Coronary Artery Disease
Coronary Artery Disease
2.27 -> this is a presentation on coronary
5.549 -> artery disease by myself
7.74 -> Kevin Castro so what is coronary artery
13.17 -> disease coronary artery disease is a
16.379 -> condition caused by the accumulation of
18.9 -> plaque in the arteries that supply blood
21 -> to heart another contributing factor is
25.019 -> a floor sclerosis which is the hardening
28.26 -> of the arteries caused by consuming
30.179 -> high-fat foods that increase LDL
33.3 -> cholesterol elevated blood pressure and
36.329 -> not meeting daily caloric expenditure
38.719 -> can also have chronic degenerative
41.67 -> effects on an arteries unfortunately
48.539 -> there are very few signs that are a
50.85 -> clear indicator of coronary artery
53.25 -> disease coronary artery disease as a
56.25 -> precursor to a heart attack which is a
58.77 -> complete occlusion of the coronary
61.109 -> artery signs include sweating and an
64.26 -> elevated heart rate the most common
66.689 -> symptom is angina which can be described
69.42 -> as tightness beneath the sternum other
72.09 -> common symptoms and males and females
74.61 -> are fatigue dizziness and nausea
82.17 -> there are a few ways to diagnose
84.97 -> coronary artery disease and that
87.61 -> includes doing a blood draw to measure
89.74 -> cholesterol levels in the blood a
92.13 -> coronary angiography where they insert a
95.44 -> catheter and use a special dive to
97.69 -> observe perfusion of the blood on an
99.85 -> x-ray machine and taking an X an EKG to
104.65 -> observe the heart's contractions an EKG
111.55 -> of someone with coronary artery disease
114.16 -> will present different from a normal
116.35 -> healthy heart their EKG and will have
119.29 -> changes to the ST segment and to the T
122.05 -> wave the ST segment will be elevated or
125.44 -> depressed in relation to the PR segment
128.26 -> the T waves may diminish and appear flat
131.53 -> or even be inverted these changes need
134.86 -> to be noticed by a cardiologist to make
137.2 -> a decision on what's best for the
138.97 -> patient's health moving forward
149.16 -> you
153.27 -> treatment at the onset of coronary
156.069 -> artery disease can be managed with
157.959 -> lifestyle changes but moderate and
160.27 -> severe occlusions may require medication
163.12 -> to prevent the progression of coronary
165.43 -> artery disease medications can help to
168.76 -> improve blood flow to the heart and
170.74 -> prevent the heart from working harder
173.35 -> than it needs to complete blockages may
176.29 -> require an operation such as an
178.51 -> angioplasty and prevent leaks of
180.61 -> coronary artery disease compromise life
188.52 -> cessation of smoking will help improve
190.959 -> artery elasticity which helps to reduce
193.989 -> blood pressure and the build-up of
196.06 -> plaque getting enough cardiovascular
198.88 -> exercise each week is important to
201.4 -> maintaining a healthy heart and living a
204.19 -> longer life a diet low in fats and high
207.459 -> in protein will help reduce fat
209.68 -> circulating in the blood which also
212.38 -> leads to plaque buildup
213.82 -> lastly maintaining a healthy body weight
216.579 -> will ensure the heart does not have to
218.769 -> work harder than it needs to if you are
220.87 -> carrying more mass than necessary
225.93 -> overall prevention is the best medicine
228.459 -> and modifying your lifestyle to reduce
231.459 -> the risk of coronary artery disease will
234.31 -> help you do
242.2 -> you
Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zH4wnXqIs0k