CDC Vital Signs: Getting Blood Pressure Under Control

CDC Vital Signs: Getting Blood Pressure Under Control

CDC Vital Signs: Getting Blood Pressure Under Control

About 67 million adults have high blood pressure. More than half (36 million) have uncontrolled high blood pressure. High blood pressure is a major risk factor for heart disease and stroke, the first and fourth leading causes of death in the United States, leading to nearly 1,000 deaths a day. The majority of people with high blood pressure are being treated with medicine, yet their condition is still not under control. Millions more are either aware they have high blood pressure but aren’t getting any treatment with medicine or don’t know they have high blood pressure. The September issue of CDC’s Vital Signs highlights the importance of awareness and treatment for adults with uncontrolled hypertension. Adults with high blood pressure can gain control by taking their blood pressure medicine. Find out why you should know your blood pressure numbers and what to do about it…\r
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0 -> On September 4th, 2012, CDC released its 25th
3.06 -> issue of VITAL SIGNS, a monthly "call to action"
5.5 -> concerning a single important Public Health topic.
8.23 -> This report focuses on the issue of blood pressure control.
11.33 -> In the United States more than one-third of the
13.86 -> adult population, or approximately 67 million
16.43 -> people, have high blood pressure.
18.66 -> Of those with high blood pressure,
20.33 -> more than half don't have it under control.
23.63 -> High blood pressure makes your 4 times more likely
25.9 -> to die from a stroke...and 3 times more likely to die
28.96 -> from heart disease.
30.53 -> What is high blood pressure and how do we
32 -> improve control?
33.56 -> Normal blood pressure is where your SYSTOLIC
36.63 -> pressure, or the top number, less than 120,
40.26 -> and your DIASTOLIC pressure,
41.9 -> or the bottom number, is less than 80.
44.5 -> If you are below this level,
46.16 -> make sure you check your blood pressure at least
48.83 -> twice a year.
50.8 -> If your pressure is 120 to 139 over 80 to 89,
55 -> you should monitor it closely,
56.5 -> and make healthy lifestyle changes.
59.83 -> If you have a pressure of 140 over 90 or higher and
62.83 -> you are not already being treated for high blood
64.86 -> pressure, seek medical attention.
67.4 -> If you are being treated, make sure to take your
69.73 -> prescribed medicines.
71.53 -> Ask your healthcare provider to check your
73.23 -> blood pressure during visits, or
75.06 -> to check your own pressure,
76.43 -> you can buy a blood pressure cuff.
78.16 -> You can even get checked for free at many fire
80 -> stations and pharmacies.
82.16 -> High blood pressure has few warning signs.
84.46 -> Don't wait until it's too late to control your
87.13 -> pressure.
88.1 -> Get your blood pressure checked regularly.
89.83 -> Remind your healthcare provider or your pharmacist
92.1 -> to talk to you about your pressure and know the
94.06 -> warning signs.
95.16 -> Be physically active.
96.6 -> If you smoke, get help to quit.
98.63 -> Practice other good health behaviors,
100.86 -> and take prescribed medicines as directed.
103.23 -> High blood pressure is within your control.
