Weightlifting Or Running? Research Shows Clear Winner In Reducing Risk Of Heart Disease

Weightlifting Or Running? Research Shows Clear Winner In Reducing Risk Of Heart Disease

Weightlifting Or Running? Research Shows Clear Winner In Reducing Risk Of Heart Disease

Greg Argos reports.


0.03 -> well wouldn't hit the gym you probably
1.77 -> stick to the same workout right and some
3.72 -> like cardio others like weightlifting
6.029 -> but one of those workouts apparently
8.22 -> benefits your heart more and it might
10.53 -> not be what you think Greg Carlos is
12.09 -> here now to explain and you ki you may
13.889 -> think running a marathon or taking a
15.78 -> power walk is one of the healthiest
17.64 -> options for staying in shape and though
19.32 -> experts say both are great for your
21.42 -> health new research shows resistance
23.519 -> training working out by lifting weights
25.56 -> for example could be even more
27.72 -> beneficial weight or pounding the pain
32.55 -> everybody has a different preference on
35.13 -> how they like to stay in shape push-ups
37.559 -> sit-ups and running I walk a lot and I
39.899 -> walk really fast I lift weights and I
43.14 -> play some rugby as well I work with
44.78 -> three-year-olds but which is better
47.91 -> new research released earlier this month
49.829 -> by the American College of Cardiology
51.379 -> found strength training may be more
54.059 -> effective than cardiovascular exercise
56.579 -> at reducing the risk of heart disease
58.62 -> actually better for it essentially that
61.62 -> Olympic powerclean could be even
64.199 -> healthier than that 5k Rock I feel more
67.549 -> exhausted after a run that supposing
70.02 -> that we ran 2 or 3 minutes to clean and
72.24 -> jerks any exercise and all exercise is
74.25 -> good but Jorge guarulhos a personal
76.29 -> trainer and owner of CrossFit 2 street
78.299 -> and pence fort told me what sets
80.13 -> resistance training apart is what
82.2 -> happens after the workout is done a type
84.99 -> of resistance training is gonna allow
86.159 -> you to burn more calories post-workout
88.11 -> so you're actually working when you're
90.39 -> done the exercise routine burning
92.97 -> calories at night that's because your
94.68 -> metabolism is in overdrive rebuilding
97.38 -> muscles that were used during the
98.909 -> workout people deadlift I'm just like
100.74 -> not for me and you don't have to be an
103.259 -> extreme bodybuilder or Olympic lifter
105.57 -> rulest says even using your own body
108.299 -> weight is beneficial we can do air
110.22 -> squats we can do push-ups we can do
111.6 -> things like that burpees you know that's
113.49 -> still resistance training because you're
114.78 -> fighting against gravity necessarily and
116.67 -> plus your body weight the study also
118.17 -> found strength training led to a 30 to
120.63 -> 70 percent lower rate of cardiovascular
123.24 -> disease regardless of
124.86 -> gender or age resistance trainers gonna
126.66 -> fight osteoporosis it's going to help
129.03 -> keep your muscle tone and muscle mass
130.77 -> that you need as you get older so next
132.36 -> time you're waiting at the gym for an
134.1 -> open treadmill maybe walk on over to the
136.71 -> free weights and give your health the
138.87 -> lift
140.18 -> now if you're interested in doing more
142.5 -> resistance training Carrillo says play
144.21 -> it safe make sure you're following a
145.95 -> structured workout and don't try an
147.54 -> Olympic deadlift right away he says it
149.91 -> could be better to start with some body
151.29 -> resistance exercises like burpees or
153.57 -> pull-ups don't start lifts putting you
155.34 -> know 200 pounds on the rack no I do use
161.61 -> a resistance bands oh that's it just as
163.739 -> good nice and light there you go

Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z9K-_IrDstg