Minnesota Living with Heart Failure Questionnaire
Minnesota Living with Heart Failure Questionnaire
Automatic subtitles available in: Español. Minnesota Living with Heart Failure Questionnaire is a set of 21 questions used to evaluate patients with heart failure.
The questionnaire evaluates how much heart failure has affected the individual’s life in the past four weeks. For each question the answer may vary from 0 (no), 1 (very little) to 5 (very much).
So, the total score may vary from 0 – 105, the former being the best and the latter being the worst. The questionnaire is a copyrighted material of Regents of the University of Minnesota. Licence has to be obtained from them after paying the appropriate fees.
A waiver of fees is available for students or teachers who will use it only for a student project(s) or didactic purposes, but the licence with waiver has to be obtained.
A copy of the copyrighted Minnesota LIVING WITH HEART FAILURE questionnaire is available for download from MLHFQ website: http://www.mlhfq.org/.
The website also gives an overview of the questionnaire regarding its concept, design, reliability, etc. Instructions for data collection and scoring are also available online.
Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XF_LtpRut_c