Researchers reveal new possible treatment option for heart failure
Researchers reveal new possible treatment option for heart failure
A hormone that stimulates appetite may help people with heart failure which is a potentially dangerous condition that affects over six million Americans.
0 -> Betty we'll topping our Healthcare today
2.28 -> a hormone that stimulates our appetite
4.56 -> it may also help people with heart
6.359 -> failure which is a potentially dangerous
8.099 -> condition that affects more than 6
10.019 -> million Americans every year
11.4 -> cardiologist Dr Leonard pianco says a
14.519 -> recent study published in the European
16.26 -> heart Journal found a hormone called
18.359 -> Greenland improves cardiac function in
20.939 -> people with chronic heart failure we're
23.52 -> all very interested in hunger hormones
25.08 -> and there's so much discussion now about
27.18 -> obesity drugs but we found that hunger
30.48 -> hormones really work on the entire body
32.52 -> and by making the heart stronger and
36.12 -> better it can help people lose weight
37.68 -> and function better and get rid of the
39.54 -> fluid so it has some interesting
40.98 -> ramifications
42.66 -> so the doctor goes on to say the study
44.52 -> found no adverse effects from greylin
47.28 -> which was administered by an IV to heart
49.32 -> failure patients in a very small
51.32 -> placebo-controlled double-blind study
53.64 -> somewhere to come on that one and when
55.5 -> it comes to preventing dementia some
57.18 -> studies are now suggesting that dietary
59.16 -> magnesium is linked to better brain
61.739 -> function a recent study followed a
64.14 -> thousand middle-aged adults for 17 years
66.36 -> and found that those taking the highest
68.34 -> levels of magnesium had a 37 percent
71.1 -> lower risk of developing dementia
73.32 -> compared to those who took the least
75.06 -> amount for the research could help lead
77.159 -> to preventive strategies for dementia
79.68 -> and also similar to other social media
82.439 -> platforms new research shows that
84.42 -> Tick-Tock could also be affecting the
86.52 -> well-being of our teenage girls the
88.979 -> recent report found that nearly half of
90.78 -> teen girls on Tick Tock feel addicted to
93.72 -> the app and say they use it longer than
95.759 -> they really want to they also reported
97.86 -> spending over two and a half hours a day
100.02 -> on the app more than any other platform
102.18 -> we researchers found that those most
104.1 -> vulnerable to the downsides of social
105.78 -> media were those with symptoms of
107.759 -> depression
Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zcn3yLf61g0