Stroke Rehabilitation at Helen Hayes Hospital Part One
Stroke Rehabilitation at Helen Hayes Hospital Part One
Rosa experienced a left medullary/brainstem stroke. Strokes in the brainstem can affect a person’s ability to swallow,
their coordination for mobility tasks and their ability to balance.
Physical therapy for brainstem strokes focuses on balance re-education, including improving trunk control, single leg stance activities, and dynamic walking activities
to improve a patient’s overall balance in order to foster their recovery and return to independence.
11.41 -> Therapist: The first thing we're going to do is
13 -> work on some balance and strengthening,
14.83 -> get your trunk muscles to work. We're
18.039 -> going to bend, you're going to pick this
19.72 -> up with two hands put it over your head
21.64 -> take three steps forward then you're
24.49 -> going to bend and put it down, stand up,
26.919 -> and do the same thing again.
31.689 -> And then you're going to bend and put it down
32.86 -> you're going to stand and then do it
36.879 -> again hold it up and walk forward as you
40.87 -> go, and then, good, come up hold it up and
49.78 -> try holding it over your head and
51.01 -> walking this time.
58.3 -> Very good, and down. The next thing we're
61.75 -> going to do is work on your fine tuning
63.489 -> muscle controls. You're going to take
65.35 -> this dice and you're going to flip it
67.6 -> over with each foot as you walk forward.
71.38 -> There you go good, good.
83.1 -> Very nice, now you are going to do that
84.93 -> backwards. You can take it from the top
87.6 -> and pull it back, and then step back.
101.93 -> Nice job, good. You have about three steps
104.81 -> backwards. There you go, nice job good.
110 -> This first time you're just going to
111.38 -> kick it back to me, doesn't matter which
113.15 -> foot, you're just going to react to it.
115.37 -> Good and hold your balance. That's okay,
122.39 -> good.
133.09 -> Good and in between just like you're doing
135.43 -> you want to try and find your balance
136.93 -> and get stable, good. This time when the
141.94 -> ball starts to come to you, you're going
144.819 -> to try and pick up your foot to stop it
147.31 -> and then kick it. Good and then kick
153.79 -> wonderful, really good.
161.14 -> Good Rosa, wow!
167.819 -> Very good.
176.36 -> Nice job, two more.
Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WxDOkTUUP4Q