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Some people have found this video useful for ASMR purposes.
11.77 -> Hi there my name's
14.059 -> Or students could I just check your name and date of birth
16.129 -> Please sure it's James Alexander 33 December 1989 nice to meet you James and today
21.5 -> I've been asked to examine your heart. This will involve looking from the end of the bed
25.439 -> Feeling a pulse in your neck and your wrist and also listening to the heart as well would that be okay, that's fine
30.869 -> Have you only pain anywhere before we begin?
33.36 -> Have you any questions?
35.19 -> Okay, James. We can start the exam now, and I'm just going to start by having a look from the end of the bed
46.72 -> James I'd like to start by looking you could just bring them up in France if you please
58.42 -> Over
68.4 -> Fingernails together like this for me
75.87 -> And again if you could just bring your arms out in front of you, I'm just going to assess the temperature of your arms
89.13 -> You
95.42 -> And I like to feel the pulse in your wrist
104.18 -> And now we're going to fill the posting of the wrists at the same time
112.7 -> Gems are now going to assess for something called a collapsing pulse so in this
116.229 -> I'm just going to have my hand on your wrist and raise your right arm rather briskly
119.39 -> You have any pain in your right shoulder at all before I begin no idea, okay?
131.709 -> That's fine you can relax, I'm now going to feel a pulse at the front of the elbow
142.09 -> Okay gems are now going to listen and I feel a pulse in the neck when I'm listening if you could hold your breath for
147.18 -> me
160.6 -> I breathe normally. I'm not gonna feel the pulse
174.74 -> Could you just turn your head to the left for me
183.54 -> James you have any pain in your tummy at all no I I'm just gonna press down on your tummy
195.91 -> You
199.96 -> And bring your head back genital now get up look at your face nice. Okay, if you could just look straight ahead for me
211.51 -> I'm now going to pull down on your lower eyelid
219.17 -> If you could just open your mouth for me
222.319 -> And lift your tongue to the roof of the mouth
226.31 -> That's great
228.739 -> I'd now like to more closely inspect the chest
242.549 -> You could just lift your right arm up for me
248.21 -> And your left arm
251.99 -> I'm now going to feel for a pulse on the chest
261.209 -> You
290.22 -> Gems are now gonna listen to your chest, and I'll be feeling the pulse on your neck at the same time, okay
302.139 -> You
348.86 -> I'll sit forward for me deep breath in and out hold it there
357.92 -> And breathe normally
363.11 -> And roll onto your left hand side for me
369.62 -> Deep breath in and out I'll hold it there and breathe normally
384.08 -> James I'm now gonna listen to the back of your chest if you could just sit forward for me
402.45 -> I'm just gonna fill at the bottom of your back
414.28 -> I'm now gonna press on your ankles
423.44 -> James that completes the examination, thank you very much, you can now get dressed
430.919 -> In summary I performed a cardiovascular exam on James a 27 year old male
436.99 -> On inspection he had no peripheral stigmata of cardiovascular disease
441.729 -> His pulse was regular on palpation
444.539 -> He had an undisplaced apex, and he had no heaves or thrills on auscultation
450.599 -> He had normal first and second heart sounds with no added sounds. This was a normal cardiovascular exam to complete
457.8 -> I'd like to do a full peripheral vascular exam
460.93 -> Look at an ECG and measure James's blood pressure