Virtual Reality (VR) and rewellio’s innovative stroke therapy software
Virtual Reality (VR) and rewellio’s innovative stroke therapy software
Rewellio’s new rehabilitation software is built on affordable yet extremely powerful consumer electronic devices available to all of us today. In this video we are showing how Virtual Reality (VR) headsets benefit the rehabilitation process of stroke patients. For decades, mirror therapy has been the most recommended method to trigger movement back into the affected hand and fingers. In VR we are able to build on this proven and very basic concept, but add so much more to it. A motivational avatar guides the patient through a variety of playfully designed exercises and suggest the appropriate modules based on the individual progress made. Rewellio’s mobile approach allows stroke patients to choose their personal therapy location, duration and intensity in line with their current condition, increasing therapy time on the way to recovery.
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Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y3tWWlVG0zA