¿Qué es la hipertensión?

¿Qué es la hipertensión?

¿Qué es la hipertensión?

El día de hoy revisamos a la asesina silenciosa, la hipertensión, te contamos a quién le da, qué consecuencias puede tener en la salud y cómo evitarla.

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7.62 -> What is hypertension?
10.18 -> For our organs to work, we need to make sure they receive enough blood with nutrients
15.58 -> Such as oxygen, protein and glucose
18.8 -> To do this, our body has a special pipeline system called 'arteries' and 'veins'
23.12 -> And a special bomb, called the 'heart'
25.62 -> This creates a cycle, which is repeated a lot in our lives
29.06 -> The heart fills itself with blood with each beat, pulling the blood from veins, and pushing it back through the arteries
37.2 -> And each beat must be strong enough, to send blood to every corner of our body
41.24 -> The strength with which blood travels through our body is called 'Blood Pressure'
46.8 -> The problem starts when the system no longer works adequately
50.34 -> So the strength with which blood travels through the arteries can increase considerably
54.38 -> This is what we call 'Hypertension'
57.3 -> This excessive pressure, harms the artery wall causing arteries to either be blocked or break
62.54 -> And in advanced phases, it causes blood to stop circulating and hence, our organs stop working
68.14 -> We can divide our blood pressure in two components
71.48 -> The first one is the max pressure, this is the strength with which the heart pushes blood through the arteries
77 -> It is known as 'Systolic Blood Pressure'
79.98 -> We also have the min blood pressure, which is the impulse blood has when the heart isn't beating
85.78 -> This is known as 'Diastolic Blood Pressure'
89.56 -> An adequate blood pressure should be under 120 Systolic mmHg, and under 80 Diastolic mmHg
95.88 -> When we have 121-139 Systolic mmHg, or 81-89 Diastolic mmHg, we have 'Prehypertension'
104.4 -> 140-159 Systolic mmHg, or 90-99 Diastolic mmHg, we have 'Hypertension Stage 1'
110.42 -> And 160+ Systolic mmHg, 100+ Diastolic mmHg, we have 'Severe Hypertension'
116.52 -> The higher the blood pressure, and the longer it remains that high, the bigger the damage to the organs
123.36 -> The main organs affected by this disease are the kidneys, causing renal insufficiency
128.64 -> The eyes, causing blindness; the limbs' blood vessels, causing chronic pain and weakness
134.34 -> And it can even keep blood from reaching the heart and the brain
137.76 -> Causing strokes, which can be fatal
141.6 -> This disease is caused by overweight and obesity, consumption of tobacco and alcohol
147.82 -> Excessive salt consumption, lack of exercise and ageing
152.86 -> Since we can't feel our blood pressure, it can be years before we notice any symptoms
158.04 -> We can have dangerously high levels of blood pressure, and not get headaches, nor dizziness, nor anything
164.6 -> Which is why it's so important to go for a check-up every 6 months, even if we don't feel anything
170.54 -> This check-up involves having your blood pressure checked by a professional
174.9 -> Or with an electronic device, in case you can't go to the doctor's office
180.1 -> The most important thing to do in order to control our blood pressure, and avoid hypertension
185.52 -> Is to have a healthy weight, limit our alcohol consumption to less than 30ml a day
191.02 -> Completely avoid tobacco, consume less than 3.4g of sodium a day, and do at least 30 mins of exercise
198.06 -> At least 5 days a week
200.02 -> It's equally important to follow your doctor's instructions, and to take your prescription as instructed
207.64 -> And watch out for other factors that could cause or worsen hypertension
211.72 -> Such as high cholesterol or diabetes
217 -> By following these indications, your arteries and your heart will thank you and will live happily for many years
228.04 -> This video was made by Sinapsis EMP along with the animation team, PlayProducciones
232.5 -> Thanks to the valuable support from our Patreon followers
235.2 -> If you want us to create more and better content, you can support us on this platform as well
240.28 -> Help us change the world. Share the information

Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZMUP8VQvAuE