Take Care   Simple Steps to Prevent Heart Disease at Home

Take Care Simple Steps to Prevent Heart Disease at Home

Take Care Simple Steps to Prevent Heart Disease at Home

Srini Yallapragada, MD, a cardiologist on the medical staff at Medical City Heart Hospital, reviews steps people can take to stay heart healthy while the continue to spend time at home.


0 -> Medical City Healthcare
0.833 -> Take Care
1.666 -> Simple Steps to Prevent Heart Disease While Staying Home
3.58 -> - What we're finding in this pandemic
5.24 -> is that some of the patients that present
7.59 -> with really sick conditions, more advanced heart disease
12.29 -> at more advanced stages, those are the patients
14.74 -> that have been much more sedentary, less active.
17.05 -> I think we just need to remind people in the community
19.58 -> to continue to walk, I think, during this time
22.38 -> it's certainly safe to walk
23.55 -> while practicing social distancing.
25.18 -> When it comes to exercise what's become really popular
28.05 -> is home exercise videos and things like that.
31.04 -> I think those are really good techniques
32.38 -> and strategies to stay active.
33.81 -> I think there's always a caution on people
36.92 -> doing some of these really high intense exercises.
39.04 -> So, I'd definitely seek a medical opinion
41.74 -> before starting any exercise program, as they say.
44.07 -> Heart-healthy diets, I think, we have lost track
46.79 -> of that a little bit as we've been more at home
49.41 -> and less active and not going to the grocery store
51.62 -> and getting our groceries as regularly.
53.55 -> As it relates to diet, all of us are guilty of this,
56.3 -> being less inclined to go to the grocery store
58.06 -> and buy fresher foods and get our produce
60.7 -> so we can cook at home.
61.8 -> There are other services that I would encourage people
64.63 -> and our patients to seek out.
66.168 -> Where you can actually get fresh vegetables,
68.41 -> things to cook with at home,
69.97 -> So you can have a fresher meal.
71.29 -> Subscription services that you can do
73.39 -> to get groceries delivered to the home.
75.78 -> I think those are all really good things to do, as well.
77.88 -> The other thing is hydration.
79.41 -> I think people sometimes forget to drink water
82.8 -> and so, drinking plenty of water during this time
84.89 -> is gonna be super important.
86.39 -> As we see the way people have responded
88.78 -> to interventions we have done during this pandemic,
91.22 -> whether it's educating patients
92.82 -> on therapeutic lifestyle changes.
95.13 -> Like we had discussed home exercise programs,
98.38 -> encouraging them to walk, encouraging them to eat healthier,
101.61 -> not forget to have a heart-healthy diet
104.25 -> and also just encouraging them to engage their family
106.9 -> members through other platforms.
108.34 -> Whether it's through social media, FaceTime, Zoom calls,
111.9 -> those things are gonna be really good
113.31 -> as we work to get through this.
114.72 -> And I think if we do those few things
116.43 -> on a regular basis, be consistent about it
119.23 -> and remind ourselves and our patients to do that,
121.96 -> I think it'll go a long way
123.15 -> and help us all get through this virus.
125.275 -> Medical City Healthcare
126.108 -> take care
126.941 -> MedicalCityHealthcare.com/TakeCare

Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xt3uCDoafX0