Officials suspend and will fire Philly officer who shot and killed man | NBC10 Philadelphia

Officials suspend and will fire Philly officer who shot and killed man | NBC10 Philadelphia

Officials suspend and will fire Philly officer who shot and killed man | NBC10 Philadelphia

Philadelphia police officer Mark Dial, who was captured on video shooting and killing 27-year-old Eddie Jose Irizarry in Kensington, has been suspended with the intent to dismiss after 30 days. Philadelphia Police Commissioner Danielle Outlaw made the announcement during a press conference Wednesday afternoon.

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1.879 -> NBC 10 breaking news
5 -> city leaders in Philadelphia have an
8.04 -> update on a deadly police shooting in
9.66 -> Kensington after an officer opened fire
11.58 -> and killed a 27-year-old man last week
13.92 -> Police Commissioner Danielle Outlaw and
16.08 -> mayor Jim Kenney are there and we are
18.24 -> expecting to hear from them let's listen
19.859 -> provide an administrative update into
22.14 -> the investigation and then the
23.76 -> commissioner will briefly take questions
25.26 -> I want to respectfully respectfully
27.96 -> remind everyone that these questions are
29.82 -> going to remain germane to the
31.08 -> administrative aspect of the
32.579 -> investigation and we will not be able to
35.52 -> provide updates into the criminal aspect
37.38 -> of this investigation at this time thank
40.14 -> you commissioner good afternoon everyone
42.42 -> thank you for joining us we're here
44.76 -> today to provide an update on the
47.04 -> administrative investigation into the
49.26 -> fatal officer-involved shooting of Mr
51.6 -> Eddie Irizarry which took place on
53.82 -> Monday August 14
56.239 -> 2023 on the 100 block of East Willard
59.46 -> Street at approximately 12 28 pm
62.94 -> during last week's presser I assured the
65.76 -> public that a fair and thorough
67.92 -> investigation will take place by our
69.84 -> department and I also pledged that our
72.78 -> department would provide updates in a
74.7 -> transparent and expeditious manner
77.82 -> but only when we could do so in a way
81.299 -> that would not compromise the Integrity
83.46 -> of ongoing investigations by the police
86.22 -> department and the District Attorney's
88.439 -> office
89.52 -> I stand by my words and will continue to
92.04 -> do so as the investigations continue
95.64 -> today I am announcing that I have made
98.34 -> the decision to utilize Commissioners
100.32 -> direct action to suspend police officer
103.2 -> Mark Dial with the intent to dismiss him
105.9 -> at the end of 30 days due to
108.54 -> administrative violations
111.24 -> more specifically I chose to exercise
114.36 -> direct action due to officer dials
116.7 -> violations of PPD disciplinary code
119.1 -> Article 4 and subordination section
123.079 -> 4-002 refusal to promptly obey proper
126.6 -> orders from a superior officer and
129.42 -> Article 1 conduct on becoming section
133.099 -> 1-008 failure to cooperate in any
136.62 -> departmental investigation
139.56 -> I want to make it clear
141.599 -> that the investigation into the shooting
143.459 -> itself continues along with the
146.34 -> administrative investigation
148.379 -> in which there may be additional
151.319 -> disciplinary charges in the event that
153.959 -> officer dial violated additional PPD
156.599 -> policies
158.819 -> the police department takes accuracy and
161.459 -> transparency in incident reporting very
164.459 -> seriously
165.78 -> we are investigating the inaccuracies in
168.599 -> the initial report of this incident and
171.18 -> appropriate disciplinary action will be
173.16 -> taken if warranted upon the conclusion
175.92 -> of that investigation
178.5 -> I completely understand that today's
181.2 -> announcement as well as the Press
183.54 -> briefing held Yesterday by the Irizarry
185.7 -> family's Council will give rise to
188.16 -> additional questions
190.26 -> I must again reiterate that our primary
193.319 -> duty is to safeguard the Integrity of
196.379 -> the ongoing investigation
198.18 -> a task concurrently undertaken by the
200.4 -> District Attorney's office
202.58 -> simultaneously we must ensure the safety
205.739 -> of the communities we serve as well as
207.599 -> the well-being of our officers and their
209.76 -> families
211.56 -> neither the suspension of Officer dial
213.599 -> for a 30-day period with the intention
215.58 -> of dismissal nor any public discourse
218.599 -> absolves me or this department of these
222.12 -> responsibilities
224.4 -> the decision to utilize deadly forces
226.799 -> unequivocally one of the most difficult
229.26 -> decisions police officers may have to
231.239 -> make in our careers
233.159 -> it is a decision that is not taken
235.379 -> lightly due to the instantaneous and
238.019 -> long-lasting effects of such actions and
241.319 -> the ripple effect that the loss of life
243.18 -> on those directly and indirectly linked
246.42 -> to the event
247.98 -> we must be fair
249.72 -> we must be consistent with how we apply
252.599 -> the law and we must abide by our
255.54 -> Department's policies and directives in
258.419 -> order to ensure that we maintain that
260.639 -> consistency
261.84 -> we owe nothing less to the great people
264.3 -> of this city
265.86 -> with that I will briefly take questions
271.74 -> that is correct
273.36 -> not for the shoot
275.4 -> for refusal to cooperate in the
277.139 -> investigation the shooting investigation
279.12 -> is still ongoing at this time
282 -> where did that initially
285.479 -> initial outside of the score of lunging
287.4 -> at those two officers as I stated when
290.1 -> asked that before that is currently
291.84 -> under inactive investigation I again
294.6 -> have questions I have the same questions
296.18 -> and I'm looking forward to finding out
298.199 -> what the answer is the evidence
300.86 -> do you think that the shooting is
302.82 -> Criminal do you think that this is fine
304.56 -> uh that's not my call that is for the
307.32 -> District Attorney's office to make that
309.36 -> that determination as I stated before I
312.18 -> do have questions and I'm looking
313.38 -> forward to the outcome of not only the
315.12 -> administrative investigation but also
316.86 -> the criminal investigation yes
321.68 -> it does not match up with what the
326.1 -> statement after the shooting doesn't
327.3 -> match up with what happened
329.18 -> how do you assure the people of
331.259 -> Philadelphia that officers are telling
335.039 -> the truth
336.24 -> and again I was asked that question
338.52 -> before and I said it feels like you know
340.62 -> when we take 50 steps forward sometimes
342.36 -> we're taking 100 steps back all we could
345.24 -> do and I'm hoping that our efforts um
347.46 -> shortly thereafter when we did come out
349.44 -> with the facts as we knew them is
351.9 -> something to show that not only we do or
354.539 -> expect to be transparent but that we
358.02 -> have nothing to hide here we make
359.639 -> mistakes we did say out there on the
361.62 -> scene that this was preliminary
363.96 -> information unfortunately the
366.06 -> information that was released has pretty
367.68 -> dire consequences in establishing and
370.02 -> framing a narrative that quite frankly
371.46 -> was not true I recognize that I
373.74 -> recognize the impact that that has on
375.24 -> community I impact the impact that it
377.82 -> has on family the community in that
380.34 -> immediate area where it happened those
382.08 -> who may have witnessed but again like I
384.84 -> said as soon as we found out that that
386.28 -> was misinformation that's when we put
388.74 -> that press release out and then held the
390.9 -> press conference the subsequent day
392.34 -> hoping to be as transparent as possible
394.86 -> we make mistakes and that's what
397.46 -> right here
403.34 -> uh no I I will not give details of the
406.919 -> administrative investigation and that is
408.78 -> subsequently a part of that search as to
411.539 -> what is required of an office in a
414.12 -> situation contract
417.72 -> certainly uh DC Webley
422.699 -> hi my name is Robin Wimberley I'm the
424.62 -> Deputy Commissioner of the office of
426.24 -> professional responsibility when we
428.34 -> conduct an administrative investigation
430.639 -> officers are given their Garrity
434.4 -> warnings because we're giving they are
436.08 -> to give a compelled statement so in
438 -> giving a compelled statement we say to
440.46 -> them that if you lie or if you don't
442.8 -> cooperate you can be suspended or indoor
445.68 -> fired
460.44 -> [Music]
464.06 -> so I I think Jeff Cole asked that
466.8 -> earlier at the previous presser we do
469.139 -> believe that that came from internal and
472.38 -> internal source but again that is
474.3 -> currently under administrative
475.38 -> investigation and as soon as I find that
477.419 -> out I will take appropriate action
480 -> um once know
482.36 -> over here over here
485.28 -> over here
494.28 -> Steven has released police involved
496.68 -> shooting because of what happened here I
498.539 -> think that makes sense there won't
500.22 -> always be video footage to review
503.639 -> um it takes a lot of time quite frankly
506.28 -> to even download video if it's
508.259 -> bodyboarding camera footage or even to
510.599 -> go back and to review the video footage
512.76 -> if there are ring cameras for example
514.38 -> there so the video might not always be
517.44 -> available what we're trying to do is get
520.979 -> you information in the shorter amount of
522.899 -> time it's the same amount of media there
524.88 -> out there on the scene so what we're
526.56 -> trying to do is be transparent and to
529.26 -> share with you what we know at this time
530.7 -> I think moving forward actually I know
533.399 -> moving forward is that less information
535.44 -> will be shared until we can corroborate
538.019 -> those details that we've given you in
540.42 -> the past over here and then over here
542.16 -> who else
546.8 -> who else is understood because as you
550.44 -> noted somebody else is obviously trying
553.5 -> to before allegedly try to spread a
557.459 -> false parents
558.839 -> well I wouldn't it's where the
561.36 -> investigation takes us right so
563.04 -> sometimes we have to reverse engineer
565.019 -> and find out where the source was and
566.88 -> then if that investigation takes us to
569.1 -> other individuals or other sources of
570.66 -> information uh we don't leave any stone
572.76 -> unturned so that's why it's being
575.339 -> investigated as opposed to us saying
577.68 -> well yeah it happened we shrug our
578.94 -> shoulders and and we move on okay Jay
581.399 -> and I
582.959 -> I can't hear you KJ sorry
598.2 -> so that decision is made by the District
600.12 -> Attorney's Office ultimately it is their
602.459 -> criminal investigation biting more
604.2 -> camera footage or any footage quite
606.6 -> frankly is considered evidence and again
609.06 -> the reason why we're all being
610.44 -> tight-lipped as much as we have been is
613.2 -> because we really want to preserve the
614.82 -> Integrity of those investigations we
616.62 -> don't want to take potential Witnesses
618.12 -> or uh you know allow people people to
621.779 -> create narratives if if they didn't have
624.12 -> one so it's the DA's determination
626.66 -> obviously we consult with the DA's
629.7 -> office when there's the requests being
631.86 -> made for that release and then the
634.08 -> result or the answer from the DA's
636.36 -> office is relate back to us I'll take
637.98 -> two more questions
639.66 -> here
641.88 -> in candidates that shows the aerial
653.399 -> exactly what those last moments of Eddie
656.339 -> you were sorry like would like well I I
659.279 -> think I know what you're asking we did
661.8 -> not release that footage so
663.959 -> um
665.12 -> I I have seen it so I I just want to
668.1 -> make sure that I I'm understanding your
670.5 -> question because when you release
671.7 -> footage like that there's an impact
673.5 -> there we didn't release that footage but
675.54 -> what I what I will say is the same way
678.36 -> I've done before this this isn't easy
680.339 -> for everybody for anybody this is a
682.32 -> tragedy it's not lost upon me that a
684.6 -> family lost a loved one there's a as
687 -> parents we don't want to bury our
688.32 -> children prior to them we understand we
691.32 -> all understand that there's a family
692.459 -> that's grieving
694.2 -> um and again we're not being
695.82 -> tight-lipped to be hard or cold we're
698.76 -> doing this because we want to ensure
700.68 -> that whatever Justice looks like is done
703.44 -> in the cleanest way to ensure that
705.66 -> whatever that Justice is it's not
707.399 -> tainted and that the process is is
710.16 -> respected so uh
712.56 -> you know again my heart goes out to
714.72 -> everyone involved in this it's a tragedy
717.36 -> all the way around okay we're taking two
718.98 -> final folks we're gonna take two final
720.36 -> questions purple over here and then
721.86 -> we're gonna go to you last
724.56 -> a counsel for the family describe that
727.2 -> initial narrative put out by police as a
729.36 -> pathfly flat-out lie what's your
731.7 -> reaction I would call it misinformation
733.94 -> uh and again it was unfortunate it's a
736.8 -> narrative that again it really took the
740.16 -> whole the whole incident in a completely
742.62 -> different direction uh there's a lot of
744.899 -> emotion tied to that all understandable
747.959 -> but yet again once it was brought to our
750.779 -> attention that that was misinformation
752.579 -> that was put out there we corrected it
754.92 -> and we didn't have to do that my
757.5 -> understanding was that you know we only
759 -> shared it because we got caught caught
760.62 -> by whom right we we discovered it
763.019 -> ourselves and did what we could in a
765.48 -> timely manner to make sure that that
766.92 -> narrative was quickly addressed
769.88 -> over here
779.779 -> go up
781.92 -> I don't have an answer to that question
784.82 -> this is the last question
791.99 -> [Music]
795.72 -> I think when it's appropriate that
797.88 -> what's different in this case and I will
799.8 -> tell you
800.88 -> um we don't meet with every family uh it
804.48 -> was immediately brought to my attention
806.399 -> that there was a lawsuit uh involved
808.98 -> that changes things with the amount of
811.62 -> interaction that I have now being the
814.44 -> final decision maker again it does not
817.32 -> take away from my understanding the
820.26 -> grief that they're experiencing I know
823.2 -> that they probably do want to sit down
825.18 -> with me one-on-one but we are going to
827.16 -> have to take that into consideration
829.019 -> under advisement of council thank you
839.04 -> listening to commissioner Outlaw and now
842.22 -> the mayor has stepped up
851.7 -> and dealing with
852.959 -> dealing with the public who may be
854.639 -> suffering from mental illness well this
856.26 -> is certainly a tragedy and and my my
858.42 -> heart breaks for the family and for the
860.82 -> loss of Mr Rosary
862.56 -> um again this is an ongoing
864 -> investigation and I'm not going to have
865.92 -> any comment on what I think or feel uh
868.32 -> about about what I've seen or know until
870.42 -> this investigation is concluded and we
873.06 -> have made through this commissioner and
874.68 -> this Command Staff tremendous training
877.1 -> improvement in our in our police academy
880.079 -> and ongoing training this is a situation
882.42 -> obviously was tragic is tragic and the
885.839 -> investigation will bring out whatever
887.459 -> it's going to bring out and we'll move
888.6 -> on from there
892.04 -> last year in the office over these eight
894.54 -> years or seven and a half years How
896.339 -> would how would you characterize the
898.199 -> relationship between the police
900 -> department and the community I think
901.8 -> it's I think it's better I think we went
903.48 -> through some really Rocky times during
904.92 -> the George Floyd murder and the civil
906.779 -> unrest that followed and then after
907.92 -> Walter Wallace was was killed but I do
910.5 -> think in general the community supports
912.6 -> the police the police are supportive of
914.399 -> the community in certain circumstances
916.44 -> like this do set us back but I think
918.54 -> that we're able to recover and move
920.16 -> forward and the next mayor will continue
921.6 -> to make progress
924.6 -> please I can't I can't I just I just
927.42 -> told you I can't react to it's an
928.68 -> ongoing investigation and no matter how
930.54 -> many times you ask me or how many times
932.04 -> different ways you ask me I can't
933.66 -> comment on it because it's a ongoing
935.82 -> investigation thank you yeah
942.54 -> and you're hearing the mayor take a few
945.12 -> questions and talk about what he can say
946.92 -> and what he can't say ultimately the
949.199 -> bottom line of this press conference the
951.959 -> police commissioner announcing that she
953.399 -> has made the decision to suspend officer
955.68 -> dial for 30 days with intent to dismiss
957.6 -> not for the shooting that left a 27 year
960 -> old man dead but for administrative
963.12 -> violations among which failure to
965.94 -> cooperate with a Department
966.959 -> investigation we are working on this
970.079 -> story and we'll have a complete wrap-up
971.94 -> starting on NBC 10 News at four I'm
974.279 -> Tracy Davidson thanks for watching
