#TomorrowsDiscoveries: Connecting Heart Failure and Arrhythmias—Dr. Mark Anderson
#TomorrowsDiscoveries: Connecting Heart Failure and Arrhythmias—Dr. Mark Anderson
#TomorrowsDiscoveries: Heart failure means that the heart is unable to pump enough blood, while heart arrhythmias occur when the heart’s electrical system is disorganized. Dr. Anderson and his team want to understand why heart failure and heart arrhythmias often happen together—and how both can be better prevented. Learn more at: http://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/Resear…
0 -> [MUSIC]
9.298 -> Heart disease is the major cause
of death in the developed world.
13.39 -> When heart muscle is unable
to pump enough blood,
16.686 -> the result is heart failure.
18.65 -> And arrhythmias occur when
the heart's electrical system
21.238 -> becomes disorganized.
23.41 -> Heart failure and arrhythmias
lead to enormous suffering,
26.45 -> premature death, and cost.
28.71 -> Unfortunately, we are so
far unable to prevent and
31.9 -> adequately treat them.
33.87 -> Surprisingly, it is not
certain why arrhythmias and
36.55 -> heart failure occur together.
38.68 -> Our laboratory discovered that
a particular type of protein,
42.52 -> an enzyme called CaM kinase
II is abnormally activated in
46.66 -> heart failure and arrhythmias.
49.15 -> We are investigating
new ways for
51.552 -> regulating CaM kinase II with
the goal of understanding how
55.842 -> CaM kinase II contributes to
heart and other diseases.
59.899 -> We hypothesize that CaM kinase
II hyperactivation is one
63.33 -> important reason heart failure
and arrhythmias happen together.
68.28 -> And that by better understanding
CaM kinase II, we will
71.864 -> contribute to new and successful
therapies in cardiovascular and
76.137 -> perhaps other diseases.
77.827 -> [MUSIC]
Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zG-5ZEFSlEc