Healthy Body Yoga - Yoga With Adriene
Aug 18, 2023
Healthy Body Yoga - Yoga With Adriene
Use this 20 min full body yoga session to establish a regular home yoga practice that serves! Healthy Body Yoga cultivates a strong and healthy body while inviting you to go inward and connect to what feels good. Tap into core, open the hips, create stability, and grow your practice. If you want to look good and feel good, you have to tend to all parts. When you feel good, you look good. A workout you can ENJOY! Let me know how it goes down below! - - - - - - - - - - ❤️ WELCOME to the Yoga With Adriene YouTube channel! Our mission is to connect as many people as possible through high-quality free yoga videos. We welcome all levels, all bodies, all genders, all souls! SUBSCRIBE to the channel and join our global movement! ❤️ … - - - - - - - - - - Yoga With Adriene, LLC recommends that you consult your physician regarding the applicability of any recommendations and follow all safety instructions before beginning any exercise program. When participating in any exercise or exercise program, there is the possibility of physical injury. If you engage in this exercise or exercise program, you agree that you do so at your own risk, are voluntarily participating in these activities, and assume all risk of injury to yourself.
0 -> - Hey everyone and
welcome to Yoga With Adriene.
1.967 -> I am Adriene, and
today we have an awesome
3.957 -> healthy body yoga for you.
6.228 -> This practice is
designed to inspire you
8.634 -> to cultivate a regular daily
practice to help you feel good.
13.431 -> So hop into something
comfy, and let's get started.
16.559 -> (upbeat music)
27.106 -> Alrighty, my friends,
we're going to begin
28.899 -> on all fours today,
so take your time
32.236 -> getting down to the
ground, and right away
35.322 -> just set yourself
up for greatness here.
37.129 -> So we have a
pretty swift practice
39.201 -> but we're gonna be
really kind in the way that
41.412 -> we set ourselves up
and the way that we move,
44.123 -> wrists underneath the shoulders,
45.958 -> knees right
underneath the hip points,
48.168 -> then really press
into all of your fingers
51.547 -> and try to take some
weight out of the wrist
53.632 -> from the get go.
56.942 -> So just give a couple of
moments to get into place here
59.904 -> and to just drop
into the present.
62.573 -> Notice how you feel
mentally and emotionally
66.494 -> as we begin to check in
with the body physically.
70.122 -> So happy and healthy body,
73.731 -> a happy and healthy
yoga body is one that is
77.485 -> united, right, yoga, union.
80.154 -> So this trinity, this
three part of the mind,
83.365 -> the body, and the
spirit being tended to
86.16 -> is where the happy and
the healthy truly come from.
89.079 -> So set yourself
up for greatness,
90.623 -> hopefully you're here by now.
91.957 -> We're just gonna make
sure that the toes aren't
93.417 -> splaying out or
coming in, but again,
96.003 -> lot of awareness in how
we set ourselves up today,
99.395 -> so bring the toes in
alignment with the ankles
104.024 -> and the ankles in
alignment with your knees.
107.194 -> Now from here you
might start to notice
109.154 -> a little tremble on
the arms, especially
110.781 -> if you're not used
to be on all fours.
113.367 -> Hey yo, couldn't resist.
115.786 -> So, right away, just take
some weight out of your joints
118.872 -> by lifting your heart space
up towards the sky even more.
123.085 -> So everyone can even
collapse a little bit here
125.254 -> in the shoulders
so you can really feel
127.089 -> that pressing
away from the yoga mat.
129.508 -> Then same thing
with the lower body,
131.343 -> lengthen the tailbone
towards the back of your mat
135.014 -> and draw the navel up.
137.878 -> I said draw, Texas, Texas
gal came through their draw,
141.757 -> draw the navel up.
143.258 -> So if you need to kind of
figure out what I'm saying
145.095 -> look at me and
I'll demo for a second.
147.304 -> If the belly is
dropping here, create length
149.598 -> in the lower back by
lengthening the tail.
152.017 -> Now we're just
gonna rock front and back
153.56 -> a little bit here nice and slow,
156.23 -> stretching through the hands,
158.19 -> pressing into
the tops of the feet,
160.192 -> and as you do this just see
if you can keep this awareness
163.278 -> from the crown to the tail,
165.531 -> so this line of the spine,
nice and long and lengthened.
171.528 -> So we're tending
to the spine today
174.49 -> as a way of really committing to
179.078 -> this feeling of
happy and healthy,
181.33 -> when the spine is
tended to so many things
184.041 -> can fall into
alignment, physically,
187.918 -> which will help the way you feel
189.92 -> mentally and energetically.
193.535 -> Alright, come all the
way up, tabletop position,
196.038 -> check in with your spine
again by lifting the navel up,
198.832 -> lengthening the
crown of the head forward,
201.669 -> then tug the shoulders
back a little bit more
203.963 -> and when you're ready,
205.089 -> inhale, drop the belly,
open the chest, Cow Pose.
209.677 -> Now take a
couple of breaths here,
211.178 -> stretch through the neck,
press in the tops of the feet,
215.015 -> start to deepen your breath,
connect to the life force,
219.395 -> feel the belly stretch.
222.396 -> And then on your next exhale,
claw through the fingertips
225.357 -> and let that be what
really lifts your heart space,
228.944 -> up, up, up, up, up,
up, up, for Cat Pose.
232.114 -> Couple of breaths here,
soft easy movement if you like.
235.617 -> Chin to chest, breathe.
243.262 -> And then on your next inhale
back to tabletop position,
247.224 -> curl the toes under,
and send the hips
249.935 -> back towards the heels.
251.478 -> Walk your hands out, so
we're coming off the wrist
253.647 -> for a second here,
and melt your heart down.
257.526 -> So we're stretching
through the feet,
260.446 -> opening through the chest,
262.656 -> starting to open up
through the shoulders,
264.575 -> and maybe the forehead comes
all the way down to the mat,
267.119 -> and if not that's okay, breathe.
274.678 -> For me the practice
of surrender is also what
279.099 -> cultivates a happy,
healthy body, so sometimes
281.352 -> we get really
stuck on it being like
284.034 -> about cardio, and
fitness, and toning,
287.997 -> and building strength,
and we need to remember
290.29 -> it's also very powerful
to just surrender, be still,
294.336 -> so take a couple more quiet
breaths here, close your eyes.
306.615 -> Notice how you feel today.
311.273 -> And really be honest,
313.734 -> notice the
thoughts that come up.
319.004 -> And then return back to
the breath, big inhale in,
322.925 -> exhale to press into the toes,
324.76 -> lift your heart, your
belly all the way back up.
327.763 -> Here we go, lifting the hips
up high, Downward Facing Dog,
331.016 -> immediately find soft,
easy movement,
334.436 -> stretching through
the backs of the legs,
336.856 -> hugging the lower ribs in,
339.441 -> finding that external
rotation of the shoulders out,
342.611 -> then maybe playing with
bringing the big toes inward,
345.447 -> finding that internal rotation
of the legs, the hip socket.
353.964 -> And when you're ready,
press into every finger,
357.301 -> anchor through the
heels and bend the knees,
359.386 -> belly reaches towards
the tops of the thighs here,
361.68 -> breathe deep,
364.504 -> and then when you're
ready a big exhale to cue
367.424 -> your slow walk up to
the front of the mat.
370.844 -> Forward Fold is
where we will meet.
373.347 -> Take your time,
really feel it out.
381.21 -> Start to elongate
your inhalations,
383.921 -> make them longer,
smoother, bigger, fuller.
388.3 -> And elongate,
lengthen your exhales,
391.929 -> really emptying, emptying,
emptying, emptying out
395.849 -> all of the air so that
your next inhale is just
398.769 -> naturally big and
buoyant and beautiful.
407.524 -> Awesome, shake the head,
a little yes, a little no.
411.653 -> And really root
down through your feet,
413.363 -> feel that connection,
415.908 -> and when you're ready roll it
all the way up to Mountain,
419.119 -> see how slow you can go.
429.379 -> Stack your head over your heart,
431.799 -> your heart over your
pelvis, and right away
433.634 -> go ahead and open up
through the palms today,
435.719 -> and as you open up
through the arms and the palms
438.055 -> really allow the shoulder
blade to really wrap around
442.059 -> and plug in
behind your heart space,
444.728 -> just best you
can visualize that.
446.939 -> So, again, we're kind
of coming out of our shells
449.149 -> a little bit here today
and finding head over heart,
452.361 -> heart over pelvis,
plugging the shoulder blades in
456.115 -> as you lift up
through the chest.
460.062 -> Feel this upward current of
energy through the front body
462.981 -> and then balance it out by
464.14 -> grounding down
through the heels.
468.87 -> So we have this
full body awareness
471.081 -> rocking and rolling today,
or that's the goal.
473.709 -> When you're ready, big inhale
to softly bend the knees
476.795 -> and inhale, reach
the fingertips up high,
479.464 -> so we're not
locking in the knees,
481.174 -> and then exhale, just Forward
Fold all the way back down.
485.804 -> Then on an inhale, take the
crown of the head forward,
489.766 -> lift your spine up halfway,
arms go back, airplane arms,
494.313 -> spread energy
through the fingertips here,
496.815 -> and then exhale,
cascading it down.
499.609 -> Inhale, root to rise,
so really feel your feet here
502.612 -> as you reach for the sky,
stand up nice and tall,
506.616 -> and exhale all the
way down, Forward Fold.
511.513 -> On the inhale,
halfway lift, airplane arms,
514.391 -> take the crown of the head out
forward, tail reaches back,
518.562 -> and then exhale, fold.
521.29 -> Start to sync up
with your breath,
522.958 -> really sync up with your breath.
524.376 -> Inhale, reach for the sky,
527.769 -> and exhale,
rain it down, Forward Fold.
531.315 -> Now, remember that
tabletop position here,
533.066 -> as you inhale, halfway lift,
hug the lower ribs in,
536.195 -> draw the navel up,
again, lift up between
538.53 -> your shoulder blades,
heart space lifting,
540.908 -> and then exhale, fold.
543.118 -> Awesome work.
544.369 -> This time we'll bring
the fingertips to the mat,
546.872 -> we're gonna step
the right foot back
548.749 -> and then lower
the right knee down.
551.21 -> Inhale, plug the
shoulder blades in again
553.253 -> by wrapping them around,
555.339 -> lifting up between
your heart space,
557.257 -> and inhale, lift your
heart over the palms,
560.052 -> upward current of
energy through the front body
562.179 -> and grounding
through the back body.
564.264 -> Squeeze the inner thighs
together, one more breath here,
566.475 -> inhale,
567.851 -> then exhale, release.
570.103 -> Plant the palms, left knee
comes back to join the right,
573.357 -> we come back to
that tabletop position.
576.818 -> Now find that danda,
crown to tail, nice and long,
581.49 -> taut line in the spine,
super aware.
585.867 -> And when you're ready,
send the right leg out
587.744 -> and send the left arm forward.
590.664 -> And find a little balance,
or work to find balance
593.5 -> in-between as you lift
up in the navel, and then
596.795 -> lift up in the heart,
so just like we did before.
599.298 -> Turn the left thumb up as if
you're shaking someone's hand,
602.259 -> and turn all
the right toes down.
604.511 -> One more deep breath in here,
606.513 -> then exhale, release.
608.14 -> Beautiful.
609.141 -> Curl the toes under,
lift your hips up high,
612.102 -> Downward Facing Dog.
614.271 -> Deep breath in,
616.845 -> long luscious breath out.
620.047 -> Enjoy.
621.973 -> Alright, step the
right foot up this time
623.892 -> and lower the left knee down.
626.269 -> Take your time,
there's never any rush here.
628.48 -> Find your alignment.
630.399 -> Make sure that
front knee is not going
632.025 -> super past that front ankle,
but rather nice and stacked
634.945 -> in the bones.
636.923 -> When you are ready,
loop the shoulders in,
639.301 -> inhale, open the palms,
lift up from the pelvic floor
641.803 -> a little bit here, again,
find length in the front body,
644.723 -> think Cow Pose, and
ground through the back body,
648.435 -> lengthen down through the tail.
651.146 -> Keep breathing here,
squeeze and lift,
653.064 -> inner thighs hugging
towards the midline,
655.117 -> take one more breath, maybe
open your heart a little more,
659.654 -> and then exhale, release.
661.573 -> Hands come to the mat,
right knee comes back,
664.326 -> tabletop position.
665.994 -> So each time we come
here you have an opportunity
667.954 -> to check in with the
spine, make sure there's
670.123 -> lots of awareness, so
no collapsing the shoulders
673.043 -> and no dumping through
the lower belly, but rather
675.295 -> gathering that energy up,
finding support from within.
679.549 -> We'll test that out by
sending the left leg back,
682.795 -> right arm forward.
685.517 -> Right thumb up, again, as if
you're shaking someone's hand,
687.978 -> plug that shoulder in, and
then turn those left toes down,
691.815 -> work to find a
balance and equilibrium here
695.318 -> and use your breath to find
what feels good in the process.
700.031 -> We're toning the belly here,
toning the legs, the glute,
703.952 -> that booty, but we're
working from a place
706.58 -> of awareness in the spine.
709.958 -> So working in a supportive way,
710.966 -> take one more deep breath in,
713.223 -> and then exhale,
release everything down,
715.572 -> curl the toes under,
and lift the hips up high,
718.784 -> Downward Facing Dog,
couple of breaths here.
722.204 -> Careful not to
crash into the wrists,
724.331 -> so bend the knees
as much as you need
726.083 -> to lift the hips
up high and back.
740.525 -> On your next inhale
741.485 -> take the deepest
breath you've taken all day,
744.988 -> and then on the exhale just
walk the hands and the feet
747.574 -> in towards the middle together,
749.743 -> so you'll meet in the
middle of your yoga mat.
753.538 -> And then one more time,
inhale, halfway lift,
755.791 -> moving with the breath,
fingertips back, airplane arms,
761.011 -> and exhale,
release everything down.
764.723 -> Inhale to reach for the sky,
really press into your feet,
767.1 -> maximize the stretch here,
notice what it feels like
769.352 -> to be alive today,
enjoy, enjoy, enjoy,
773.064 -> and then exhale,
hands right to your heart.
777.984 -> Palms are together
in prayer position,
781.288 -> and just find a little
lift up through the chest,
783.475 -> sternum to thumbs.
786.963 -> Take a moment to
observe the breath,
789.382 -> notice how you feel,
you might close your eyes,
791.593 -> just kind of go in
where the help, so just
795.222 -> take a moment
to close your eyes,
799.388 -> and really see, and feel
804.998 -> what's up.
810.097 -> Alright, bat the eyelashes open,
811.681 -> took everything in my
power to not start singing
814.226 -> "What's Up" by
4 Non Blondes there.
816.478 -> Okay, so we're gonna
take the feet super wide here,
818.73 -> we're almost done,
great work everyone.
820.579 -> I'd like to invite
you to deepen your breath,
822.609 -> longer, fuller inhales,
824.486 -> longer, fuller exhales.
827.434 -> So we literally change the
chemical makeup of the body
830.145 -> when we remember to
breathe in a strong powerful way
834.566 -> on the yoga mat,
and off the yoga mat.
837.444 -> Turn the two big toes in,
839.905 -> hands maybe still
at the heart here.
841.99 -> So you're gonna inhale, find
length, and just feel the power
844.951 -> as you press into the
outer edges of the feet,
847.787 -> and we kind of draw
energy up from the arches,
850.415 -> and we're playing so with this
852.375 -> lift up through the front and
this grounding in the back.
858.938 -> Business in the front,
party in the back.
861.533 -> So we're not just
dumping into our feet,
862.867 -> there's lots of energy,
and you kind of feel
864.619 -> a little empowerment, I mean,
take what you can get, right?
867.413 -> As you tone the
quads and lift up
869.832 -> it's a very much
of a power pose here.
872.502 -> So we'll swim the fingertips
around when you're ready,
874.42 -> interlace behind the tail.
876.422 -> If you can bring the
palms together, awesome,
878.216 -> that's what
we're working towards
879.592 -> 'cause we wanna create
more spaciousness, of course,
881.553 -> but if we're not there
you can just keep the wrists
883.805 -> nice and square.
885.431 -> Inhale, lift your heart.
Think upward current of energy
889.31 -> through the front,
grounding through the back.
892.438 -> The knuckles draw
down and away here,
894.072 -> you get a nice
stretch through the neck,
896.658 -> through the chest, the pecs,
898.868 -> and then just like we
did in tabletop position
900.537 -> try to keep the navel
drawing in and up here,
902.664 -> we call this
Urianabunda, this navel lock
905.417 -> to support the lower back body
908.003 -> as we slowly begin to
take the heart forward.
911.506 -> Soft bend in the knees here,
912.882 -> we're still drawing
up through the arches,
914.467 -> pressing through the
outer edges of the feet.
917.596 -> You might find
that you get this far
919.264 -> and your body is saying, beep,
beep, stop, stop the car,
922.475 -> in which case you
might release your fingertips
924.227 -> and work here, or bring up lock,
or maybe your couch is near
927.421 -> or a chair, if you can
continue the journey down,
931.539 -> explore that,
soft bend in the knees,
934.625 -> and we take the head
underneath the heart here.
939.012 -> If the crown of the head can
come to the Earth, awesome,
941.849 -> we'll work on that,
and if not don't worry.
944.935 -> Accept where you are today.
948.79 -> Now you gotta
bring the breath here,
950.166 -> big inhale in,
952.487 -> long breath out.
954.614 -> To come out of the pose,
press into the feet,
957.158 -> connect to your center,
958.785 -> inhale, rise up, check
in with that halfway point,
961.997 -> deep breath in, and then
exhale all the way back down
966.501 -> with the knuckles, sorry,
lift up through the heart.
970.38 -> Inhale, and exhale,
relax the shoulder.
974.426 -> Keep the fingertips interlaced,
976.052 -> we're gonna turn
the left toes out,
977.721 -> right toes are
already turned in.
979.889 -> We maybe step our
back foot up a little bit
982.559 -> depending on the
length of your legs,
984.185 -> and we're gonna
bend the front knee,
985.562 -> draw the navel in
and up, Humble Warrior.
987.606 -> Inhale, same action of
this upward current of energy
991.526 -> through the front body, this
anchoring through the back body
994.571 -> and then keep the root of
this posture in that back foot
997.49 -> as you slowly send
your heart forward,
1000.368 -> and you might just
pause here, hovering,
1002.245 -> working on strength,
hugging the lower ribs in,
1004.914 -> or maybe you take it all the
way down, Humble Warrior.
1007.959 -> Opening through
the hips, pressing into
1010.587 -> the knife edge
of that back foot,
1012.422 -> and releasing the
crown towards the ground.
1016.801 -> Lift up from the pelvic
floor here, you got this,
1019.137 -> big breath in, then use
the power of that back leg
1022.641 -> to rise up strong,
bold, calm, and in control.
1027.956 -> Right away into the
next beat, left toes turn in,
1031.041 -> feel the blood flow,
opposite direction,
1033.086 -> right toes turn out,
front knee over front ankle.
1035.63 -> Find that Urianabunda here,
that support for the lower back.
1039.425 -> And then when you're
ready, inhale, lift the heart,
1041.177 -> find length,
and exhale, bowing towards
1043.972 -> the front left
corner of your mat.
1047.35 -> And then maybe we
pause here, don't cheat here,
1050.812 -> don't cheat yourself,
you got this,
1052.313 -> find support from within,
you don't need to dump weight
1054.983 -> into that right thigh,
but keep it lifted,
1058.445 -> and then if you wanna
continue the journey down,
1060.405 -> maybe you do, crown of the
head at some point reaching
1063.785 -> maybe towards the Earth.
Press into the knife,
1066.453 -> into the back foot,
breathe deep here,
1069.205 -> inhale in.
1072.181 -> To come out of the pose,
exhale, ground through
1074.322 -> that back heel, outer
edge of that back foot.
1076.477 -> Keep the left inner thigh
engaged, and rise up strong.
1081.414 -> Yeah, baby.
1083.083 -> Right toes turn in,
1085.377 -> left toes stay turned in,
1087.462 -> so we come back to
this standing wide legged.
1089.506 -> And then check it out,
don't release your arms yet,
1091.174 -> I know they're
talking to you, inhale in,
1093.927 -> exhale, release the fingertips
left to right, Star Pose.
1099.01 -> Should feel awesome.
1100.446 -> Thumbs go up, we
inhale big, x shape here.
1103.95 -> So x marks the spot
here as so you spread,
1107.578 -> maybe there's a
slight back bend here
1109.33 -> as you lift the
heart up, take up space.
1113.418 -> So I love that quote,
paraphrasing, but it's like,
1116.421 -> who do you serve?
1118.094 -> You don't serve anyone
or anything by being small.
1121.142 -> So take this big power pose
here, this is our final posture,
1124.599 -> and just own it
here for three breaths,
1127.218 -> even if you feel like a fool,
1129.721 -> be a fool, happy fool.
1134.013 -> Inhaling in,
1136.601 -> and exhaling maybe
out through the mouth.
1140.814 -> Inhale in,
1143.893 -> let me hear you.
(exhales loudly)
1146.688 -> One more, send it
all the way to Texas,
1148.439 -> inhale. (exhales loudly)
1152.739 -> Awesome, slowly
release the arms down,
1154.991 -> pay attention
to this transition.
1157.243 -> Alright, then gently
walk the feet together,
1159.621 -> head over heart,
heart over pelvis, one last time.
1162.707 -> Palms come together,
Anjeleyvudra, prayer position.
1166.753 -> Soft gaze here
or close your eyes,
1171.975 -> and take a really honest
to God moment to just
1175.228 -> notice how you feel.
1179.766 -> To receive this information,
1182.852 -> and then you can use it.
1184.354 -> You can use this
awareness to help guide
1187.357 -> the rest of your day,
and you can compare notes
1190.36 -> the next time you
return to this practice
1192.946 -> which is designed
to help you commit
1195.406 -> to something regularly.
1197.676 -> So that you can
be happy and healthy,
1201.975 -> in body, but in
mind and spirit.
1205.687 -> Because if you
feel good, you look good.
1208.523 -> If you wanna have a good body
or to feel good in your body
1210.692 -> you gotta tend to all parts.
1213.987 -> Thank you for sharing your
time and your energy with me.
1217.073 -> And with the Yoga
With Adriene community.
1218.667 -> We'll bring the
thumbs up to the third eye,
1220.91 -> take a deep breath in,
1223.329 -> and exhale, bow head to heart.
1229.385 -> Namaste.
1230.771 -> (upbeat music)