Silent stroke symptoms: What you don't know could kill you
Silent stroke symptoms: What you don't know could kill you
May is Stroke Awareness Month. Every year more 795,000 people in the U.S. have a stroke. K
0 -> [Music]
1.439 -> and welcome back it is 6 44 may is
3.84 -> stroke awareness month and every year
5.839 -> more than 795 000 people in the u.s have
9.28 -> a stroke knowing the signs that it's
10.96 -> happening you our loved one is key but
12.88 -> there are some silent signs you may not
14.639 -> be aware of russell perry has the
16.64 -> life-saving details
18.4 -> the headaches that i had the passing out
20.96 -> in the kitchen you know the slurred
23.199 -> speech these are all common signs you're
25.599 -> having a stroke and time is crucial
28.32 -> every three to four minutes we delay
30.72 -> you're one percent less likely to have a
32.719 -> good outcome but it's the other silent
35.28 -> symptoms that you may not be aware of
37.28 -> that could delay your response in
38.64 -> getting to the er
40.32 -> symptoms vary depending on where the
42.239 -> stroke happens in the brain if the
44.32 -> stroke happens in the cerebellum a
46.64 -> person can feel dizzy nausea vomit and
49.92 -> have impaired balance you might also get
52.399 -> a numb feeling in your arms and legs
55.039 -> temporal strokes affect your speech word
57.68 -> recognition hearing and smell
60.48 -> in the occipital part of the brain a
62.64 -> stroke can impact a person's vision if
65.519 -> the stroke happens in the frontal lobe
67.76 -> you may have trouble moving your eyes
69.6 -> your limbs and your emotions may seem
72 -> out of control as well as your speech
74.64 -> studies show that a stroke that's
76.08 -> followed by less obvious lesser known
79.04 -> symptoms can actually be far more
81.439 -> dangerous to the brain it's because the
83.52 -> person may not ever know that they had a
85.439 -> stroke so they would take longer in
88 -> order to get the medical help that they
89.52 -> desperately needed ursula perry ksat 12
92.32 -> news
Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YAcdPBWO1FA