Aug 24, 2023
LOW BP (HYPO-TENSION) \u0026 HIGH BP (HYPERTENSION) BALANCING MUDRA (GESTURE) : APAANA MUDRA \u0026 VYAANA MUDRA : YOGA TEACHER TRAINING #26 ============ Join This Channel to Support Our Channel: / @nityanandamshree ============ * MY FAVORITE VIDEOS CLICK ON LINK TO WATCH • MY FAVORITE VIDEOS ============ * ONLINE SHOP / DONATIONS \u0026 BLOG ➤ OUR ONLINE STORE LINK ➤ DONATE US ONLINE FOR SOCIAL WELFARE (VISIT OUR WEBSITE FOR DONATIONS) ➤ OUR OFFICIAL WEBSITE LINK ============ * OUR OTHER YOUTUBE CHANNELS LINKS ➤ NITYANANDAM SHREE / nityanandamshree ➤ NITYANANDAM AYURVEDA / nityanandamayurveda ➤ NITYANANDAM SATSANG / nityanandamsatsang ➤ NITYANANDAM ENGLISH / nityanandamenglish ============ * FOLLOW US ON ➤ FACEBOOK (HINDI) … ➤ FACEBOOK (ENGLISH) … ➤ INSTAGRAM (HINDI) … ➤ INSTAGRAM (ENGLISH) … ➤ TWITTER ============ * OUR OFFICIAL HELPLINE +91 70 979797 01, 02 \u0026 03 ============ DISCLAIMER: The information provided on this channel and its videos is for general purposes only and should not be considered as professional advice. We are trying to provide a perfect, valid, specific, detailed information. We are not a licensed professional so make sure with your professional consultant in case you need. All the content published in our channel is our own experience. ============ *Copyright Information: Owner: Nityanandam Shree We made this with the intention to help others. Please email us if you have any concerns [email protected] ============QUESTION ANSWERS WITH US प्रतिदिन बहुत ज्यादा प्रश्न पूछे जाते हैं, इसलिए हम हरेक प्रश्न का उत्तर दे पाना संभव नहीं है | Namaskaram! Feel free to post your questions, queries, doubts, comments, compliments and reactions below every video, we will be happy to help you. We are not able to answer each question because too many questions are asked every day. IF any query ask your question at comment section of our website. ============ SPECIAL THANKS OR CREDITS PIXABAY, FLICKR \u0026 PEXELS FOR IMAGES ============ #YogaTeacherTraining #NityanandamShree #HypertensionYoga #HypotensionYoga #YTTC #NityanandamYoga
0.46 -> Today, I will teach you to perform
2 mudras (hand gestures)...
4.28 -> which will help you to normalise low
as well as high blood pressure.
13.06 -> It's very easy to perform these Mudras (hand gestures).
17.2 -> It has many other benefits too.
19.66 -> Right from curing weakness of the nervous system as well as general weakness of the body...
23.98 -> the weakness of lungs, It
helps in curing such diseases.
31.58 -> So, come let's learn what these two mudras are.
34.22 -> Namskaram (Greetings)!
35.42 -> I am Yogi Nityanandam Shree.
37.36 -> And I welcome you all to a new episode
of Yoga Teacher Training course.
41.5 -> You can perform these Mudras (hand gesture) while
watching TV, or while sitting somewhere relaxed...
47.5 -> ...or while have a conversation with anyone, or while doing Yoga, any time you can do these.
52.92 -> The only exception is you must not do
these immediately right after the meal.
54.76 -> Have at least a gap of 1 hour after a meal
while doing these Mudras (hand gesture).
56.72 -> It is best if you do it on an empty
stomach in morning or evening.
59.78 -> You can apply these for a duration
ranging from 5 to 40 minutes...
63.54 -> till you have the ailment.
65.48 -> When your ailment gets cured you
can reduce the quantity to 5-7 minutes.
70.34 -> If your body has deficiency and you perform these Mudras (hand gesture) for a long term then...
74.84 -> there won't be any issue.
76.58 -> So, let us first understand the first Mudra.
79.34 -> The first Mudra is Vyaan Mudra.
82.3 -> How to do Vyaan Mudra?
84.86 -> You have to connect the tip of the index and
middle finger to the tip of the thumb in this way.
92.18 -> Share the thumb equally with both the fingers.
98.72 -> Press gently.
99.54 -> You can keep both the hands on your knees.
101.38 -> Sit still for a while.
102.52 -> Breath gently.
104.4 -> Or else, sit however you like and feel comfortable to sit.
110.3 -> Begin doing for 5 min and take it up to 40 min.
113.36 -> Do it twice a day in morning and evening.
115.86 -> This normalises BP (Blood Pressure).
118.5 -> Sometimes the heart beats very
rapidly or sometimes it slows down...
121.9 -> i.e there is problem of an irregular heartbeat.
124.66 -> If there is an issue of blood circulation
in different parts of the body.
127.34 -> One side of your body feels warm
while the other feels cold.
130.68 -> One side expereices numbness while other side is fine.
133.34 -> These types of problems like that of nervous system.
136.42 -> Whether they are Varicose Veins or Parkinson's disease like trembling of hands and legs.
140.44 -> Exhaustion, weakness...
142.48 -> and any issue related to nervous system.
147.18 -> Vyaan Mudra is very beneficial in all these aliments.
149.76 -> What does Vyaan mean?
151.92 -> The equal distribution of life force from the top of your crown to the bottom of of your feet is called "Vyaan"
160.76 -> So this Mudra rectifies and enriches
the life force within the entire body.
165.64 -> Which means if the nutrients are unable
to reach to a certain part of the body...
169.12 -> ...or there is numbness in certain parts
of the body for diabetic people.
174.34 -> It is very beneficial in Neuropathy (dysfunction of nerves
that typically results in numbness in the affected area).
178.84 -> Now, let's talk about the second Mudra (hand gesture).
181.08 -> This is opposite of the previous one.
182.96 -> In this Mudra (hand gesture) you have to connect the tip of last two fingers i.e.
188.14 -> the ring finger (which is called "Anamika") and...
190.86 -> the little finger (which is called "Kanishthika")
192.94 -> connect these two with the tip of thumb.
195.64 -> Press gently and equally.
198.2 -> You must not press in this way.
This is wrong.
202.18 -> Don't apply these Mudra in this way.
203.68 -> Some people perform Mudra in this way
which looks like a beak of a sparrow.
205.78 -> You must connect the tip of the finger
together while applying any Mudra.
208.94 -> Other fingers should be in relaxed
form and should not be stiff.
212.44 -> If someone is bedridden or unconscious
and you want him to perform the Mudra...
217.44 -> then you can join the fingers with a medicated tape...
222.1 -> that the fingers are in that particular Mudra (gesture).
226.58 -> This Mudra is called "Praan Mudra"
229.7 -> You might wonder that Vyaan was Praan (life force) too.
231.94 -> Praan is limited withing nostril to lungs.
235.02 -> This enriches this particular area.
237.4 -> Which means those with Low BP (Blood Pressure)...
240.42 -> is highly beneficial for them.
241.86 -> Those who have low energy
and oxygen level in the body.
245.78 -> If we check the oxygen level on an oximeter
we find the oxygen level is very low.
248.98 -> In that case, this is very beneficial.
250.8 -> This is very beneficial in weakness,
extreme exhaustion...
256.82 -> feeling breathlessness after climbing some stairs...
260.24 -> or felling breathlessness while
walking on an inclined road.
263.56 -> or feeling breathlessness even after walking.
266.36 -> This is very beneficial for these things.
268.56 -> If there are elderly people at home,
269.84 -> who are not able to do much effort...
272.1 -> You can teach them such simple things.
274.1 -> There is no chance of any damage
while doing these two Mudras.
277 -> Just that, if it is done in excess, the oxygen and energy level in the body increases drastically...
284.76 -> are continuously doing it more
than the time I have recommended earlier.
290.58 -> ...then there is a possibility that the brain gets hyperactive...
293.16 -> ...and you find it difficult to sleep at night.
294.64 -> But if you do it in balance...
297.74 -> ...then there is no chance of any harm.
299.74 -> Do let me know how you like this program...
302.02 -> and also let me know sincerely how many of you are connected to the Yoga Teacher Training program...
306.38 -> so that I can understand...
307.64 -> I sometimes feel that people just watch casually.
310.16 -> If someone is sincerely trying to learn from
me then I am ready to put in more efforts to it.
314.44 -> That's all for today.
315.72 -> Namaskaram (Goodbye)
{Translated by Anirban Karamakar}