Personality Changes After Stroke

Personality Changes After Stroke

Personality Changes After Stroke

Personality refers to specific patterns of behavior, thinking and emotions. After a stroke your personality can change and vary greatly, depending on what part of the brain is affected and the severity of the injury. Personality changes may upset survivors and caregivers, and often negatively influence a person’s quality of life. Post-stroke personality changes are challenging, but rehabilitation and therapy can help improve your recovery.


4.08 -> A stroke changes life for the survivor and everyone involved, not only do
10.41 -> survivors experience physical changes, but many experience personality changes.
15.93 -> Personality refers to specific patterns of behavior, thinking and emotions.
21.54 -> Your personality can change and vary greatly after stroke, depending on
25.74 -> what part of the brain is affected and the severity of the injury.
29.534 -> Personality changes may upset survivors and caregivers, and often negatively
34.754 -> influence a person's quality of life.
37.665 -> Common personality changes may include impulsiveness, apathy, pseudobulbar affect
45.045 -> depression, anxiety, anger, irritability, and aggression, confusion,
52.905 -> and denial, forgetfulness and fatigue.
58.05 -> Let's learn more about each of these personality changes.
62.55 -> Stroke survivors may be unable to control their anger or become irritable.
67.86 -> For example, they can easily anger at a family member over a trivial matter.
73.68 -> In some cases, survivors can show aggressive behaviors, including hitting
77.82 -> or hurting others, kicking, biting, grabbing, pushing, or throwing objects.
84.75 -> In addition, their verbal behavior may include cursing, screaming,
89.46 -> making noises or hostile muttering.
92.52 -> This personality change is present in 15 to 35% of stroke survivors.
98.61 -> Depression is a common and serious complication after a stroke experienced
103.74 -> by about 30% of stroke survivors.
106.8 -> Depression can occur right away, months or even years after a stroke.
112.59 -> Symptoms of depression may include fatigue, apathy, loss of interest
117.96 -> and decreased concentration.
120.36 -> Memory loss is caused by the damage of nerve cells in the brain.
124.44 -> Each side of the brain controls different functions.
127.65 -> A stroke on one side of the brain will cause separate problems than
131.13 -> the stroke on the other side, this means that memory loss will not be
135.72 -> the same for each stroke survivor.
138.435 -> Two types of memory that can be affected by stroke include verbal
142.065 -> and visual memory, memories of names, stories, and information
147.315 -> having to do with words is known as verbal memory.
150.525 -> Memories of faces, shapes, groups and things seen is known as visual memory.
157.35 -> About 20% of stroke survivors experience anxiety at some point after stroke.
163.23 -> Anxiety is closely associated with depression.
166.739 -> Signs of anxiety may include excessive worry, extreme or unreasonable fear,
174.209 -> difficulty managing daily tasks, heart palpitations, and shortness of
179.399 -> breath and feeling of losing control.
183.704 -> Other times anxiety can express itself through isolation from family
188.415 -> and friends and avoiding activities.
191.715 -> Apathy following stroke is estimated in 20 to 25% of survivors.
197.055 -> It's often associated with depression and problems with thinking.
201.075 -> Survivors who suffer from apathy tend to have a harder
204.015 -> time recovering after stroke.
206.565 -> Pseudobulbar affect or PBA is a medical condition that causes
211.454 -> sudden and unpredictable episodes of crying or laughing, often in
216.615 -> socially inappropriate situations.
219.825 -> Occurrence of PBA has been reported in 6 to 34% of stroke survivors,
225.385 -> and it's more common in women.
227.954 -> PBA may have a negative impact on a stroke survivors relationships leading to
232.905 -> isolation, intense depression and anxiety.
237.644 -> Impulsiveness is described as the inability to think ahead
241.035 -> or understand consequences.
243.464 -> It's more common in stroke survivors with right side or a frontal lobe stroke.
248.894 -> Post-stroke fatigue affects 23 to 75% of stroke survivors.
254.265 -> Symptoms of fatigue may include exhaustion, weariness, and lack of energy.
262.455 -> It's not uncommon for survivors to experience all of these personality
266.265 -> changes screening for and identifying emotional behavioral and cognitive
272.445 -> changes after stroke is important because they are often treatable.
277.094 -> Proper management may also improve survivors quality of life.
281.695 -> However, these conditions are not always apparent and often go unnoticed
286.365 -> even by healthcare professionals.
289.545 -> For depression and anxiety, one of the best treatments is
293.025 -> counseling or therapy with a licensed mental health professional.
297.315 -> Family members should encourage their loved ones to get assessed.
301.505 -> To restore functioning and independence
303.78 -> after stroke rehabilitation therapy can be beneficial.
308.04 -> It can improve the survivor's quality of life and help them participate in society.
313.2 -> For example, some therapies can help the survivor practice skills
317.22 -> over and over so they can improve.
320.7 -> Other therapies will provide survivors with alternative approaches
324.06 -> for completing daily activities
326.1 -> despite cognitive loss.
327.99 -> This can include the use of assistive devices that help with speech,
333.51 -> tactics for remembering your grocery list and calendar and memory tools.
339.42 -> Stroke survivors can also benefit from cognitive behavioral therapy.
344.13 -> This treatment helps the survivor examine relationships between
347.73 -> thoughts, feelings, and behavior.
350.73 -> Post-stroke personality changes are challenging, but rehabilitation and
355.59 -> therapy can help improve your recovery.
358.98 -> Focus on what you can do, use your mind and body as much as you can.
364.17 -> And remember that most things improve over time.
367.5 -> Surround yourself with family and friends who love and encourage you.
372.15 -> It will be easier to stay motivated and inspired to work
375.6 -> towards your greater independence.
