What Is Stroke Volume Of The Heart - Stroke Volume Variation - Stroke Volume And Heart Rate
What Is Stroke Volume Of The Heart - Stroke Volume Variation - Stroke Volume And Heart Rate
In this video we discuss what is stroke volume of the heart. We look at how stroke volume is different in people with differing levels of fitness, and how stroke volume requires less heart beats during physical activity.
What is stroke volume of the heart?
Stroke volume is the amount of blood ejected from the left ventricle of the heart in a single heart contraction. It is the measurement of the difference in the amount of blood in the ventricle before a contraction, called end-diastolic volume, and after a contraction, called end-systolic volume.
So for example if the ventricle has 144 milliliters of blood in it before a contraction and 50 milliliters after a contraction, the stroke volume would be 94 milliliters.
It is estimated that the average stroke volume ranges between 50 and 70 mL at rest, and 110 to 130 during exercise. Elite athletes are estimated to be between 90 and 110 mL at rest, and a whopping 150 to 220mL during cardio training.
Men in general have larger stroke volumes than women because of a larger sized heart, and individuals who are fit also have a larger stroke volume.
So, for instance, let’s say we have 2 ladies that are both around the same size and age, but Katy here works out regularly and Jessica here does not. Both are required to walk a mile at a relatively fast pace. During each of their walks, we would see that Jessica’s heart rate would be higher than Katy’s.
This is in part because Katy’s stroke volume is greater, she is pumping more blood to her muscles, with each heart beat than Jessica is. At the end of their walks, we may find that both ladies have pumped the exact same amount of blood, but Katy has done it with far fewer beats of the heart.
There is a point where the stroke volume of the heart maxes out. At a very high heart beat stroke volume may actually decrease do to the shortening of time for the heart to fill with blood.
And that be the basics on Stroke volume.
0:00 What is stroke volume of the heart?
0:22 Quantity of stroke volume explained
0:32 Average stroke volume for a person
0:58 Example comparing stroke volumes
Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YEvm-Otmpw4