What are the signs and symptoms of pulmonary hypertension?

What are the signs and symptoms of pulmonary hypertension?

What are the signs and symptoms of pulmonary hypertension?

Do you struggle to catch your breath during day-to-day activities? You might be suffering from pulmonary hypertension. Listen as Manica Isiguzo, MD explains the signs and symptoms of this disease and learn more by visiting https://sahealth.com/heart


0.24 -> people may not experience their first
2.08 -> symptom of pulmonary hypertension
4.08 -> until the disease has progressed along
7.279 -> one of the first symptoms that people
9.28 -> notice is shortness of breath
11.44 -> with their day-to-day activities as the
14.16 -> disease progresses
15.44 -> the shortness of breath can keep getting
17.359 -> worse and they can get to the point
19.199 -> where they're short of breath with even
20.72 -> the most minimal of activities
22.72 -> the other symptoms that patients can
25.439 -> experience
26.24 -> as the disease progresses are feeling of
29.359 -> their heart racing feeling dizzy even
32.239 -> passing out sometimes
34.079 -> uh patients with pulmonary hypertension
36.079 -> can present with chest pain
38.48 -> we always consider chest pain to be
40.559 -> angina and get a heart checkup when
42.64 -> indeed that chest pain might just be
45.12 -> pulmonary hypertension as the disease
48 -> further progresses and the right side of
49.76 -> the heart starts failing
51.68 -> people can start experiencing signs and
53.52 -> symptoms of heart failure
55.199 -> so they'll notice swelling in their
57.199 -> ankles swelling around their legs
59.28 -> swelling in their abdomen so those are
61.44 -> some of the things
62.8 -> that patients can present with with
64.479 -> pulmonary hypertension

Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZdmpGo9xuEk