Can Stress Cause High Blood Pressure?
Can Stress Cause High Blood Pressure?
Get the Highest Quality Electrolyte https://euvexia.com . Learn how stress can cause high blood pressure and what you can do to lower your high blood pressure. High blood pressure caused by stress or anxiety can be reversed with natural techniques to lower your high pressure and improve your health. A doctor told someone that she had high blood pressure also known as hypertension because of stress. Dr Ekberg explains why high blood pressure is related to stress, what stress is, how to reduce stress, and how stress and high blood pressure is related.
Learn how to relieve stress and how to reduce stress so you won’t have high blood pressure spikes. The video has tips on how to reduce your stress and anxiety naturally so you can heal and be healthy. Don’t let heart disease or hypertension take over your health, take action and lower blood pressure naturally.
I got a question here and she said that the cardiologist said that her (heart) piping her (heart) plumbing was all fine but that stress was causing the problem. And yes that is true but we need to understand more about what stress is stress is not just having too much to do and not enough time that is indeed stress but stress is anything that can interfere with the body anything that can activate or over activate the sympathetic nervous system and anything that prevents that nervous system from finding the natural balance so again for getting rid of stress is not the solution because the world is still going to be there. We can’t turn the world off. What we can do we can some what… we can selectively reduce stress by changing our lifestyle a little bit but more than that what we really want to do is help the body deal with the stress better it’s a physiological problem in addition to just the emotional stress so people think of stress and they say oh yeah I have too much to do but it’s it’s the emotional stress and the chemical stress and the structural stress it all interferes and then we do something else in this office that takes a little more explaining but it’s it’s basically about how the autonomic nervous system how flexible and how good is it and regulating does it tend to get stuck or is it confused and all of those factors can involve those stressors that we mentioned the scars and the metals and so on so yes stress is a big problem it is often the initiator but we can’t just look at that and ignore all the other things.
Subscribe now and get the latest cutting edge health information on nutrition, weight loss, what to eat, recipes and other health tips that really work. Dr. Ekberg is a former Olympic Decathlete, Chiropractic doctor, and lecturer.
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Wellness For Life
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Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YRUhyQsZh9s