DELICIOUS 20-minute meals » vegan + healthy

DELICIOUS 20-minute meals » vegan + healthy

DELICIOUS 20-minute meals » vegan + healthy

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00:00 Intro
00:29 Peanut veggie noodle stir-fry:
02:55 Chickpea quinoa salad:
05:17 Mushroom \u0026 spinach curry:
07:26 Outro + Wix

🌱 Homemade tahini:

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» Cast iron pot:
» Mason jars:
» Garlic crusher:
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❤ Sadia

#vegan #meals


0.03 -> Today we're gonna be whipping together some wholesome meals that are perfect for lunch or dinner
6.069 -> These recipes were meant to be really easy
8.16 -> I think on average we whip them together in about 20 minutes or so. So they're really quick, filling, comforting, fresh,
15.789 -> tasty, nutritious, of course. I want to take a brief moment to thank Wix as well for partnering with us on today's video
21.27 -> They are the amazing platform that we use to create the whole Pick Up Limes website
24.96 -> But I'm gonna chat more about them at the end for now
26.91 -> we're gonna get started on making the recipes the first recipe we're gonna make is this
31.06 -> Incredibly delicious veggie noodle stir-fry with a creamy peanut lime sauce. It's a dish loaded with a variety of rainbow colored veggies
37.989 -> So we're going to begin by cooking
40.03 -> 125 grams of dry noodles according to the package instructions
43.6 -> Here we used chow mein noodles, but you could also use ramen brown rice or soba noodles
48.239 -> And while this cooks we're gonna finely mince 2 shallots doing the same to 2 cloves of garlic
55.96 -> We're then gonna add this to a pan on medium-high heat with a bit of oil and cook it for a couple minutes
60.73 -> You can add a splash of water if needed to deglaze the pan
64.809 -> But I'm gonna thinly slice to medium bell peppers. We used a red one and a yellow one
70.02 -> And once it's all sliced we can then cut it again in half lengthwise
74.01 -> we're then gonna peel and cut two carrots into thin matchsticks or
78.28 -> Alternatively you could shred them and then we're gonna add this all to the pot along with about a cup of shredded purple cabbage
84.85 -> Just to add a pop of color cook this for two minutes until it's just heated up cooked through but still crunchy
90.99 -> So while that all cooks we're gonna prepare the peanut lime sauce by adding three tablespoons of peanut butter to a jar or bowl
97.39 -> You can substitute it for tahini or almond butter if you're allergic or don't like peanut butter
101.89 -> Or then gonna add the juice from one lime one and a half tablespoons
105.93 -> Each of sodium reduced soy sauce and sesame oil a tablespoon
110.229 -> Of hoisin and Sri Racha hot sauce or other mild hot sauce and half of a tablespoon of agave syrup
116.97 -> We're then going to shake it or mix it until it's all well combined and creamy
125.04 -> When their noodles are cooked we're going to drain it and then add it to the pan of vegetables
129.02 -> We're going to pour over the sauce and toss everything to combine
141.93 -> Once you've served some of the noodles for yourself into a bowl or on a plate you can then top it with a generous amount
147.32 -> Of roasted cashews and some fresh thinly sliced scallions some sliced red chilies or cilantro
157.39 -> This recipe is one of Robin's new favorites, he's asking me to make it for him all the time
161.56 -> He likes it when it's hot
163.11 -> I actually think the dish tastes really good if you enjoy it cold
165.88 -> So you can choose whichever you think you might prefer and it keeps really well in the fridge, too
170.64 -> So you can enjoy it as leftovers as well
174.76 -> For this next recipe we're going to be making this refreshing quinoa and chickpea summer salad with a zesty roasted garlic dressing
181.81 -> We're gonna first preheat the oven to 200 Celsius or 290 Fahrenheit and then we're gonna cut the head off of a bulb of garlic
188.59 -> Transfer it to a baking dish and pour over about a teaspoon of oil
195.49 -> Then roast it for 15 to 20 minutes or until it's lightly golden
199.78 -> Meanwhile, we're gonna cook 1 cup of dry quinoa according to the package instructions
203.65 -> And once it's cooked this is gonna make about 2 cups worth of cooked quinoa to a large bowl
209.31 -> We're gonna add a cup of cooked chickpeas. Mine were just drained and rinsed from a jar and to the bowl
214.5 -> We're also going to add two bell peppers that have been chopped
217.86 -> We used a red one and an orange one just to bury up the colors in the salad
221.62 -> We're then gonna dice 1/3 of a large cucumber
224.56 -> one medium tomato also diced a handful of kalamata olives that are chopped
230.14 -> a sprig of green onion also known as a scallion thinly sliced and a quarter cup of dried cranberries
236.04 -> You can add it whole or chop it up a bit like I'm doing here. Whichever you prefer.
241.36 -> By now that quinoa should be done cooking
243.36 -> So we're gonna set it aside and remove the garlic from the oven and once it's cool enough to handle
247.69 -> We're gonna remove each clove and place it into a bowl. It's super soft
251.73 -> So it's gonna mash easily using a fork and then we're gonna add the rest of the ingredients to make the dressing
256.84 -> We're gonna add the juice from two whole lemons
259.51 -> Which is gonna make this dressing refreshingly zesty 2 tablespoons of olive oil 1 tablespoon of tahini
265.23 -> Which if you can't find it at the store
266.7 -> We have a recipe on how to make it at home link is in the description a teaspoon
270.78 -> Each of soy sauce and balsamic vinegar and onion powder and a sprinkle of freshly ground pepper. Give it a whisk and that's it
280.669 -> Once we've added the quinoa to the salad we can then pour over the zesty roasted garlic dressing and toss everything to coat
290.509 -> At the end I added half of a cup of coarsely chopped roasted
293.93 -> Almonds along with some reserved dried cranberries and scallions for garnish like the previous recipe
299.11 -> This one can be enjoyed both warm or cold and it can also be made in advance to enjoy in the coming days so long
305.499 -> As the dressing is stored separately from the salad. It's a refreshing feeling but still light salad that's perfect for the warmer weather
317.3 -> The final recipe is this creamy spinach mushroom and coconut curry
320.96 -> It's just bursting with flavor to make this we're gonna first finely chop 1 medium onion and finely mince 3 cloves of garlic
328.6 -> We're then gonna peel a thumb-sized piece of ginger and finely mince it as well
333.14 -> To a large pot on medium-high heat we're gonna add a couple of teaspoons of oil and then the onion garlic and ginger mixture
339.71 -> Give it a stir and let it cook for about 3 minutes
342.069 -> You can add a splash of water if needed to deglaze the pan
345.11 -> So while this cooks we're gonna thinly slice about 15 small mushrooms and back to the pot
350.349 -> We're gonna add 2 cups of cooked chickpeas and the mushrooms giving it a stir and letting it cook for another 5 minutes
356.479 -> While this cooks we're gonna thinly sliced 1 red bell pepper
360.199 -> Cutting it in half again lengthwise and back to the pot on the mushrooms of softened
364.689 -> We're gonna add the spices a tablespoon of curry powder and half of a teaspoon of paprika powder
370.399 -> we're gonna sauté this for about a minute to let the spices bloom which brings out the flavor of the spices even more and then
376.899 -> We're gonna add a can of coconut milk. We used full fat
379.599 -> You can use reduced fat if you prefer and then we're adding the red bell peppers and a bit of salt and pepper
385.159 -> Cooking it again for a couple more minutes. Meanwhile, we're gonna slice about two handfuls of cherry tomatoes
390.68 -> adding this to the pot at the very end along with four big handfuls of
394.81 -> As you stir it in cooking just for a little while longer you're gonna start to notice the spinach is going to start to soften
400.48 -> And when it softens sufficiently enough, you can remove it from the heat
408.56 -> This dish is perfect to enjoy with some naan or rice
412.18 -> Here we use some whole-grain red rice and serve it alongside a generous few scoops of the curry the garnish
418.09 -> We used fresh cilantro dried chili flakes and a squeeze of lemon works really well for this one, too
428.27 -> As with most curries this one can be enjoyed right away
431.32 -> But the flavors are even more
432.95 -> intense and bold when they've had some time to melt so it's great to make a big batch of this one and
438.62 -> Store it to enjoy over the next couple of days
443 -> As always you can find the full breakdown to all the recipes on the vlog and those links are in the description box below
448.49 -> We always provide our recipes in both cup and tbsp measurements as well as gram and milliliter measurements depending on which one you
455.96 -> prefer and each recipe comes with a downloadable PDF
459.229 -> You can find it just under the title for the recipe and we've included that so that you can either print it off or refer
465.49 -> To it on your tablet or on your phone when you're making some meals in the kitchen
469.31 -> Hopefully it makes your life a little bit easier
470.99 -> And again, I want to take a brief moment to thank Wix for partnering with us on today's video
475.33 -> I have been using Wix for the last two and a half years and I use their platform to create the entire Pick Up Limes site
481.96 -> That you now see I think when it came to building a website, I really had no idea where to begin
486.22 -> But with Wix they offer hundreds of these designer templates that you can choose from so you're not starting from scratch
491.41 -> And so when I picked one all I did was I changed the text
494.77 -> I swapped the pictures for some of my own and I used their drag and drop features to move things around and within a few
499.539 -> days
499.87 -> This fight was already up and running and I think it's really nice to be able to keep creative freedom over your own website
506.32 -> So for example, we also send out emails to our newsletter subscribers every few weeks and that whole feature is built right into Wix
513.82 -> Which makes our lives a lot easier
515.839 -> so if you've ever been interested in creating your own professional-looking website
519.13 -> I definitely recommend Wix and the best part is it's completely free to try and for unlimited amount of time
525.44 -> So if you think you might be interested in learning more check out the link in the description box below and I think that's it
530.83 -> For today, I hope you enjoyed today's video. Thanks a lot for watching Pick Up Limes signing off and we'll see you in the next video
