CCK CAVC Case Win: Earlier Effective Date for Veteran's Heart Disease

CCK CAVC Case Win: Earlier Effective Date for Veteran's Heart Disease

CCK CAVC Case Win: Earlier Effective Date for Veteran's Heart Disease

This Vietnam veteran sought CCK’s help in securing an earlier effective date for his service-connected coronary artery disease (CAD). After being exposed to Agent Orange and other toxic herbicides during his service, the veteran was diagnosed with CAD. When the Board of Veterans Appeals denied his claim for an earlier effective date, the veteran came to CCK. Tune in to learn more about how we argued this case, the CAVC appeal process, and the outcome.

Learn more about the effects of Agent Orange exposure:

VA Ratings for Heart Disease:

Why Hire CCK for Your VA Disability Appeal?

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0:00 Introduction
0:25 Background of the Case: Vietnam, Agent Orange
1:02 Veteran Files Initial VA Claim
1:53 Veteran Appeals Effective Date for Heart Condition to Board of Veterans’ Appeals (BVA)
2:52 CCK Takes Case to Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims (CAVC)
3:50 Court Agrees with CCK’s Argument for Earlier Effective Date


0.24 -> foreign
13.22 -> [Music]  
14.22 -> case win for a veteran seeking an earlier  effective date for his service-connected  
22.32 -> coronary artery disease or CAD this veteran served  on active duty from 1969 until 1971 and again from  
30.36 -> 1972 until 1975 earning the Vietnam service medal  and the Vietnam campaign medal because he served  
37.92 -> in Vietnam he was exposed to herbicides or  agent orange and was later diagnosed with  
43.02 -> coronary artery disease or CAD in 2004. VA added  ischemic heart diseases which includes CAD to the  
51.6 -> list of diseases entitled to presumptive service  connection based on herbicide exposure in 2010.  
58.26 -> in June 2015 this veteran filed for an initial  claim for VA disability compensation based on  
64.8 -> several conditions and explicitly on his form  he identified hypertension stroke and diabetes  
71.52 -> shortly after though he submitted a statement  that discussed his CAD diagnosis and pointed  
77.22 -> VA to look for additional medical records  that diagnosed cats he did not put cat on  
82.8 -> the claim form even though regulations at the  time required the use of a form to file a claim  
88.68 -> while VA was developing the claims for  hypertension stroke and diabetes the comp and  
94.26 -> Pen examiner's diagnosis veteran with cat again  and so VA then gave him a cad specific CMT exam  
102.06 -> this veteran then filed a new claim for disability  compensation based on a heart condition which was  
107.52 -> granted and awarded an effective date in December  2017 when he filed that new claim but the veteran  
114.72 -> felt that he was entitled to an even earlier  effective date for his heart condition based on  
119.64 -> the 2015 claim that he filed listing hypertension  diabetes and stroke so he filed a notice of  
126.24 -> disagreement which appealed the reigning decision  that gave him only a December 2017 effective date  
132.18 -> VA actually did move the effective date a little  bit earlier based on that appeal to December 2016  
138.42 -> but the veteran continued his appeal arguing that  he was entitled to the 2015 date ultimately the  
147.6 -> board denied the earlier effective date so did not  put the effective date any earlier than December  
153 -> 2016 because the veteran didn't list coronary  artery disease on that claim form and as Caitlyn  
161.1 -> just said it is a requirement that when you file a  new claim you must file it and on a VA claim form  
169.8 -> so cck took the case to court and actually  represented the veteran below at the board  
176.76 -> as well and argued that the 2015 claim  form listing hypertension diabetes in  
183.3 -> stroke actually included a claim for coronary  artery disease even though that diagnosis was  
190.08 -> an explicitly listed on the form and we made  this argument based on the statements that the  
196.08 -> veterans submitted shortly after submitting that  2015 claim form that made clear that it was his  
201.9 -> reasonable expectation that VA would also look  at the potential connection between his coronary  
207.72 -> artery disease and his service specifically  he described his coronary artery disease as an  
215.64 -> issue issue associated with the explicitly claimed  conditions of diabetes stroke and hypertension and  
222.66 -> directed VA to evidence showing that he had  been diagnosed with coronary artery disease
230.22 -> so when the case got to court the court actually  did a board inadequately considered our arguments  
236.76 -> deliberately construed a veterans pleading  because when the board considered the veterans  
241.74 -> claim it looked only to whether his claim form  his ssoc or his nod mentioned cat but didn't  
249.12 -> address as whether the other information that  was submitted by the veteran or obtained by the  
254.16 -> secretary included any conditions encompassed  by the claims that he included on the form  
259.38 -> nor did the board consider whether or not the  symptoms of the claimed conditions overlapped  
264.54 -> with the symptoms of CAD or whether they were part  of the same body system the court determined that  
270.12 -> the board aired in failing to address our argument  that the 2015 claim remained remained pending and  
275.94 -> unadjudicated because evidence establishing a cad  diagnosis was received while the 2015 claim was  
282.12 -> pending and ultimately here the court set aside  the board's decision to deny an earlier effective  
288 -> date and remanded the case back down to the board  and now of course on remand is veteran will be  
293.34 -> able to submit additional arguments and evidence  as Allowed by law which the board must consider
301.74 -> Amy do we have any final thoughts on this case  is are there any takeaways that veterans at home  
307.2 -> could take from this yeah I think the biggest  takeaway is that it's really important to list  
312.84 -> everything on that claims form even if it seems  pretty obvious to you that VA should be making the  
319.14 -> connection between the list a condition that you  have identified on the form and another condition  
323.94 -> make sure you're listing that this veteran  has now had to fight VA for years trying to  
329.7 -> get that earlier effective date and this problem  could have been avoided entirely if he had just  
334.68 -> listed CAD on on the form I absolutely agree  Amy thanks everyone for watching be sure to  
342.66 -> subscribe to our channel for more case wins  and other veteran related content [Music]
