Animal Foods CONCLUSIVELY Cause Heart Disease - New Data Reveals!

Animal Foods CONCLUSIVELY Cause Heart Disease - New Data Reveals!

Animal Foods CONCLUSIVELY Cause Heart Disease - New Data Reveals!

Klaus from Plant Based News speaks to cardiologist Joel Kahn, MD about the new publication in the reputable Cochrane library about the relationship between dietary saturated fat and cardiovascular health.

The paper can be found here:

Joel Kahn’s website:

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0 -> Klauss there's been so much confusion
1.829 -> and fighting and misinformation that the
4.95 -> public has no idea what to eat anymore
7.2 -> and at least in the last decade the most
9.66 -> dangerous figure in that confusion has
12.21 -> been Nina chuckles and her book the big
14.58 -> fat surprise it is no surprise to us
17.88 -> that new the science that it's wrong and
20.07 -> now confirmed by the best database there
22.769 -> is her book as harm people and we need
26.34 -> to call her out for it don't stroke on
31.26 -> thank you so much for doing this what is
33.69 -> the big breaking news this week
36.3 -> yeah Klaus the breaking news is a decade
39.54 -> of fighting a decade of debating a
41.91 -> decade of appearing on Joe Rogan for
44.37 -> four hours and talking about saturated
46.77 -> fat saturated fat saturated fat
48.68 -> everybody's confused the big breaking
51.6 -> news is that's over the most respected
54.39 -> the most esteemed research group in the
57.149 -> world the Cochrane Database has
59.219 -> concluded what we knew long ago excess
62.399 -> saturated fat in the diet will increase
64.92 -> your risk of dying of the number one
66.57 -> cause in the United States in Britain in
69.54 -> the Western world heart attacks strokes
71.84 -> aneurysms we don't need to die of those
74.82 -> deaths mm-hmm and can you just talk a
77.28 -> little bit more about the study what
79.29 -> does it show you how many scientific
81.36 -> papers did it review and yeah we could
83.7 -> just talk about some of the specifics
85.02 -> that'd be really great well this new
87.54 -> super review by the Cochrane Database
90 -> was so respected worldwide for their
93.06 -> ability to pick only the highest quality
94.829 -> research projects and incorporate them
97.68 -> in their analysis you know they looked
99.6 -> at 16 of the best studies fifty nine
102.75 -> thousand people very detailed
105.27 -> information about their diet some had
108.36 -> high saturated fat diets by design of
111.6 -> the study so I'm head low saturated fat
113.61 -> diets more meat more butter more cheese
115.799 -> less meat less butter less cheese at the
118.35 -> end of the day they found that within
120.45 -> two years we can enjoy a 21 percent
123.68 -> reduction in our risk of heart attack
126.45 -> stroke a congestive heart failure dying
129.119 -> of heart disease and if we do more than
131.58 -> the average if we change our diet
133.819 -> more than just average so there's
135.499 -> essentially no meat butter cheese turkey
140.51 -> and pork well it's even bigger results
143.389 -> so they throughout the week studies they
146.09 -> throughout the tainted studies they
148.37 -> throughout the studies that were
149.569 -> conflicted by funding from industry
151.7 -> because the dairy industry has done a
154.31 -> very big job of funding a lot of these
156.769 -> studies that led to confusion they only
159.379 -> incorporated the highest quality study
161.299 -> and that's what we need
162.26 -> trusted comments trusted science and the
165.769 -> conclusion is clear we're done you know
167.989 -> the big fat war is over how do you think
170.93 -> this new data will change the the card
174.829 -> guidelines versus the dietary guidelines
176.06 -> and the information put out by the
178.099 -> powers that be about nutrition and
179.9 -> health in the United States were just
182.359 -> coming up to the next cycle of the USDA
185.829 -> guidelines on food and that's a very
188.75 -> long process with initially a committee
191.48 -> making recommendations and then the full
194.51 -> panel approving there's already been a
196.879 -> movement before this new major study
198.949 -> came out to propose to the USDA that
201.949 -> foods like bacon salami pepperoni be
205.519 -> labeled as cancer-causing foods based on
208.609 -> the analysis that's gone on since at
211.04 -> least 2015 and really has not been
214.459 -> questioned or second-guessed it's the
217.37 -> real data that bacon can lead to a risk
220.609 -> of colorectal cancer and other foods
222.949 -> don't it's the process meats but now we
225.53 -> have ammunition to go to the USDA and
229.489 -> ask them can we incorporate there are
232.97 -> ready recommendations that you limit
235.22 -> saturated fat in the diet they have a
238.519 -> comment in the current guidelines in the
240.59 -> United States as little cholesterol as
242.93 -> possible and I believe it's less than 7%
245.87 -> of the calories in the diet should be
248.209 -> from saturated fat now with this new big
250.879 -> Cochrane Database study we need to go
253.34 -> back when there's hearings and an
255.049 -> opportunity for appearance's at Congress
257.93 -> to call for even tighter recommended
260.93 -> reductions because that does translate
262.729 -> to school meals and institutional meals
266.479 -> and
267.47 -> others that are spent in this country
269.12 -> and more beans will be bought in less
271.22 -> beef and more water will be bought
273.8 -> unless full fat dairy and you know
277.04 -> there'll be more salads and less cheese
278.84 -> because that's how the dollars are spent
280.94 -> based on these guidelines so we need to
283.28 -> get politically active and demonstrate
286.07 -> that this confusion that you've seen in
288.44 -> front of the USDA in Congress in the
290.69 -> United States is all been a charade and
293.9 -> the science is very clear and strong hmm
297.23 -> and before we talk about the sources of
299.12 -> misinformation and maybe disinformation
302.14 -> can you just talk a little bit about the
304.4 -> background in the story of saturated fat
306.56 -> you seem to be a bit of an expert on
308.33 -> this topic yes you know when there began
312.68 -> to be a real rise in the rate of heart
314.84 -> attacks in the 1940s after World War two
317.6 -> people came back smokers people came
319.64 -> back eating rich meals we soon had
322.19 -> drive-ins and fast food restaurants
324.2 -> number a heart attack started to
326 -> skyrocket and our government in the
328.43 -> United States started funding projects
330.62 -> like the Framingham study and the
333.32 -> Minnesota epidemiology study soon it
336.89 -> became apparent diet and heart were
339.32 -> related that was a whole new hypothesis
341.3 -> in the early 1950s and it focused more
344.66 -> and more on a war between was it
347.06 -> saturated fat that's again butter cheese
349.82 -> meat was it sugar and the overwhelming
352.55 -> data actually was excess of either our
355.13 -> not good for you but it was a saturated
357.59 -> fat that directly led to your
359.479 -> cholesterol going up that could directly
361.76 -> lead to arterial blockage heart attack
364.28 -> stroke aneurysm loss of a leg erectile
367.4 -> dysfunction and such and you know it
370.64 -> went to the point that there were what
372.26 -> are called metabolic Ward studies take
374.51 -> people and put them in a scientific
376.49 -> study for eight weeks where they eat
378.44 -> only the food you give them at the
380.24 -> National Institutes of Health there's a
382.16 -> very famous equation more saturated fat
384.62 -> in the diet higher your cholesterol will
387.05 -> be it's very predictable and that led to
390.169 -> you know governmental recommendations
392.24 -> around the world every guideline around
394.91 -> the world whether we're looking at
396.44 -> Canada Australia England or any other
400.099 -> you know health or
401.169 -> to society including the United States
403.9 -> have said over and over reduce saturated
406.36 -> fat reduce saturated fat because there
408.58 -> actually have been more than 300 studies
411.159 -> in metabolic wards that confirm this
414.099 -> relationship eat more cheese butter and
416.86 -> meats you'll see your cholesterol go up
418.659 -> and if you wait 10 years heart attack
421.18 -> stroke aneurysms are concerned so now we
424.12 -> have some clarity that that was the true
427.3 -> science that was the true message and
430.539 -> it's never possible to get every study
432.49 -> consistent in line but with this high
435.039 -> quality review we know that the best
437.83 -> data should guide you to eat from the
440.409 -> beautiful rainbow colored plant you know
442.87 -> dish that we all recognize as the
445.33 -> science definitely and can you talk
447.789 -> about some of the sources of
449.77 -> misinformation some of the kind of
451.27 -> leading sources of corruption that have
453.49 -> led to people being confused about
455.919 -> saturated fat and thinking yes it's
457.659 -> really really healthy so we've gotten
459.639 -> confused you know we've had no major
462.069 -> magazines Time magazine butters back New
465.069 -> York Times butter is healthy and it
467.949 -> reads like a spy novel in late 2008 in
471.729 -> Mexico City
472.99 -> the international dairy community got
475.839 -> together and they struggled with the
478.33 -> issue the public's getting smart they're
480.729 -> buying soy milk instead of cow milk what
482.979 -> are we gonna do about this they actually
484.539 -> published these notes this isn't
486.219 -> speculation they said we're gonna find
488.529 -> researchers and influencers that'll
490.749 -> start praising dairy and high fat dairy
493.419 -> and butter and cheese and such that was
496.27 -> 2008 2010 a papers published that
499.749 -> challenges saturated fat and heart
501.819 -> disease the senior author is funded by
504.46 -> the dairy industry nobody paid attention
506.979 -> to that the headlines were all over the
509.319 -> world questions come up about many
512.169 -> decades of research maybe saturated fat
514.599 -> isn't bad for you second paper gets
517.149 -> published like that these research
518.56 -> papers were widely criticized but once
521.139 -> the news is out and once there's
523 -> confusion the media likes clickbait
525.579 -> headlines that challenge the
527.26 -> conventional norm and then there's Time
529.449 -> magazine and then there's Nina cycles
531.64 -> the big fat surprise there's money in
534.399 -> the Dare
534.99 -> industry there's money in the beef
536.76 -> industry there's the famous beef
539.55 -> checkoff program where the government of
542.07 -> the United States provides dollars
544.08 -> promoting cheese and beef and pays for
547.02 -> some of the advertising a research
549.899 -> article just a couple weeks ago that
552 -> suggested meat was an important
553.86 -> component of the diet you go to the very
556.05 -> end of the study you see that it was
557.64 -> funded by the beef checkoff program that
560.82 -> our government pays for so that is the
563.339 -> back story that there's been a concerted
566.279 -> effort you know between the milk got
568.86 -> milk mustache campaign between the idea
571.709 -> that chocolate milk was good for
573.18 -> athletes and you see signs in high
575.13 -> school gyms so the children get
578.19 -> increasingly focused on the idea that
580.41 -> milk is necessary when the real science
583.23 -> hadn't changed it was just a struggling
585.81 -> industry striving to confuse the public
589.11 -> like the tobacco industry did so well
591.69 -> for decades but ultimately the real
593.85 -> truth comes out and this Cochrane
596.1 -> Database indicates that that was just a
599.31 -> unfortunate and costly and costly in
601.829 -> terminal lives kind of path that we took
604.17 -> for a decade but it's time to you know
606.959 -> squash the Hat and clarify for the
610.17 -> public
610.77 -> I hope the headlines through plant-based
613.56 -> news and other outlets will be as big
615.39 -> and bold as the butter was back headline
617.579 -> because that's what we need to catch you
619.77 -> know the community's imagination and
621.779 -> attention and if you had to pick one
624.06 -> person he is kind of the most dangerous
626.85 -> he's kind of one person is push this
629.19 -> high fat saturated fat is healthy
631.16 -> narrative over the years who would it be
633.39 -> if he had to pick one person you know
635.01 -> there's been a whole cast of characters
636.959 -> as led to this confusion for the past
639.27 -> ten years but I would put the head
642.18 -> character as Nina ty Cole's
644.339 -> because she had been researching a book
646.829 -> for number of years that came out in
648.45 -> 2014 the big fat surprise encouraging
652.709 -> people to eat meat and cheese and butter
655.68 -> and ridiculed the scientists who've been
659.1 -> working for decades on identifying a
661.98 -> very sophisticated studies of saturated
663.75 -> fat from animal products was an issue
665.91 -> she completely discounted all their
668.22 -> research
668.71 -> without doing any of her own but because
671.71 -> of her upbeat personality and a real
674.95 -> concerted media effort that book won
677.5 -> awards year after year it was praised in
681.34 -> medical journals a non peer-reviewed
684.45 -> trade book praised by The Lancet out of
688.09 -> London one of the most esteemed you know
690.46 -> medical journals as a breakthrough book
692.94 -> and it was so frustrated many of us and
697 -> she would be on TV shows and talk shows
699.19 -> and would be standing in front of
701.29 -> counters full of red meat and you know
703.99 -> indicating this is where people should
705.67 -> be eating you know and people rallied
707.8 -> around or dr. Malhotra and Gary Taubes
710.68 -> and some of the luminaries that you know
713.29 -> all of a sudden the message is getting
715.39 -> out to hundreds of thousands and
717.07 -> millions of people had that not happened
719.14 -> at that book the big fat surprise not
721.87 -> distorted the science had it not won
725.32 -> those awards had she not been on the
727.12 -> talk shows rallied around by other
729.31 -> people with the ability to reach a lot
731.44 -> of people I think you know the one
733.33 -> covered Time magazine would have faded
735.16 -> but she sort of stoked the fire over and
738.43 -> over which is why the book the big fat
741.34 -> surprise the surprises her science was
743.74 -> never right and surprises the science
746.83 -> over the last five or six decades was
749.35 -> spot on right from the 1950s cut back
752.86 -> cut out meat cheese butter pork turkey
756.33 -> chicken and enjoyed plants and what do
760.87 -> you think of somebody that I think
762.7 -> spearheading the movement in a way some
764.68 -> in the UK he's cooked up the scene
766.21 -> Malhotra he's from London and is very
768.7 -> very well boy you can eat abated him in
770.11 -> 2016
771.1 -> do you give any credibility to the ideas
773.47 -> that the heap is forward and what do you
775 -> think of him dr. Malhotra and I have
777.7 -> very similar training he trained as an
779.77 -> interventional cardiologist in London I
782.17 -> did the same across the United States
784.03 -> and in Detroit Michigan we both have a
787.03 -> platform for health but he chose to
790.18 -> focus on the controversy of which there
793.84 -> isn't but the controversy that saturated
796.09 -> fat butter cheese and meats may actually
799.09 -> be advantageous for your heart health
801.08 -> completely in the face of decades of
803.92 -> good science he did know science himself
806.99 -> and I think he did a lot of harm a lot
809.45 -> of damage we debated for years ago he's
812.63 -> very good in front of the camera he has
815.63 -> a great James Bond accent that plays
819.62 -> well in the United States he's well
822.41 -> spoken and educated it's just a message
824.99 -> is wrong we happen by coincidence to
828.8 -> both have been in a little town in Italy
831.079 -> it's called P o P it's a town of 300
833.3 -> it's only famous because that's where
835.85 -> dr. Ansell Keys American researcher
838.459 -> lived every winter for 40 years and
840.86 -> there's a museum honoring the
842.6 -> Mediterranean diet in theo p that's why
844.579 -> I went there it's a beautiful coastal
846.89 -> town south of Naples he went there for a
849.74 -> week I went there for a day his book
852.41 -> claims that based on one week in a town
855.2 -> of 300 he's got a program for everybody
858.26 -> everywhere and surprise butter cheese
860.72 -> eggs meat poultry all should be added to
865.31 -> your diet it couldn't be wrong
869 -> more wrong it couldn't be more distorted
871.339 -> it couldn't be more manipulated no fan
874.79 -> this new review clearly confirms that
879.14 -> this was you know just black magic it
882.829 -> wasn't science and I hope that he'll
885.95 -> pursue the message he has to reduce
888.38 -> added sugar and processed foods in the
891.05 -> diet
891.529 -> we all agree great platform but stop
894.56 -> encouraging people to add butter meat
896.779 -> eggs cheese and poultry to their diet
901.56 -> [Music]
