One Food Lowered My Wife's BP by 15-20 Points (Blood Pressure)

One Food Lowered My Wife's BP by 15-20 Points (Blood Pressure)

One Food Lowered My Wife's BP by 15-20 Points (Blood Pressure)

One Food Lowered My Wife’s BP by 15-20 Points (Blood Pressure)

Bob and Brad discuss how one food can help lower blood pressure.

0:00 Intro
0:10 Real Life Example
0:26 Subscribe!
1:10 How Lucky is Bob’s Wife
1:29 Bob’s Wife’s Journey
2:35 ‘How Not To Die’ By Michael Gregor, MD
3:23 Food To Avoid
4:03 Food You SHOULD Eat
4:23 Where To Buy?
4:34 How To Implement Into Diet
4:55 Book’s Scientific Research On Food To Eat
5:43 Bob’s Wife’s Results
6:18 How Long Does It Take?
6:30 Why You Shouldn’t Live With Bob
7:01 Outro

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1) How Not to Die: Discover the Foods Scientifically Proven to Prevent and Reverse Disease:

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1.079 -> hi folks I'm Bob schrupp physical
2.7 -> therapist Brad heineck physical
4.14 -> therapist the real most famous physical
5.46 -> therapist on the internet in our opinion
7.68 -> of course Bob so one food Lord my wife's
10.98 -> BP blood pressure by 15 to 20 points
14.099 -> just one food
15.599 -> I'm gonna reveal that well this is
17.699 -> interesting Bob yeah and she didn't
20.699 -> take no medication no no medications
22.74 -> okay then this and that's we're going to
25.019 -> get to that okay by the way if you're
26.46 -> new to our Channel please take a second
27.48 -> to subscribe to us we provide videos on
29.22 -> stay healthy fit pain-free and we upload
31.619 -> every day also join us on our social
33.18 -> media channels and our website Bob and
35.88 -> because we're always giving
37.079 -> something away we're going to start
38.879 -> giving us away something tomorrow
40.14 -> today's Saturday yeah we're gonna give
42.12 -> away something tomorrow on Sunday go to
43.86 -> the website wait just wait yeah go to
45.48 -> the giveaway section and you'll find it
47.16 -> there I think we're giving away uh air
49.98 -> purifier oh yeah
52.76 -> I can also go to Facebook it'll be
55.02 -> pinned to the top of the page Bob Brad
56.579 -> if you want a short version of Bob and
58.32 -> Brad a 60-second version go to Instagram
60.78 -> and Twitter and sign up for us there and
63.3 -> you'll just get a small dose of us there
65.58 -> you go 60 seconds is probably all some
67.619 -> people can take about it that's right so
69.24 -> buddy somebody mentioned Brad by the way
71.159 -> my poor wife that she's always being
73.56 -> portrayed on these things having
75.119 -> something wrong with her yeah I started
77.4 -> thinking about like she's so lucky she
79.259 -> has me I mean I'm fixing her all the
81.9 -> time so yeah she is a lucky woman I'll
85.08 -> point out something at the end why she
86.46 -> isn't so lucky but but um so my wife's
88.979 -> blood pressure was pushing towards 140
90.96 -> over 90 which is kind of that borderline
92.759 -> you know they started looking at whether
94.5 -> or not do we do medication or not and
97.38 -> especially at appointments because she
98.82 -> had the white Coach syndrome right it
100.619 -> goes up a little bit when you're nervous
103.079 -> you're nervous in front of the doctor
104.399 -> but even that is still I guess still
107.159 -> indicative that you may have blood
109.14 -> pressure problems sure um so we took her
112.2 -> measurements and this was in February of
113.88 -> 2019 and she was like obsessive about
116.82 -> this so she had like her blood pressure
118.68 -> her blood pressure yeah and so
121.56 -> um so anyway we she took like she was
125.34 -> taking like 10 measurements a day she
126.899 -> was like getting obsessed with it yeah
128.099 -> but I I about an average it was running
131.64 -> like 138 over 83 all the way up to 141
134.7 -> over 92. now did she use one of those
138.06 -> electric ones or she used one of those
139.68 -> electric ones but it was one that we
141.48 -> tried versus a real one yeah and it it
144.48 -> worked well when you say real like a
146.22 -> manual a manual one right so it seemed
148.26 -> like to to work pretty well so we'll
150.18 -> we'll come back to this okay so it was
152.459 -> high so I'd read the book and I
154.62 -> mentioned this book before how not to
156.54 -> die discover Foods scientifically proven
159.959 -> to prevent and reverse disease so this
162.42 -> is by Michael Greger MD
164.459 -> this has had my last look 3200 reviews
168.68 -> 4.8 Stars wow really well liked very
172.56 -> well researched it's they got a website
175.019 -> to a free website uh
177.5 -> and uh they got
180.48 -> videos on over 2000 Health subjects but
183.42 -> um all proceeds he makes from this Brad
185.72 -> from his DVDs his books his speaking
188.64 -> engagements are donated to charity oh
191.04 -> really this is this is a upstanding man
193.26 -> sure so and so
195.9 -> let's talk about what food he recommends
198.36 -> in here and what foods he does not first
201.06 -> off he does he he said the evidence is
203.58 -> overwhelming that sodium raises blood
206.159 -> pressure it's clear
208.019 -> because I it is controversial there's
210.299 -> other people that still say that it
211.86 -> doesn't sure but he said no um and my
215.58 -> wife found this out because she was in
217.799 -> trying to lose some weight she was uh
220.319 -> taking some of that soup broth yeah you
222.84 -> know which is really high in sodium sure
225 -> her blood pressure like skyrocketed
228.12 -> tastes good though it tastes great yeah
230.28 -> because it's got a lot of salt in it so
232.379 -> she did stop that but that was before
234.78 -> this February even thing oh okay that
237.42 -> was way before that so this didn't play
239.04 -> a role into that but the one food to use
241.379 -> the one thing he recommends is where it
243.599 -> is it's behind you over there oh my gosh
245.159 -> yeah Liz moved it I didn't do it we got
249.239 -> flaxseed ground flaxseed
251.519 -> so
252.659 -> I'm gonna show that look that is
254.939 -> applesauce so all she does she takes the
258.299 -> flax seed she takes two tablespoons a
260.4 -> day and you can just buy this anywhere
263.22 -> huh yeah that's pretty common yep it's
265.02 -> common at the grocery store you can get
266.58 -> it on online too sure of course it just
269.04 -> looks like a little ground up powdery
271.139 -> stuff yeah yeah so she takes it and she
273.54 -> puts it in unsweetened applesauce is one
275.82 -> way she does it and she just puts two
277.86 -> tablespoons in there and eats it and
280.02 -> it's like taking your medicine and it
281.639 -> tastes good
283.08 -> um so can you just put it in other you
285.6 -> can put it in everything she also puts
287.04 -> it in um
288.56 -> non-fat Greek yogurt sometimes and then
291 -> she puts berries in with it too sure so
293.22 -> so you're saying that
295.979 -> the book shows some scientific proof it
299.1 -> has some studies so the book had a study
301.8 -> on flaxseed oil and the study showed
304.8 -> that the average person they lowered it
307.919 -> from their their scores were 150 80 over
310.139 -> 81 they dropped especially the
314.16 -> system okay the assist the systolic
316.8 -> drops an average of seven points from 81
320.039 -> to 75. I think that's diastolic
322.52 -> diastolic systolic diastolic got it got
325.62 -> it deeper down yep okay that's how I
329.16 -> remember it all right so anyway yeah
331.68 -> thanks uh drop seven points anyway
336.139 -> now my wife she had much better results
339.539 -> oh really she actually dropped to I'm
341.58 -> going to reveal it here can you hold it
343.8 -> just forever so she went down to look at
347.52 -> this bread
349.199 -> oh those suspense yeah oh that's all
352.259 -> right yeah I hope not she could have a
355.08 -> stroke if she's at that yeah here we go
357.3 -> there we go does that make more sense
362.52 -> so she dropped all the way down to like
365.58 -> 120 over 70s yeah so from here what was
369.84 -> this number again this is kind of the
371.46 -> range she was in she was hitting 140
373.56 -> over 92 yeah so she dropped like 20
375.9 -> points yeah that's nice yeah so how long
378.36 -> did she need to take this was February
381.3 -> um and I mean we started seeing it
383.039 -> fairly quickly but now we're in what are
385.139 -> we September yeah right now and um so
387.419 -> you know this is where she's at right
389.58 -> now okay interestingly enough and this
391.74 -> is where maybe it's not so good living
393.36 -> with me so what she was we were kind of
396.24 -> tracking over the weekends how she was
397.68 -> doing there was one weekend where I was
399 -> gone yeah and she was like the blood
402.06 -> pressure went way down she's like 110
403.8 -> over 60s it's like it used to be like
406.979 -> really like almost before she met you
409.5 -> before well I don't know before we were
412.319 -> spent a lot of time together yeah sorry
415.259 -> Linda you know I I'm you know it's the
417.9 -> medical price you have to pay for living
419.28 -> with me so but anyway this is such an
422.099 -> easy solution yeah I mean I I had
425.039 -> certainly give it a try if I well I mean
427.08 -> if you can avoid taking medications just
429.539 -> by by taking a food this would be it
432.24 -> that's right is it very expensive or no
434.52 -> no reasonable it's reasonable I don't
436.199 -> remember what it was but it's not that
437.4 -> much so maybe I should just take some
438.96 -> right now there you go takes them right
440.4 -> now oh it's sealed up oh all right
443.52 -> thanks everybody for watching
