DON'T IGNORE! These 10 Signs of Low Oxygen Levels in Your Blood

DON'T IGNORE! These 10 Signs of Low Oxygen Levels in Your Blood

DON'T IGNORE! These 10 Signs of Low Oxygen Levels in Your Blood

DON’T IGNORE! These 10 Signs of Low Oxygen Levels in Your Blood
Do you know how important oxygen is to keep your health in general? In this helpful video, we talk about the 10 warning signs of low oxygen levels in your blood that you can’t ignore. The amount of oxygen in our bodies is a key sign of health, and being aware of these signs could save your life.

We talk about all kinds of warning signs, from the more subtle ones to the more obvious ones. Learn to recognize the signs of low blood oxygen, such as shortness of breath, tiredness, confusion, and even a bluish tint to the skin. Find out why oxygen saturation is important and what it means for your health.

It is important to know what the normal range of blood oxygen levels is. This video is a must-see if you’re interested in how oxygen moves through the body or worried about your own health.

Don’t let an insufficient supply of oxygen hurt your health. Join us as we talk about the important signs you need to know about and give yourself the power of knowledge. Remember that recognizing the warning signs is the first step toward being healthier and happier.

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𝐉𝐨𝐢𝐧 𝐔𝐬 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐌𝐨𝐫𝐞 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐥𝐭𝐡 𝐓𝐢𝐩𝐬:
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𝐃𝐢𝐬𝐜𝐥𝐚𝐢𝐦𝐞𝐫: The information provided in this video is for educational purposes only and should not be considered as medical advice. Always consult with a healthcare professional before making any significant changes to your diet or lifestyle.


0.466 -> 10 warning signs of low oxygen in the blood
4.1 -> today we'll talk about something that could mean
6.566 -> the difference between life and death
8.666 -> the signs of low oxygen in the blood
11.666 -> in a world where our bodies always talk to us
14.2 -> it's important to know what they might be
16.066 -> trying to tell us
17.933 -> so if you're ready to learn
19.766 -> let's get right into the 10 warning signs
21.9 -> you should know
23.4 -> we often don't think about how
25.133 -> important it is to have oxygen in our blood
27.366 -> but every cell needs it to live
29.933 -> when the amount of oxygen in the air drops
32.266 -> our bodies tell us that something is wrong
35.366 -> it's important to notice
36.7 -> and act on these signs right away
39.333 -> let's look at
39.966 -> the 10 signs that the blood doesn't have enough oxygen
43.733 -> the first sign is shortness of breath
46.666 -> when there isn't enough oxygen
48.266 -> it can be hard to breathe
50.466 -> when our blood isn't getting enough oxygen
52.7 -> our bodies make us feel like we can't catch our breath
56.266 -> imagine trying to run a Marathon
58.2 -> while only getting air through a straw
60.766 -> that's how your body feels
62.166 -> when it doesn't have enough oxygen
64.6 -> what happened
66.2 -> even when doing simple things
68.133 -> you might feel tired and need help getting your breath
71.766 -> many of us have had this feeling after a hard workout
74.5 -> or when stressed
76.466 -> but when shortness of breath happens all the time
79.133 -> even when doing everyday things
81.1 -> it could be your body's way of telling you
83.066 -> that something is wrong
85.1 -> if you're always short of breath
86.7 -> that's a sign you shouldn't ignore
89.333 -> it could be a sign of several health problems
91.866 -> such as lung or heart problems
94.733 -> seeking medical help
95.933 -> and quickly taking care of this symptom
97.966 -> can make a big difference in your overall health
101.4 -> moving on to sign No. 2
103.133 -> fatigue and weakness
105.3 -> we've all had days when we feel like we're dragging
107.733 -> ourselves through the day
109.8 -> but have you ever thought that low
111.333 -> oxygen levels could be a factor
114.166 -> your body can't make
115.3 -> energy without a steady supply of oxygen
118.466 -> when you don't have enough oxygen
120.266 -> your muscles and tissues
121.666 -> have to work harder to do their best
124.366 -> this makes you feel very tired and weak
127.533 -> imagine that
128.466 -> oxygen is the gas that your cells need to run
131.7 -> if you don't need enough
132.966 -> your body slows down
134.466 -> and that's when you feel like you'll pass out
137.333 -> it's important to know the difference
139 -> between normal tiredness
140.466 -> and tiredness that doesn't go away
142.3 -> even after getting enough rest
144.8 -> if you feel weak and tired all the time
147.366 -> you should look into it further
149.7 -> these signals are how your body talks to you
152.3 -> and figuring out when something is wrong
154.266 -> is the first step to fixing it
156.9 -> talk to a doctor or nurse
158.466 -> if you're feeling tired and weak all the time
161.8 -> now let's talk about the third sign of fast heartbeat
166.133 -> you might be surprised to learn that insufficient
168.466 -> oxygen can change your heart's rhythm
171.366 -> your heart sends oxygen rich blood
173.333 -> to all the cells in your body
175.866 -> but when your body senses that there is less
177.933 -> oxygen in the air
179.1 -> it goes into high gear and makes your heart beat faster
182.9 -> this is your body's way of trying to make up
185.066 -> for the lack of oxygen
187.1 -> it's like your heart is working extra hard
189.266 -> to ensure that the oxygen there
190.9 -> gets to all the parts of your body
192.5 -> as quickly as possible
194.8 -> short term increases in heart rate
196.766 -> can be a normal response to exercise or excitement
200.866 -> however a fast heartbeat
202.5 -> that doesn't go away when you're at rest
204.3 -> could mean your body is stressed
206.8 -> it's important
207.666 -> not to ignore a fast heartbeat that keeps happening
211.2 -> it could be a sign of anything
212.6 -> from simple dehydration
214.066 -> to more serious problems
215.5 -> like heart problems
216.666 -> or low oxygen levels
219.166 -> moving on to our fourth sign
220.933 -> confusion and cognitive impairment
223.966 -> your brain is the control centre of your body
226.5 -> and for it to work at its best
228.166 -> it needs a steady flow of oxygen
231.066 -> think of oxygen as the fuel that makes the complicated
234 -> processes in your brain work
236.5 -> when you don't get enough oxygen
238.333 -> your brain cells have difficulty talking to each other
241.3 -> leading to confusion
242.733 -> memory problems
244.1 -> and trouble focusing
246.3 -> you might forget important details
248.366 -> lose track of what's being said
250.166 -> or feel like your mind is cloudy
253.066 -> these small changes could be your brains
255.066 -> way of letting you know that something is wrong
257.966 -> it's important to remember
259.333 -> that sudden cognitive decline is
261.266 -> not something to be taken lightly
263.866 -> if your mental clarity changes suddenly
266.1 -> and in a big way you are
267.566 -> someone you know needs to see a doctor right away
270.933 -> time is important when dealing with cognitive problems
274 -> which could be caused by low oxygen levels
276.533 -> or other serious health problems
279.4 -> don't be afraid to ask for help from a professional
282.933 -> the fifth sign is that your lips
284.4 -> and skin have a bluish tint
286.866 -> this is one of the most obvious signs that there isn't
289.566 -> enough oxygen
291.266 -> when your blood doesn't have enough oxygen
293.366 -> it can turn a bluish colour
295.8 -> this is called cyanosis
298.266 -> this happens because blood that doesn't have
300.5 -> enough oxygen
301.266 -> turns a darker colour
303.466 -> this bluish tint shows up most often in places where
306.566 -> the skin is thinner
307.666 -> like the lips
308.8 -> nail beds and even the skin itself
312.2 -> if you or someone else
313.4 -> has this bluish colour
314.7 -> it means that the body may not be getting enough oxygen
318.5 -> it's a clear sign that you should
320.1 -> see a doctor right away
322.466 -> cyanosis can be a sign of several health problems
325.566 -> from lung problems
326.666 -> to issues with circulation
329.1 -> don't ignore the sign
330.533 -> getting medical help quickly can be very important
334.2 -> our sixth sign is dizziness
335.866 -> and lightheadedness
337.733 -> have you ever felt like the room is spinning
339.733 -> or you might lose your balance
342.166 -> low oxygen levels may be to blame for these things
345.9 -> for your brain to work well
347.3 -> it needs a steady
348.3 -> oxygen supply
350.166 -> when the amount of oxygen in your blood drops
352.6 -> your brain can react
354.066 -> making you feel dizzy
355.366 -> and lightheaded
357.066 -> to make up for the lack of oxygen
359 -> your body may send blood to important organs
361.533 -> like the brain and heart
363.7 -> this change in direction
365.133 -> can temporarily throw
366.3 -> off your sense of balance
368.4 -> if you often feel dizzy or faint
370.466 -> it's best to slow down
371.9 -> and avoid doing things that could worsen these feelings
375.566 -> the seventh sign
376.566 -> should be a big red flag
378.133 -> chest pain or discomfort
380.766 -> surprisingly
381.866 -> low oxygen levels
383.1 -> can cause these feelings
385.3 -> our heart is the engine that keeps our body going
388.066 -> and for it to work
388.933 -> at its best
389.766 -> it needs a steady supply of oxygen
392.766 -> when there isn't
393.5 -> enough oxygen in the air
395 -> your heart may have to work harder to pump blood
397.366 -> all over your body
399.3 -> this extra work
400.466 -> can make the muscles in
401.5 -> your chest feel tight
402.666 -> which can make
403.333 -> you feel uncomfortable
404.533 -> or even hurt
406.2 -> it's the way
406.8 -> your body tells
407.666 -> you that something is wrong
409.9 -> low oxygen levels
411.166 -> can sometimes cause chest pain
413.166 -> but it's important to be careful about it
416.1 -> chest pain can also be a sign of severe heart problems
419.5 -> so it's important to rule those
421.1 -> out before looking
421.966 -> at other things
423.7 -> don't wait to
424.366 -> get medical help if
425.466 -> you have chest pain
426.766 -> especially if it comes with shortness of breath
429.2 -> pain that spreads to
430.266 -> your arm or nausea
432.566 -> your heart health is a very
434.066 -> important matter
435.966 -> now let's look
436.933 -> at sign No. 8
438.133 -> clubbed fingernails
440.166 -> clubbing of
440.733 -> the fingernails
441.466 -> is a condition in which
442.666 -> the nails change shape
443.9 -> usually getting thicker
445.2 -> and more rounded
447.066 -> the tips of
447.666 -> the fingers may look big
448.8 -> or club like
450.566 -> this change in
451.466 -> the shape of
451.966 -> the nails is thought to be
453.2 -> the body's response to low
454.766 -> oxygen levels
455.733 -> for a long time
457.5 -> when your body doesn't
458.6 -> get enough oxygen
459.766 -> the blood vessels
460.733 -> and connective tissues
461.9 -> in your fingertips change
464.3 -> clubbed fingernails may seem like a small thing
467 -> but they can tell
467.733 -> you a lot about
468.466 -> your health as a whole
470.366 -> if you notice this strange change in your nails
472.933 -> it's a sign that
473.9 -> you should look into it more
476.1 -> don't wait to
476.8 -> get help from a professional
479.066 -> talk to a doctor or nurse
480.733 -> who can look at
481.366 -> your condition
482 -> and figure out if there is a deeper health problem
485.5 -> remember that
486.1 -> your health is
486.7 -> your responsibility
488 -> and knowing these signs
489.2 -> can help you find
490.066 -> problems early
491.133 -> and get help
491.733 -> immediately
493.333 -> pay attention to
494.3 -> and care about
494.933 -> your health
496.4 -> the ninth sign
497.166 -> might surprise you
498.3 -> high blood pressure
500.333 -> even though
500.866 -> the link between low
502 -> oxygen levels
503 -> and high blood pressure
504.166 -> might not be clear initially
505.8 -> it is important to learn about it
508.333 -> when oxygen in
509.266 -> your body drops
510.4 -> the fight or flight response can happen
513.566 -> this can cause
514.333 -> blood vessels to narrow
515.733 -> which can cause high blood pressure
517.6 -> also called
518.366 -> hypertension
520.066 -> it's important to know
521.133 -> that fixing low
522.133 -> oxygen levels
523.066 -> doesn't just mean
523.933 -> getting more oxygen
525.9 -> it might also be good
527.066 -> for your blood pressure
528.933 -> if you have high blood pressure
530.5 -> think about
531.1 -> the fact that low
532 -> oxygen levels could be a cause
534.733 -> talking to a doctor
535.966 -> can help you
536.466 -> come up with a
537.1 -> complete plan
537.966 -> for managing
538.6 -> your blood pressure
540.4 -> last but not least
541.933 -> sign No. 10
542.9 -> is a physical sign that
544.3 -> can't be ignored
545.466 -> swelling in the limbs
547.6 -> low oxygen levels
548.866 -> can cause fluid to stay in different parts of your body
551.933 -> especially in the ankles
553.4 -> feet and hands
555.5 -> when your body doesn't
556.6 -> get enough oxygen
557.8 -> the delicate balance of fluids
559.466 -> can be upset
561.2 -> this can cause
562.066 -> fluid to build up in these areas
563.933 -> making them feel
564.766 -> swollen puffy
566.166 -> and painful
567.933 -> some swelling
568.8 -> can be caused by things like heat
570.5 -> or standing
571.266 -> for a long time
572.333 -> but swelling that lasts
573.7 -> and can't be explained
574.933 -> should be a red flag
576.9 -> if you have swelling
577.9 -> in your legs
578.666 -> feet or hands
579.733 -> that don't go away
580.933 -> you need to
581.4 -> see a doctor
583.066 -> they can help
583.7 -> you figure out if low
584.933 -> oxygen levels
585.8 -> are a cause
586.533 -> and show you what steps to take
588.966 -> dear viewers
590.066 -> these are the 10 warning signs
591.7 -> of insufficient
592.5 -> oxygen in the blood
594.533 -> we've discussed many things today
596.466 -> including how these signs
597.966 -> can tell us much about
599.066 -> our overall health
601 -> remember that
601.666 -> these signs
602.366 -> could be signs
603.1 -> of many different health problems
605 -> so it's important
606.1 -> not to ignore them
607.966 -> if you are someone
608.9 -> you know as
609.4 -> any of these signs
610.666 -> you should see
611.266 -> a doctor as
611.9 -> soon as possible
613.866 -> your health
614.333 -> is the most
614.966 -> important thing you have
616.3 -> and staying informed about possible health
618.533 -> problems is a great
619.766 -> way to keep
620.4 -> yourself healthy
622.2 -> thank you for watching this informative video
625.333 -> if you thought this video
626.566 -> was helpful
627.4 -> don't forget
628 -> to click like
628.8 -> and subscribe to
629.7 -> get more helpful information
632.133 -> take care of yourself
633.5 -> stay healthy
634.366 -> and see you again soon
