Mayo Clinic Explains Coronary Artery Disease

Mayo Clinic Explains Coronary Artery Disease

Mayo Clinic Explains Coronary Artery Disease

Learning about coronary artery disease (CAD) can be intimidating. Let our experts walk you through the facts, the questions, and the answers to help you better understand this condition.    For more reading visit:

When it comes to your health, Mayo Clinic believes credible and clear information is paramount. There’s a lot to learn about coronary artery disease. We’re here to help.

0:00 Introduction
0:23 What is coronary artery disease?
1:06 Who gets coronary artery disease? / Risk factors
2:27 Symptoms of coronary artery disease
3:26 How is coronary artery disease diagnosed?
3:58 Treatment options
4:37 Coping methods/ What now? 
5:08 Ending          

Still have questions? That’s okay.    

More videos on coronary artery disease
· Reversing heart disease: Mayo Clinic Radio
· Mayo Clinic Minute: What is heart disease?
· Aspirin, eggs and your heart: Mayo Clinic Radio

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0.46 -> [Music]
4.48 -> i'm dr steven kapetsky a cardiologist at
7.12 -> mayo clinic
8.4 -> in this video we'll cover the basics of
10.559 -> coronary artery disease what is it who
13.28 -> gets it the symptoms diagnosis and
16 -> treatment
16.96 -> whether you're looking for answers for
18.48 -> yourself or someone you love we're here
20.88 -> to give you the best information
22.48 -> available coronary artery disease also
24.96 -> called cad is a condition that affects
27.519 -> your heart it is the most common heart
30 -> disease in the united states
32.079 -> cad happens when coronary arteries
34.16 -> struggle to supply the heart with enough
36.079 -> blood
37.04 -> oxygen and nutrients
39.36 -> cholesterol deposits or plaques
42 -> are almost always to blame these
44.239 -> buildups narrow your arteries decreasing
47.039 -> blood flow to your heart this can cause
49.12 -> chest pain shortness of breath or even a
51.28 -> heart attack cad typically takes a long
54.079 -> time to develop
55.6 -> so often patients don't know they have
57.68 -> it until there's a problem but there are
59.68 -> ways to prevent coronary artery disease
62 -> ways to know if you're at risk and ways
64.4 -> to treat it
69.68 -> anyone can develop cad it begins when
72.479 -> fats cholesterols and other substances
74.64 -> gather along the walls of your arteries
77.2 -> this process is called atherosclerosis
80.4 -> and it's typically no cause for concern
82.96 -> however too much buildup can lead to a
85.68 -> blockage obstructing blood flow there
88.24 -> are a number of risk factors common red
90.32 -> flags that can contribute to this
92.72 -> and ultimately lead to coronary artery
94.479 -> disease first getting older can mean
97.52 -> more damaged and narrow arteries second
100.64 -> men are generally at a greater risk but
103.119 -> the risk for women increases after
104.88 -> menopause
106.32 -> existing health conditions matter too
108.799 -> high blood pressure can thicken your
110.72 -> arteries narrowing your blood flow
113.52 -> high cholesterol levels can increase the
115.52 -> rate of plaque buildup diabetes is also
118.159 -> associated with higher risk
120.32 -> as is being overweight
122.56 -> your lifestyle plays a large role as
124.64 -> well fiscal inactivity
126.88 -> long periods of unrelieved stress in
128.72 -> your life an unhealthy diet
130.8 -> and smoking can all increase your risk
133.28 -> and finally family history if a close
136.4 -> relative was diagnosed at an early age
138.64 -> with heart disease you're at a greater
140.72 -> risk
141.76 -> all these factors together can paint a
143.76 -> picture of your risk for developing cad
151.04 -> when coronary arteries become narrow the
153.36 -> heart doesn't get enough oxygen-rich
155.519 -> blood
156.56 -> remember unlike most pumps the heart has
159.36 -> to pump its own energy supply it's
161.76 -> working harder with less
163.84 -> and you may begin to notice these signs
165.68 -> and symptoms a pressure or tightness in
168.16 -> your chest
169.28 -> this pain is called angina
171.76 -> it may feel like somebody is standing on
173.68 -> your chest when your heart can't pump
175.599 -> enough blood to meet your body's needs
177.76 -> you might develop shortness of breath
180.239 -> or extreme fatigue during activities
183.04 -> and if an artery becomes totally blocked
185.04 -> it leads to a heart attack
186.8 -> classic signs and symptoms of a heart
189.04 -> attack
190.08 -> include crushing substernal chest pain
193.36 -> pain in your shoulders or arms
196 -> shortness of breath and sweating
198.72 -> however many heart attacks have minimal
200.72 -> or no symptoms and are found later
203.44 -> during routine testing
209.28 -> diagnosing cad starts by talking to your
211.76 -> doctor
212.72 -> they'll be able to look at your medical
214.239 -> history do a physical exam and order
216.72 -> routine blood work
218.56 -> depending on that they may suggest one
221.04 -> or more of the following tests an
222.879 -> electrocardiogram or
224.84 -> ecg an echocardiogram
227.92 -> or sound wave test of the heart stress
230.4 -> tests
231.519 -> cardiac catheterization and angiogram or
235.04 -> a cardiac ct scan
241.439 -> treating coronary artery disease usually
243.519 -> means making changes to your lifestyle
246.239 -> this might be eating healthier foods
248.799 -> exercising regularly losing excess
251.519 -> weight reducing stress or quitting
254.159 -> smoking
255.519 -> the good news is these changes can do a
258.239 -> lot to improve your outlook
260.639 -> living a healthier life translate to
262.4 -> having healthier arteries when necessary
265.199 -> treatment could involve drugs like
266.88 -> aspirin cholesterol modifying
268.96 -> medications beta blockers or certain
271.199 -> medical procedures like angioplasty or
273.919 -> coronary artery bypass surgery
280.24 -> discovering you have coronary artery
282 -> disease can be overwhelming
284.16 -> but be encouraged there are things you
286.72 -> can do to manage and live with this
288.4 -> condition
289.6 -> reducing cholesterol lowering blood
292 -> pressure quitting tobacco eating
294.72 -> healthier exercising and managing your
297.52 -> stress can make a world of difference
300.4 -> better heart health starts by educating
302.4 -> yourself
303.52 -> so don't be afraid to seek out
305.039 -> information and ask your doctors about
306.88 -> coronary artery disease
308.96 -> if you'd like to learn even more about
310.479 -> this condition watch our other related
312.56 -> videos or visit we wish
315.919 -> you well
