 90 and you may not feel it,  
657.6 -> you know, say it's diagnosed, how do you think  around preventive care that we know has such  
664.32 -> long term important implications we can get  people to think about it differently?  
669.36 -> >> Well, you're exactly right. One of  the challenges we've always had was  
676 -> non-communicable diseases in general, but high  blood pressure specifically is they're not acute,  
682.64 -> they're not sexy. They are silent killers. Whether  it's diabetes or high blood pressure or a cancer  
690.24 -> that grows insidiously until it becomes  metastatic. So one of the things we need  
695.36 -> to do is help people understand all the  ways that it can impact their lives. And,  
700.72 -> again, a lot of people understand the link between  high blood pressure and cardiovascular disease.  
706.16 -> But what a lot of them don't realize is that  having uncontrolled high blood pressure will  
710.64 -> increase your chances of neurocognitive decline,  of dementia, of having to go into a nursing home,  
718.32 -> of being dependent on other people. We'll go out  and talk about and spend $100 for a little blue  
724.72 -> pill, but we don't recognize that every single day  you walk around with uncontrolled blood pressure  
730.72 -> is a day that your arteries that are feeding your  reproductive and sexual organs are being assaulted  
739.36 -> by this high blood pressure and that we could  do so much more with a really cheap prescription  
745.52 -> given at the right time and some simple  intervention, versus relying on a little blue pill  
751.68 -> 20 or 30 years down the road. So we need  to make it real for people, we need to help  
755.68 -> them to understand. But the other thing again  is we need to make the healthy choice the easy  
759.52 -> choice. And in my call to action and you can check  it out at, we don't just talk  
765.12 -> about the individual and we don't just talk about  doctors, we talk about healthcare systems, we  
770.08 -> talk about communities, we talk about employers.  Howard, one of the things that I emphasize in here  
776.32 -> is that uncontrolled hypertension causes $300  of expense per employee per year in the United  
785.2 -> States to employers. Most people spend about a  third of their day, most of their waking hours  
791.92 -> at work when you're an adult in the United  States. And, so, if we want to tackle some  
796.64 -> of these difficult problems we've got to create an  environment at work that is conducive to health.  
801.44 -> Blood pressure cuffs, more screenings available  at work. Making sure you have opportunities for  
806.8 -> exercise, whether it's the labeling the stairs or  having walking paths outside. Looking at healthy  
812.64 -> vending machine policies and what you're serving  in the cafeteria and making sure the fries cost  
818.24 -> more than what the salad does, which unfortunately  I still have a hard time finding a cafeteria  
824.16 -> where the fries are actually more expensive than  the salad and where the healthy choice is the  
828.8 -> easy choice in that regard. These are all things  that I list in my call to action. Measures that we  
834.48 -> can take to help move the needle on this disease  that seems intractable, but actually can be really  
842.8 -> impacted upon with some pretty simple measures. >> Jerome, you know, we're in the midst of a  
848.56 -> pandemic, we're in the midst  of a presidential election,  
854.72 -> how do you make sure this doesn't get lost? I  can say that JAMA will work hard to make sure  
861.76 -> that hypertension stays on the front  page, but how do we make sure it doesn't  
866.48 -> get lost as an important national priority? >> Well, we have to link it to things that people  
874.64 -> care about. So, while people are talking about  Covid, we've got to help them understand,  
879.92 -> if you care about Covid and complications  from Covid, you need to care about high blood  
884.88 -> pressure. It's women's health month in October  and just as a -- I'll give you a sneak peak,  
891.2 -> I'm putting out the second call to action  during my 10 year as Surgeon General in a  
896.32 -> little bit and that will be on maternal health,  highlighting the fact that hundreds of women die,  
901.2 -> thousands of women are harmed every single year  around the time of childbirth, but 60% of those  
909.84 -> deaths are preventable. But guess what, about --  a significant proportion of them are related to  
917.36 -> uncontrolled and sometimes unrecognized high  blood pressure. I'm also putting out a report  
922.64 -> on community health and economic prosperity  helping businesses understand the impact. And  
927.28 -> it seems odd for a Surgeon General to report, but  highlighted in this is really an entire section  
933.84 -> for employers talking about the economic impact.  $10 billion. As we look to recover from what has  
940.96 -> been an unprecedented economic insult on our  nation, we need to help people understand that,  
945.6 -> look, simple measures to control your employee's  blood pressure will help provide more income,  
951.44 -> more money, more resiliency for your workplace. >> one of the findings in the Mutner paper,  
958.4 -> besides the differences by race and  socioeconomic status and it's confounded,  
964.32 -> individuals who did not have  a regular source of care,  
968.08 -> their control rate for hypertension  was about 10%. It was remarkably low.  
974.56 -> How do we get to ensure that every single person  in the United States has a regular source of care?  
981.68 -> How do we get there? We're now at about 35  million people who lack health insurance,  
987.36 -> that number may grow, it depends upon what  happens with Medicaid, but how do we insure  
991.76 -> that everyone has a regular source of care? >> Well, you know as well as I do that no other  
998.48 -> system in the world is set up like the United  States where such a high proportion of people  
1003.12 -> have their healthcare coverage and access tied  to their place of employment or their status  
1010.16 -> of employment. I think one of the things we  need to do is really take a fundamental look  
1016.96 -> at that system and figure out how we can provide  supports for people that are available regardless  
1023.44 -> of where you're working or whom you're working  for. And I think we need to help people understand  
1029.04 -> that that will in turn tie to our ability  to be economically competitive as a country.  
1035.92 -> What I call the US health disadvantage is the  fact that the US spends more money on healthcare  
1040.8 -> than any other country, but gets some pretty  abysmal results relative to many of our peers.  
1046.24 -> Most people think that, okay, well, that's a  personal problem, that's an individual problem.  
1050.24 -> No, it's not, because the number two  expense for Fortune 500 companies  
1053.68 -> out there and for most businesses is  healthcare, workforce, productivity,  
1059.12 -> absenteeism, all impacted. And, so, we need to  help people understand that coverage, access to  
1065.52 -> high quality affordable care, regardless of the  vehicle you choose is important, but there's some  
1070.88 -> few other key things. I want people to know that  there are federally qualified health centers.  
1074.76 -> >> Yes. >> some of our best kept secrets  
1077.2 -> out there, but also some of the best actors in  terms of controlling high blood pressure and  
1083.44 -> high risk communities. Just because you don't  have a job or you don't currently have coverage  
1088.32 -> doesn't mean that you should ignore your blood  pressure. Go to your state or local department  
1092.48 -> of health website and use them as a connector  to find out where the resources are in your  
1097.92 -> community for free care or low cost care. >> Yeah, before I came to Chicago for JAMA I  
1107.68 -> was in Boston and for many years I worked at the  Dorchester House, which was a community health  
1113.68 -> center. And it changed, when I first started a  lot of the people were from Ireland. Then there  
1121.84 -> was a large influx of people from -- who were  African American. And then as I was leaving it  
1128.72 -> had become much more dominated by people who from  Vietnam and Cambodia. It was just striking to see,  
1135.28 -> but it was a community health center.  Do you think we need to be more creative  
1140.32 -> in trying to use unrecognized places where people  who are at high risk go, churches, you know,  
1149.2 -> there's kind of an interesting barber shops paper  last year, bodegas, to try to get -- to mobilize  
1158 -> individuals to get diagnosed or to talk about  hypertension? Do you think we need to raise the  
1163.44 -> conversation about it in different communities? >> We absolutely do and here's something that you  
1170.96 -> I know have talked about before too. We need to  help people understand how and when and where and  
1178 -> why to know their numbers and understand what  those numbers mean. Current cutoff we're using  
1183.52 -> are a systolic of 130 and a diastolic of 80.  But that is just the first step. If you don't  
1190.8 -> connect people to care after they get a reading  of hypertension, then it's for naught and we call  
1199.52 -> this the health fair paradox. Lots of people go to  health fairs and they get a screening, but if it's  
1206.32 -> not connected to a follow-up action, then they'll  go every single year to that same health fair,  
1211.92 -> they'll get their screening and they'll continue  to know that they had high blood pressure and  
1216.4 -> continue to not have it actually improved upon.  So we need to create those opportunities in the  
1223.36 -> community, but then connect people to care.  And as you mentioned, bodegas, barber shops,  
1230.08 -> CVS and Walgreens and pharmacies and grocery  stores, these are all interventions we can use.  
1235.76 -> We can use promontories and community health  workers and one of the things I highlight in  
1241.28 -> here is that hypertension control needs to be  a team based, community based effort. It's not  
1246.24 -> all in the physician, because again you're just  getting a snapshot at a single point in time. But  
1250.96 -> there are many other touch points in the community  where we can reinforce positive behaviors,  
1255.12 -> again like healthy eating and activity where we  can help people know their numbers and understand  
1260.72 -> their numbers and educate them. But then we  need to make sure there's that transition to  
1265.6 -> a care provider, so that if people actually need  blood pressure medications, that they can get them  
1270.88 -> prescribed and someone can follow up on them. >> Last question, I know you have other groups  
1277.12 -> to talk with. Do you have partners in this  initiative? It's always hard to go it alone,  
1282.96 -> but do you have other partners, professional  societies, professional groups, other people  
1288.64 -> that will champion this over the long run? >> Well I absolutely do, Howard and one of  
1294.08 -> those partners, I consider a  partner, is you and JAMA.  
1297.84 -> >> Thank you. >> You all have done some great work in this space  
1300.64 -> and I just want to applaud you for lifting this  up in the midst of a pandemic, because, again,  
1306.08 -> that urgency, that urgency is what we've  been lacking. But people need to understand  
1311.04 -> the magnitude of the problem and institutions  like JAMA can help spread the word that, hey,  
1318.8 -> this is just a big of a killer as Covid. But we're  also working with the American Heart Association,  
1323.92 -> the American Medical Association,  the National Medical Association,  
1327.44 -> which is a group of black doctors and an  association of black cardiologists.  
1330.72 -> >> Right, right. >> These are great partners out there.  
1332.96 -> One more I want to mention is the APHA, and ASTO,  because we need to take a public health approach  
1338.16 -> and get upstream, we're not going to treat our  way out of this without recognizing that there  
1343.2 -> are upstream factors and community factors that  come to play. But also churches, as you mentioned,  
1348.4 -> and employers. Again, this is a team effort,  but together we've got this. And I want people  
1353.92 -> to go to, check out my call to  action, but there are links to other resources and  
1360.96 -> make knowing your own personal numbers a priority,  because that's the start. One in two adults have  
1366.56 -> high blood pressure, so look around you the next  time you're in a room, if there's two people in  
1371.12 -> the room, one of the two of you all likely has  high blood pressure. If there's four people, two  
1375.28 -> of you have high blood pressure. Start by knowing  your numbers and using it as an opportunity to  
1380.24 -> have a conversation with your health provider  and everyone else around you about how we can  
1385.68 -> move our nation towards health and away from  this epidemic of uncontrolled blood pressure.  
1390 -> >> I hope I can have you back following Paul  Mutner's update of his data in five years  
1398.16 -> and that number of 45% would be 75% or 80%. As  I said, to me the Mutner piece represented just  
1408.88 -> a dramatic failure of the US healthcare system  over something we can diagnose and we can treat  
1414.8 -> and has just a remarkably long-term  consequences for human health.  
1419.28 -> >> Well, you change outcomes for individuals  one person at a time, but you change trends,  
1426.72 -> you change systems by working on a broader level.  And that's what this call to action is about,  
1432.32 -> giving the individuals the tool they need, because  I don't want any individual person to suffer from  
1437.92 -> preventable complications due to high blood  pressure, but it also talks about the systemic  
1442.32 -> changes that need to happen if we really want to  change the narrative here. But I'm optimistic,  
1448.16 -> I'm convinced we can, we have the tools, we  have the partners, we have the opportunity  
1454.56 -> and the wind in our sails that Covid has presented  with everyone talking about some of these complex  
1460.4 -> issues, we just need to have the will to make it  happen. And I appreciate you giving me the time to  
1466.08 -> talk a little bit about this. you can hear the  passion in my voice, because this has impacted  
1470.88 -> my family and I feel that, again, if we can move  it even -- I know you say to get it up to 75, 80%  
1477.44 -> and that's my goal too, but if we can even move  it 1 to 2, 3 to 4% in the next couple of months  
1485.44 -> or even years, that's thousands, that's  thousands. Tens of thousands of lives saved. So  
1492 -> just do what you can. Read my call to action,  look at the sector guides, do what you can and,  
1499.04 -> again, that will save lives. >> This is Howard Bauchner,  
1502.64 -> editor and chief of JAMA. This has been  conversations with Dr. Bauchner and I've  
1506.4 -> been joined by the 20th Surgeon General of the  United States, Vice Admiral Jerome Adams who,  
1512.08 -> along with Janet Right, has written a Viewpoint  that's being released simultaneously with this  
1518.32 -> discussion entitled, The National Commitment to  Improve the Care of Patients with Hypertension in  
1523.52 -> the United States. Jerome, thank you so much  for joining me and please stay healthy.  
1527.84 -> >> Thank you. Any time, Howard. >> Be well.
