Real Death Note - Flashback w/ Smosh Ep 2
Real Death Note - Flashback w/ Smosh Ep 2
Ian and Anthony watch and reflect on the making of “Real Death Note”.
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0 -> that is an old reference
2.959 -> a Lonely Island like a boss reference I
6.48 -> don't know why that's even more cringy
7.74 -> than the Jersey Shore this hurts me
16.4 -> welcome back to another episode of
18.9 -> flashback with Smosh we need a theme
21.24 -> song Yeah
24.68 -> well yeah I feel like you have a jingle
27.06 -> with flashback and flashback but smash
30.98 -> fresh back with
34.34 -> smudge maybe he's like flashback with
37.559 -> smile flashback flashback flashback
41.6 -> flashback flash back flash back key
44.879 -> change flashback flashback flashback
47.94 -> keychains flashback flashback flash back
51.36 -> with Smosh whisp Smosh Oh we get tizan
55.14 -> day smash or you get of course like with
58.199 -> Smosh Oh yeah yeah all right I don't
60.78 -> know if there's any musicians out there
62.579 -> feel free to drop your rendition of the
65.159 -> flashback with Smosh on the uh Smosh
67.86 -> members only Discord we might use it or
72.18 -> maybe we'll be inspired I'd be okay of
74.1 -> using it you know what maybe give us the
75.54 -> rights you know what
76.979 -> okay we'll use it we'll give if it's
78.78 -> good yeah we'll get the rights from you
80.34 -> we'll give you we'll give you credit
81.54 -> okay we'll give you an official contract
83.28 -> heck I'll even I mean we'll even pay you
85.5 -> for it yeah we'll sign into our record
87.18 -> label too we don't have a record label
89.34 -> but you know theoretically if we did
91.14 -> theoretically are we gonna make a record
93.299 -> later
94.86 -> just for this just for a jingle just for
97.68 -> one jingle all right [ __ ] it we'll sign
99.659 -> you to a 360 deal if you make this
102.36 -> jingle for us we'll put you on the road
104.6 -> to do touring yeah
108.56 -> dude how sick would that be like how
111.72 -> many tickets do you think that they were
113.28 -> can you imagine like if like the guy
114.899 -> that made like the jingle for like I'm
116.939 -> loving it
118.159 -> on tour you're just like sold out like
121.079 -> Sofi Stadium he's like everyone's like
124.38 -> get in they have like Headliners like
126.119 -> the guy that did like the the State Farm
128.28 -> yeah jingle and then like he just comes
131.52 -> on stage everyone's like
134.64 -> and it's just like
136.94 -> and everyone's like
140.099 -> I I feel like you could probably put
142.379 -> together a nice show with like 50 jingle
146.28 -> uh-huh people okay I just have them go
148.319 -> one after the other dude honestly like
150.54 -> that would hit like such a good
152.04 -> Nostalgia like dude if you got the baby
155.22 -> back ribs guys oh true have you seen
159.239 -> have you seen this is it like an
160.68 -> acapella group or something dude it's
162.48 -> like they got it like a legit group
165.66 -> and there's behind the scenes footage of
168.18 -> them recording the baby back ribs oh
170.04 -> [ __ ] I gotta see this and it's actually
171.54 -> like pretty awesome like they got like a
174 -> legit like band and yet my only memory
176.22 -> of it is Steve Carell singing it on the
178.62 -> office
179.4 -> oh yeah it's great it's like
183.12 -> and it's like way more impressive than
184.8 -> what we wound up with on the commercials
187.019 -> because they do have like these guys are
189.06 -> like Chili's baby back ribs Chili's baby
194.04 -> back Wings how long is the song that
196.14 -> they made like in actuality it's like I
198.18 -> don't know like a 30 second song but we
199.98 -> only heard like the one little tiny
202.08 -> portion of it I'm gonna play it are you
203.459 -> gonna pull it up I'm just gonna pull it
204.54 -> up on my phone okay
206.22 -> sorry we may cut this but
209.4 -> we'll worry we will watch DEATH though
212.4 -> oh yeah by the way we're watching the
214.379 -> Death Note video today but more
216.659 -> importantly uh we're watching the
218.22 -> Chili's baby back ribs 20 minutes later
224.819 -> hold on this is when the rest of them
226.26 -> come in
229.62 -> oh it escalates
232.44 -> oh man
235.86 -> they had dudes in there anyway back on
238.68 -> track today we're gonna be watching and
242.04 -> reliving the beautiful memories of our
244.68 -> real life Death Note video yeah this
247.86 -> sketch
248.879 -> for some reason it hits so hard every I
252.18 -> there's like twists there's turns every
253.86 -> single moment there's like a an amazing
256.26 -> punch line there's all this build up it
258.54 -> has amazing payoff
260.88 -> it's I I keep wanting to say it's my
263.16 -> favorite sketch
264.419 -> but there's so many sketches that we're
266.46 -> about to get into over the next few
268.199 -> episodes that I might also say are my
270.479 -> favorite okay this one's up there I
272.52 -> rated it number one I made this list of
274.8 -> my top oh yeah favorite sketches I had
277.38 -> to exclude food battles because they
278.699 -> would have been in there I had to
279.78 -> exclude the Pokemon videos I had to
282.12 -> exclude uh all of our music videos but
285 -> either way this was my number one okay
287.22 -> and I think uh was was Death Note your
291.6 -> first adult anime that you watched
295.02 -> because I think for me it was I wouldn't
297.12 -> call it a doll that makes it sound like
298.56 -> hentai but well yeah uh I mean we saw a
301.259 -> lot of hentai before we saw death yeah
303 -> yeah but this was my first uh full anime
307.08 -> that I got really really into that
308.46 -> wasn't Pokemon yeah that's why I
310.56 -> specified adult because like we watched
312.479 -> Pokemon back in the day but yeah like uh
315.6 -> and maybe like a couple episodes of
317.1 -> Digimon yeah we're pretty basic but uh
319.44 -> Death Note was amazing I loved all the
323.52 -> um the twists this is a Twist yeah and I
325.86 -> loved how the characters always felt
327.3 -> like they were just a little bit smarter
329.1 -> than I could ever be yep but yet every
331.68 -> decision that they made made sense you
333.9 -> know yeah I could see how someone get
335.1 -> there it wasn't so unrealistic it was
337.5 -> cool like death note definitely changed
339.539 -> my perception of what anime was because
342.419 -> I only knew at that time like I only
344.759 -> knew anime is like oh like I knew kids
347.639 -> like watched like Naruto yeah but they
350.039 -> were like nerds people watched Dragon
353.22 -> Ball Z
354.36 -> yeah but I like never got into it I
356.759 -> didn't get it but death note just like a
358.919 -> drama yeah exactly it was like a
360.6 -> thriller yeah and I was like whoa like I
363.66 -> guess I was wrong about anime and I felt
366.24 -> like the writing was so incredible you
369.3 -> couldn't wait I mean about that that
371.52 -> waned off like halfway through halfway
373.259 -> through this certain character when one
375.539 -> of the really really amazing characters
377.34 -> is no longer with us
379.38 -> I'm you know keeping this totally
381.24 -> spoiler free yeah yeah um I felt like it
383.52 -> kind of started to fall a little bit but
384.84 -> but it picked up by the end and the
386.699 -> ending was incredible yeah and I can't
390.24 -> remember if it was you or me or or who
392.4 -> got into it first or whatever but we
394.86 -> both had just finished it around the
396.78 -> time that yeah we felt like super
398.88 -> inspired by it yeah I was so inspired I
401.58 -> felt like we needed to write a sketch
403.5 -> yeah surrounding this and the the really
406.68 -> cool part is that a lot of people who
408.24 -> watch this had never heard of Death Note
411 -> but they were still able to fully
412.8 -> understand all the references or not
415.74 -> even references they didn't know their
416.819 -> the concept the concept of like writing
419.1 -> in a book and the person dies because
420.84 -> that's that's the whole background on
423.3 -> the on the anime is like this like demon
425.88 -> gives this guy a book that if he writes
428.34 -> anybody's name in there they will die uh
432.24 -> instantly of like of like a heart attack
434.819 -> or something yeah well no of any death
437.22 -> of anything they don't specify correct
440.759 -> right okay we messed with that because
444.36 -> it was like it didn't make sense we
446.28 -> wanted to be consistent we wanted to
448.319 -> people to know I guess we wanted to just
450.599 -> be a funny silly way to die because we
452.4 -> were like it's gonna be too graphic if
453.539 -> you're killing a whole bunch of people
454.44 -> in violent ways yeah exactly so I think
457.139 -> we yeah but I I will say a really
461.94 -> a testament of our strong uh direction
466.38 -> for the writing of this was our ability
468.599 -> to to write this have it filled with
471.479 -> references from the anime but make it
473.759 -> also so that anyone could watch this and
476.22 -> understand the plot and everything in it
479.88 -> indeed yeah so shall we get into it we
482.52 -> shall let's go let's go
486.18 -> owns the song from Death Note the song
488.699 -> was so good
491.06 -> I just wish something Supernatural would
494.099 -> happen
495.96 -> it's kind of like the first scene in the
497.639 -> in the anime
502.02 -> if you write the full name of a person
504.72 -> in this book that person will die in
508.199 -> five seconds the cause of death will
510.599 -> always be Suffocation we just made that
513.06 -> so yeah we we made we made that up
515.159 -> because I think we
517.26 -> yeah we didn't want to I forget like
519.719 -> specifically why we had to write within
523.38 -> five seconds because in the anime I
525.72 -> think that it's just like to be over the
527.339 -> course of like a day right yeah it'd be
529.56 -> like the next day you would find out
530.76 -> that there was a death or whatever so we
533.339 -> wanted it all to be instant and I think
536.459 -> that we only wrote the Suffocation part
538.14 -> just so that we could have the jokes
539.459 -> escalating jokes of all the different
541.08 -> ways you could suffocate right yeah true
543.72 -> yeah
545.3 -> right
549.86 -> okay so for the podcast listeners
553.44 -> um
554.279 -> there's a there's this sort of like
556.88 -> 1920s like like Barren kind of villain
562.14 -> character that Anthony is in an electric
566.36 -> and a Mobility Scooter
569.82 -> um he's got a top hat he's got a tux I
572.339 -> got a corsage
573.959 -> um and a giant uh mustache and we're
576.779 -> like that'd be funny yeah well we wanted
579.18 -> to show someone that was uh justified in
583.32 -> getting killed and of course that person
585.42 -> was stealing a purse so obviously kill
587.22 -> them yeah
589.2 -> yeah and we didn't want him to just like
591.06 -> choke we wanted to have like a series of
593.459 -> events happen which is why we put them
595.019 -> on the mobility screen you're about to
596.88 -> see why
600.54 -> Crystal Adams the most notorious he says
603.42 -> his name
606.959 -> even the music
608.88 -> yeah
611.42 -> you always have to say your full name
613.44 -> and you steal
616.68 -> It's a SpongeBob watch the SpongeBob man
620.519 -> this SpongeBob so so for one of the
624.06 -> first well one of the first repeating
626.16 -> props that we had was a Reptar watch
628.5 -> that I had and then we lost that one and
631.8 -> then we replaced it with a SpongeBob
633.48 -> where did we get this was did we get
635.7 -> that watch in a Mail Time With Smosh did
638.16 -> someone send us I think so yeah because
640.08 -> we got the Reptar watch from Burger King
642 -> like kids like yeah I remember when we
646.079 -> were writing those first sketches and we
647.519 -> needed to watch you're like I have a
649.079 -> Reptar watch and he ran in your room and
651 -> pulled it out of your drawer like you
652.92 -> had been keeping this Reptar watch for
654.48 -> some important moment you never know and
656.88 -> you need a Reptar watch but uh this we
661.14 -> use so many of the little items that
663.3 -> people would send us in the mail yeah
664.8 -> when we did The Mail Time With Smosh
666.06 -> that's true so before people started
667.98 -> sending us Anthrax and life-threatening
671.04 -> moldy cheese moldy cheese was a was a
673.74 -> popular one anyway
676.7 -> yeah I knew it was fake
681.2 -> just choking himself
684.44 -> this is my favorite special effect
686.399 -> coming up oh yeah
691.579 -> it's it's great because like I
695.399 -> like I went a long time without seeing
697.8 -> this video and I forgot about the
700.26 -> explosion that we added but yeah so he
702.959 -> runs into a tree and and uh we I don't
706.32 -> know if we had originally I think we did
707.76 -> right we wrote it that there was like a
709.62 -> massive explosion from like a weak ass
712.2 -> running into a tree yeah like the burn
714.779 -> marks that we added
716.6 -> that guy just
722.88 -> that's it
724.94 -> we have this running gag that we don't
727.019 -> think it was possible to choke yourself
728.76 -> to death yeah
730.64 -> uh was this the first this wasn't our
733.8 -> first instance of seeing Peter Peter so
736.04 -> Peter Peter is like a recurring
738.839 -> character at this time of Smosh but we
741.72 -> we put him in the Red Star Trek outfit
744.66 -> yeah yeah we put him in the red shirt
746.279 -> every red shirt in Star Trek ended up
748.74 -> dying yeah they're Expendable yeah the
751.5 -> joke was that he always wanted to like
754.14 -> hang out with us and be part of our
756.24 -> group but we were like what the [ __ ]
757.74 -> dude you're so annoying yeah we just
760.56 -> [ __ ] on him all the time so he was
762.48 -> literally just ridden in to get [ __ ] on
764.399 -> so here we go we're about to [ __ ] on him
766.38 -> again yeah person's name in that thing
768.24 -> and they die of Suffocation like they
771.959 -> suffocate themselves yeah in any way
774.779 -> possible I guess I thought it was
777 -> impossible to suffocate yourself yeah
779.519 -> why don't you prove it write my name in
782.519 -> there
786.74 -> all right Peter what's your last name
789.12 -> Peter
791.639 -> no your last name Peter so oh God I
796.8 -> forgot about this one is Peter Peter my
800.04 -> parents are crack addicts
802.2 -> uh
804.72 -> yeah I feel like we could get away with
807.06 -> anything but just by saying that
808.079 -> someone's parents are crack addicts
809.459 -> anything yeah ridiculous just makes
811.38 -> sense my parents were crack addicts my
813.899 -> parents are crack addicts yeah wow we
816.06 -> have a lot of crack jokes in our videos
817.38 -> oh my God why are there so many cracks I
820.26 -> mean we brought it back too I know and I
822.36 -> remember most recent videos has a yeah
824.399 -> but we die of crack well we die after
826.44 -> getting cracked and then we yeah and
829.68 -> then when we say crack it does a body
831.3 -> good yeah we do also well we have mixed
835.139 -> messaging because we have crack it does
836.339 -> a body good yeah and then in 2006 when
838.8 -> we made our Smosh short stranded at the
840.899 -> end it says crack his whack [ __ ] yeah
842.82 -> so we give really mixed messages about
844.92 -> if I think it's good or bad well it's
846.6 -> bad yeah
848.399 -> um people should not don't do crack I
853.26 -> know we talked about this in the uh in
855.66 -> the smash royalty members only live
857.339 -> stream yeah and we're like we're we were
860.04 -> talking about the whole crack thing and
861.3 -> everyone was like I'm gonna go get
862.86 -> cracked now yeah or they they were like
865.32 -> donating they were like sending money to
867.06 -> us and they're like here's my crack
868.079 -> money
869.3 -> we're like sure you could donate your
871.26 -> crack money to us because that means
872.279 -> you're not doing great yeah as long as
873.899 -> you're not doing crack yeah if if you
876.36 -> need to yeah
879.44 -> do you have more to say about cracking
881.519 -> no are you sure
885.74 -> I mean I just don't want people to do
888.06 -> crack yeah I mean like despite our
891.42 -> glowing endorsement of it about how we
893.639 -> died because like if your parents do
895.5 -> crack you end up like Peter yeah you
897.72 -> wouldn't want to be like Peter yeah
898.92 -> begging for someone to write your name
900.6 -> in a book so you could die yeah he's
902.22 -> pretty stupid all right let's go okay
907.86 -> it's my great handwriting here we go
911.48 -> his face is just the best part just to
914.04 -> smile
915.48 -> he's so into the idea of dying
920.459 -> you guys were foolish
924.42 -> oh my God
929.399 -> I don't know if I can
933.24 -> oh no Peter oh no Peter
937.62 -> no oh yeah you stopped it right when it
941.16 -> gets epic sorry I'll go back I just want
943.74 -> to point out the the red shirt uh shirt
946.38 -> that we had for Peter is way too small
948.18 -> yeah anyone anyone like Peter is going
951.6 -> to wear a shirt that's way too small why
953.76 -> did we even have that I think that we
955.62 -> got it specifically for this role we
956.94 -> didn't have this already oh wow well we
958.8 -> should have got a bigger no I think that
961.139 -> I maybe it was on me but I remember
963.899 -> being like get a size too small what
966.3 -> it's funnier
968.16 -> that's cruel it's funnier making my
970.98 -> man's Peter look bad true he looks good
973.38 -> otherwise
976.44 -> no don't you get it Anthony
979.62 -> this is very definite yeah this was
981.54 -> heavily inspired this world oh it's so
984.959 -> sick though how you're explaining this
986.339 -> while we're showing you using it yes
991.62 -> yes
992.699 -> oh yeah and first you start with people
994.32 -> that would be justified I guess to kill
996.48 -> cast of the Jersey Shore choking on
998.339 -> pickles we loved we loved a good Snooki
1001.519 -> joke we [ __ ] on Snooki so much for no
1003.98 -> reason yeah I feel bad now like I don't
1006.019 -> I don't Harbor any AOL towards no and
1008.899 -> I'm like why did we just write the I
1011.42 -> think that we just needed someone to
1013.759 -> like let out our inks on yeah
1016.279 -> unfortunately Snooki was caught in the
1018.139 -> crossfire I mean the the the internet
1020.3 -> did not did not look kindly upon Snooki
1023.24 -> yeah so we just followed the internet
1024.98 -> like sheep yeah whatever the internet
1026.72 -> wants we give yeah exactly it was like
1028.52 -> that in like Bella Swan and
1033.14 -> Sarah Jessica Parker I don't know the
1035.12 -> internet just had a lot of people like
1036.559 -> one I don't know women the internet had
1040.16 -> women they hated and we were like you
1042.199 -> know what wait were there any men that
1043.459 -> we that we railed against there were
1045.62 -> like Edward I guess Regis Philbin Regis
1048.799 -> Phil says a joke uh
1051.38 -> Billy Mays we didn't really [ __ ] on but
1055.58 -> um
1057.14 -> it was mostly women unfortunately we
1060.2 -> apologize to women
1061.46 -> um yeah yeah let's make it public
1063.08 -> apology make a quick apology to women
1065.419 -> hey women
1067.64 -> do better
1069.86 -> let's try that again shall we all right
1071.9 -> women women out there
1074.299 -> sorry
1076.82 -> we were dumb little boys in our 20s
1079.52 -> which were actually full-grown adults
1081.02 -> but we had the brains of children we
1082.94 -> were in Arrested Development and that's
1084.2 -> why we wrote Peter in a recipe element
1085.58 -> because we wanted him to look more
1088.58 -> childish than us but our brains were
1090.62 -> actually not totally fully formed even
1092.9 -> though we were past were we past the age
1095.059 -> of 25
1101.48 -> I'm gonna blame it on being younger than
1102.98 -> 25 when our frontal lobes were not
1105.5 -> formed oh sure okay yeah that's what it
1107.66 -> was I think it was like we would follow
1109.4 -> like what the internet would like hate
1111.559 -> on yeah and and it turns out
1115.22 -> internet
1117.14 -> not a big fan of women
1120.38 -> hopefully that's changing now no really
1123.14 -> it hasn't changed much like it's it's
1125.78 -> hard out it's hard out there for women
1127.28 -> on the internet it's kind of [ __ ]
1130.039 -> good thing why are the women laughing in
1132.2 -> the room yeah I only notice women
1134.179 -> laughing about that joke in the room
1136.039 -> that's kind of [ __ ] up see what I mean
1138.14 -> patriarchy is still continuing to this
1140.059 -> day and we don't contribute to that
1141.679 -> anymore at all to ever internalize
1143.799 -> misogyny ever
1146.96 -> buy this
1152.179 -> my way this lighting's fun I love this I
1156.08 -> love how we went full serious with such
1157.58 -> a silly concept your eyes are red for no
1160.1 -> reason
1165.28 -> what are you doing out here I can't hear
1168.2 -> Wheel of Fortune over your stupid laugh
1170.539 -> you can't tell me what to do anymore mom
1173.179 -> the best
1174.98 -> this is the best joke ever I love this
1177.799 -> so much
1179.12 -> you're gonna die I don't I don't know if
1181.4 -> we've ever written a better joke than
1182.78 -> this
1187.28 -> doesn't make any sense
1190.58 -> look it says mom my name's not Mom
1193.039 -> dumbass
1196.24 -> I don't even know your real name and you
1199.52 -> never will
1202.78 -> she disappears in a smoke bomb yeah
1206.72 -> that's so good I think that is one of my
1209.419 -> favorite Smosh moments ever uh-huh uh
1212.96 -> when we were not knowing that my mom's
1215.179 -> name isn't mom and then her throwing a
1216.86 -> smoke bomb and calling you a dumbass and
1218.84 -> then disappearing
1221.14 -> out of the scene when I was going back
1224.84 -> through all the old Smosh videos and
1226.82 -> looking at all the sketches and getting
1228.74 -> nostalgic and trying to figure out if it
1230.299 -> was just Nostalgia or if it was
1231.799 -> something more would before we decided
1234.5 -> to buy back Smosh and start making
1235.94 -> classic style sketches again yeah this
1238.28 -> was
1239.12 -> this whole video but that scene
1240.74 -> specifically I was like ooh that's not
1243.02 -> just Nostalgia that's good yeah I want
1245.059 -> to do more stuff like that hmm
1247.52 -> so good yeah and I and I wonder if this
1250.88 -> is like one of the first times that we
1252.32 -> wrote my mom like being mean to me
1257.299 -> um no I know no were we always that way
1260.48 -> I think this is where we really
1261.98 -> established it but she was she like
1263.78 -> threw a flamingo at you in a past video
1266.66 -> and
1268.4 -> um oh there was a scene where
1270.44 -> I think it was in a food battle where
1272.12 -> you're like you're like with your donut
1273.44 -> you're like at least I'm kidding laid
1275.299 -> mom and she's like finally and also
1277.7 -> there was a previous video where you're
1278.96 -> like I'm I'm running away and I'm never
1282.14 -> coming home and your mom's on the phone
1284.299 -> with someone she's like ah my son's
1286.34 -> moving out finally yeah so we had her
1289.22 -> kind of [ __ ] on you but not to this
1290.659 -> degree not to this call you a dumbass
1292.58 -> and yeah teleport out of there in a
1294.98 -> smoke cloud it's pretty sick did your
1296.78 -> mom ever have an issue with being mean
1297.86 -> to you
1298.76 -> I
1300.26 -> no she never she I don't think she did I
1304.4 -> think I just think like you know she she
1307.039 -> wasn't like dying to to to be in videos
1310.1 -> yeah but she would just do it because
1312.02 -> I'm her son I feel like we gotta have a
1314.179 -> Ian's mom we gotta have an Ian's mom
1316.58 -> Ian's mom
1317.98 -> yeah because there's so many good
1320 -> moments there's actually a there's a
1322.039 -> compilation on YouTube that's like okay
1324.14 -> seven or eight minutes of her best
1326.12 -> moments yeah and there are so many
1329.179 -> moments in there and they're all good
1331.46 -> every moment with your mom is so good I
1333.799 -> mean I don't think there's ever a time
1334.88 -> that she's that she's been in a video
1336.679 -> that where it's where it's not a banger
1338.6 -> moment it's always one of the standout
1340.58 -> moments yeah I kind of cringe at the
1342.679 -> moment where your mom uh is under the
1345.26 -> blanket in my bed with me though still
1347.78 -> good though it's a little weird but yeah
1349.34 -> it's it's still fun you guys are just
1351.08 -> making love what's what's wrong with
1353.12 -> that Anthony that's beautiful God I hope
1355.28 -> your mom doesn't watch this she won't
1358.52 -> that
1363.26 -> all right
1364.96 -> I have work to do
1370.94 -> accordingly this is only like halfway
1372.559 -> through the video but this scene I think
1374.48 -> ends it
1375.82 -> every criminal is dead the news anchor
1380 -> and we're in a coffee shop watching the
1382.1 -> news yeah and she's just like every
1384.5 -> criminal is dead every single one of
1386.78 -> them I just want to point out that this
1387.98 -> whole video we had you wearing
1390.039 -> Black-ish shirts and me wearing
1392.36 -> white-ish shirts as a subtle nod to you
1395.6 -> having the death note and me being Your
1398.559 -> Balanced counterpart and I noticed that
1402.2 -> right now we're kind of the opposite
1404.44 -> oh that means you die at the end of this
1407.299 -> oh no wait spoilers bro I forgot
1411.26 -> well let's find out play it up congrats
1414.2 -> man that's great
1415.7 -> it's not enough
1417.679 -> the twirling the pen and everything and
1420.02 -> the entire world
1424.12 -> oh God Hansel the pedo looks pretty
1427.94 -> normal to me
1429.2 -> I don't like it
1430.82 -> I don't like it what
1436.36 -> wait wait can we look back at the
1438.679 -> previous names that you wrote you were
1440.6 -> killed Sarah Palin Satan my neighbor
1443.32 -> Bernie Madoff that's a good one to kill
1445.52 -> Voldemort oh they didn't wait Bernie
1448.58 -> Madoff Who's Bernie Madoff he he did
1451.159 -> Death Note himself didn't he
1453.08 -> wait who is that
1455 -> uh he was the he he ran one of the
1457.28 -> biggest Ponzi schemes uh defrauded a lot
1459.799 -> of people oh that was definitely a you
1461.539 -> joke because I don't know about that
1463.039 -> kind of stuff but oh yeah yeah you're
1464.78 -> into learning that's a piece of [ __ ] I'm
1466.76 -> pretty sure he death noted himself in
1468.74 -> prison oh didn't he incorrect
1472.58 -> oh hypertension he died of hypertension
1474.74 -> it's basically choking he deserved worse
1478.52 -> uh Voldemort Voldemort okay and then uh
1481.88 -> then you get going oh yeah you're right
1484.4 -> I pronounced it wrong it's thepado yeah
1486.32 -> it's Hansel of that it's not Hansel of
1488.059 -> the pedo no
1492.74 -> he's just immediately chosen us better
1496.58 -> so he didn't even do anything come on he
1499.039 -> had a pedal stash sure he's guilty
1501.44 -> guilty or something true
1503.72 -> stop this man you can't play God anymore
1508.12 -> my life note comes in a life note falls
1510.919 -> down on the table here and so many
1512.6 -> people told me that they thought that
1515.36 -> life note was a real thing from Death
1517.039 -> Note oh yeah but we just made that up we
1519.559 -> were like we got to have a head-to-head
1520.88 -> battle it should have been a thing in
1522.799 -> the anime yeah it should have been but
1525.08 -> it wasn't we got some notes yeah we're
1527.72 -> basically smarter than the people that
1529.52 -> made Death Note yeah essentially anyway
1531.799 -> yeah
1533.38 -> write the name of a person who is dead
1536.299 -> and they will be brought back to life
1541.7 -> the gun [ __ ] sound
1545.179 -> I like how he goes back to staring at
1547.46 -> you when you bring it back to life
1552.919 -> is that a real line from
1554.779 -> the anime I don't know
1556.88 -> oh and all the different ways we had so
1559.4 -> much fun coming up with all these
1560.72 -> different ways he has a rope on him
1563.74 -> put tape on him so he put a bag on his
1566.6 -> face he showed himself with an apple in
1569.12 -> his mouth my favorite is when he has one
1571.4 -> single piece of tape on his mouth yeah
1573.2 -> and a clothes pin on his nose oh is that
1576.08 -> what that was yeah yeah yeah oh yeah
1580.1 -> yeah
1582.22 -> oh yeah and I love that we wrote him
1584.72 -> choking on the bag because those little
1587.059 -> plastic bags from grocery stores would
1588.98 -> always say like not for children under
1590.779 -> three choking hazard yeah and we're like
1592.82 -> who
1593.86 -> who is like it's got to be so hard to
1596.72 -> die like that also we totally added in
1598.94 -> like we definitely recorded
1601.4 -> his like screaming after the fact like
1603.44 -> listen to the plastic bag one
1609.46 -> I think that's just you I think it's me
1614.299 -> first
1616.179 -> you'll never defeat me yes I will this
1620.48 -> is one of the greatest twists in Smosh
1622.1 -> history
1629 -> oh what are you gonna write
1631.7 -> my name in the life no what's that gonna
1636.08 -> do you'll see
1638.84 -> wait it was so good
1641.6 -> uh oh
1643.52 -> no
1644.919 -> ah feels Witcher is
1655.72 -> and you choke yourself to death
1662.299 -> that's the text at the end wasn't
1664.4 -> written that was the last minute to play
1666.08 -> more video games yeah
1671.24 -> oh we'll watch the bloopers uh that was
1674.179 -> that was the uh that was that was really
1677.36 -> like that though yeah I I was so happy
1679.76 -> about doing that laugh at the end the
1682.52 -> Kira laugh oh yeah so like that's that's
1685.34 -> one thing that we we definitely like
1686.96 -> clinged on to with with Death Note they
1689.419 -> had these like super over-the-top laughs
1692.6 -> yeah uh light would do I think they did
1695.299 -> it in uh in the English dub and the
1697.94 -> Japanese sub yeah I watch it in Japanese
1700.7 -> did you yeah that's the way to go that's
1703.039 -> the only way to go Subs V dubs yeah it's
1705.679 -> like super over the topic
1708.98 -> I don't even know if I could do it now
1710.36 -> and then we kind of like took that and
1712.279 -> like ran with it for like if you watch
1714.559 -> like the like the was it the 2012 food
1717.919 -> battle where we're like yeah
1721.82 -> like just over the top laugh I love
1724.22 -> laughter I love it so much this video
1726.62 -> had so many good moments that just stand
1729.08 -> out I mean I think almost every scene is
1732.62 -> just I think perfect the first the the
1735.2 -> setup is really good with with the guy
1737.96 -> in the mobility scooter who announces
1739.4 -> his name and blows up in a fire yeah
1741.2 -> Peter Peter scene was great your mom
1743.179 -> coming in immediately after was great
1745.22 -> the Montage of you getting rid of all
1747.62 -> the the serial killers and criminals in
1749.539 -> the world and then the final scene with
1751.76 -> uh the life no Death Note thing and the
1753.559 -> old Switcheroo moment you'll switch
1755.419 -> through love a good twist that was such
1757.76 -> a strong episode it was good yeah yeah
1760.46 -> it was really really solid how would you
1762.559 -> improve it I guess I wouldn't make I
1764.899 -> guess I would I would change I would
1766.64 -> change the the Hansel guy the Hansel guy
1769.46 -> I would change like oh he looks like a a
1771.62 -> a p word
1773.779 -> you would say a p word I mean I wouldn't
1776 -> say like he looks like a p word I would
1778.1 -> just change like the joke is that he
1780.559 -> looks like a p word and uh we just make
1784.399 -> that something else oh you changed that
1786.32 -> I would change the snooky line because
1787.58 -> that that didn't oh yeah snooky aged
1790.299 -> yeah the snooky joke is aged that that's
1793.34 -> not well that's the one part of the
1794.72 -> video where I'm like that is a really
1796.64 -> outdated reference but I love I love
1798.919 -> that actress that we would always bring
1800.419 -> in to do the Snooki yeah bits I mean
1802.7 -> it's kind of funny choking on pickles
1803.96 -> yeah but
1805.52 -> the Snooki Lion in general is just a
1807.559 -> little bit like e i cringe every time
1809.24 -> you were like the cast of the Jersey
1810.98 -> Shore I'm like that's the punch line
1813.62 -> because you list three things I'm like
1814.94 -> that's the punch line yeah
1817.399 -> I guess we weren't specifically going
1819.26 -> after Snooki we were going after Jersey
1821.12 -> Shore as a whole yeah because at that
1823.94 -> time that that like represented like the
1826.1 -> brain rot of TV even though
1828.679 -> we were making Smosh videos
1831.02 -> you know I think I think culturally uh
1835.899 -> remember when Jersey Shore was the worst
1838.52 -> thing on TV
1840.98 -> that would be elevated Netflix content
1843.62 -> right now
1845.24 -> the peak television yeah so we got the
1848.72 -> bloopers here and I don't think that
1850.159 -> I've seen I haven't the bloopers for
1852.38 -> this video since it was released all I
1854.299 -> know is like all these bloopers like I
1857.12 -> edited yeah and like I don't know man
1860.12 -> like I was just like scrubbing through
1861.86 -> footage like desperate to find something
1863.84 -> that I could make funny well yeah
1867.02 -> because they were exclusive on smosh.com
1868.7 -> and our whole goal was to bring some
1870.32 -> traffic to that website so we could sell
1872.36 -> sponsorships there so that we could fund
1875 -> these videos because they weren't making
1876.44 -> enough money on YouTube alone right they
1879.559 -> needed to have additional yeah you're
1881.72 -> coming in for them yeah and and I don't
1884.24 -> think at this time we had like an actual
1886.34 -> behind the scenes like camera there was
1889.159 -> a certain amount of time that we did but
1891.08 -> I think during this time I'm not sure so
1892.82 -> it's all just footage that was taken
1894.32 -> from the actual cameras while we were
1896.419 -> rolling and then I would just go and be
1897.679 -> like I'll zoom in on Anthony's like
1900.14 -> crotch for this shot yeah so we'll see
1902.6 -> what this has I have no idea I play
1906.14 -> ah
1908.12 -> hi I got a Death Note
1917.32 -> don't you understand I always wanted to
1920.299 -> kill that oh he's wearing a red Star
1923.059 -> Trek shirt oh yeah I hate you guys
1926.08 -> supposed to be dead oh sorry
1932.48 -> damn that pickle looks good it does look
1934.34 -> good right now the sound don't use
1935.539 -> bouncy balls for smoke oh yeah we did
1937.7 -> have your mom use a bouncy ball
1940.179 -> everywhere
1942.34 -> damn that thing that thing flew it
1945.2 -> bounced off the ground then the ceiling
1946.94 -> then at you
1953.02 -> oh my God I can't read honey did you
1956.84 -> just record that on the spot yeah I
1958.7 -> guess so for the blooper only right oh
1960.74 -> maybe I think it was just for the
1962.419 -> blooper yeah we imagine we were
1964.46 -> recording it I think that we were really
1966.38 -> struggling to make enough content out of
1969.14 -> the blooper reel yeah that was just me
1971 -> looking at that for the podcast people
1972.44 -> it was just me looking at the death note
1973.7 -> saying I can't read dealers
1976.039 -> Robert
1978.26 -> Robert
1980.12 -> it's snooky oh God so you really did
1983.36 -> have something together
1986.919 -> did we have her read extra lines did we
1989.659 -> have the news reporter just saying extra
1991.1 -> stuff yeah because you could hear her in
1992.899 -> the background of the video she's just
1995.6 -> saying a bunch of stuff oh yeah oh dang
1998.299 -> look at the scooter trick
2000.399 -> whoa
2001.679 -> you actually legitimately got good with
2003.76 -> that oh yeah
2005.62 -> that's pretty insane dude
2008.559 -> I would never have done that dude
2010.6 -> scooter trick Master check this out
2012.7 -> check this out oh [ __ ] a tight 180.
2018.519 -> damn dude you're just going off on that
2020.26 -> scooter
2022.179 -> is this me
2024.659 -> I really wouldn't do a trick on that
2027.1 -> scooter
2031.5 -> mom oh
2036.22 -> you ask me mama
2040.38 -> that was about as much Spanish as I know
2045.7 -> it's so nostalgic just seeing inside
2047.98 -> that house yeah no just remembering how
2050.74 -> dirty those carpets were oh God because
2054.339 -> we did it we did the production in our
2056.08 -> actual house yeah the house is pretty
2058 -> nice and then we started doing
2059.619 -> production in there every week and then
2060.94 -> the house got pretty not nice very
2062.379 -> quickly yeah it's like dirty stains on
2065.139 -> the carpet yeah there's carpet all
2067.419 -> throughout the house which is good for
2068.859 -> Sound True the audio was really good
2071.379 -> yeah the audio wasn't it wasn't like
2073 -> echoey the new place we shoot in is a
2074.619 -> little bit more echoey because it's
2075.7 -> updated it's got hardwood floor right
2078.339 -> yeah oh and there were things like we
2080.619 -> would raise a light and this was before
2082.72 -> LED lights so it was just like the
2084.52 -> hottest lights in the world it was
2086.32 -> miserable working with those things but
2087.82 -> I remember they'd raise a light up for a
2089.98 -> shot so it would be what we needed and
2092.139 -> then we'd start smelling like fire or
2095.02 -> something burning and we'd look up and
2097 -> there was just like it was burning the
2098.92 -> the dust on the ceiling and there was
2100.54 -> like smoke coming from it so there was
2102.04 -> Char marks all over the ceiling there
2104.26 -> were stains on the carpet all the walls
2106.66 -> were dinged up
2108.339 -> Sorry landlord did we pay a cleaning fee
2111.339 -> I don't know if we ended up paying what
2113.079 -> fees we end up paying for the damage we
2114.64 -> did to that poor house
2116.16 -> we definitely didn't get our security
2118.18 -> deposited no like I remember like we did
2120.94 -> we like did a deep cleaning of the
2122.8 -> carpet at some point and it was still
2124.54 -> like it didn't look good yeah we did
2127.72 -> multiple deep cleanings and it never got
2129.22 -> every stain out of there no
2131.38 -> that was that was gross like I remember
2133.599 -> I remember the specific feeling of that
2136 -> carpet so do I because like we did so
2138.28 -> many gags where we're like falling on
2140.44 -> the ground like dead on the ground yeah
2143.619 -> we were always touching that card like
2145.359 -> there's just like so much Grime like
2147.82 -> just deep in that carpet and it was it
2151.119 -> was so uh I don't know treaded on that
2153.76 -> there were just like there was the the
2155.68 -> sides felt fresh and new yeah anything
2158.02 -> where there was a pathway was just like
2159.78 -> dense hard yeah
2163.18 -> turns out when you like throw parties in
2165.339 -> a house and then have like crew come in
2168.16 -> and shoot and you have everyone walking
2169.839 -> through with shoes on and you're going
2172.24 -> in and out of the house walking in like
2174.52 -> dirt and then walking back in the house
2176.859 -> it doesn't make for the most clean
2179.56 -> environment anyway no
2183.46 -> don't you get it Anthony
2186.88 -> I don't have the book
2192.22 -> oh we had him do it sorry I'm not good
2195.46 -> at suffocating this most of us aren't
2200.2 -> there's no words on there oh Bill
2203.2 -> O'Reilly O'Reilly yeah
2205.44 -> wow okay this text says Anthony has a
2208.3 -> weird tumor on his shoulder
2212.5 -> it's just it's a woman behind me it's
2215.619 -> just because there's a person that
2217.54 -> looked like they were on your shoulder
2218.98 -> you we were you were really digging deep
2221.2 -> for I was desperate for Content man I
2223.839 -> was so desperate look at this face do
2225.94 -> you think you're about to go
2227.68 -> yeah the classic Smosh breathing in the
2230.859 -> lip moment
2232.119 -> no it's kind of it was kind of
2234.16 -> blizzard-like yeah I'm good at that
2238.3 -> oh my God
2240.28 -> that is an old reference
2243.359 -> a Lonely Island like a boss reference
2246.339 -> eat an apple like a boss
2250.02 -> I don't know why that's even more cringy
2252.28 -> than the Jersey Shore this hurts me
2260.98 -> what what is so cringy it's like it's
2263.619 -> it's the reference but also like the top
2267.28 -> text bottom text why because it's so
2269.68 -> like classic meme style yeah which like
2272.2 -> at the time I guess that was that was
2274.96 -> the
2276.28 -> that's what you would do that was the
2278.44 -> original meme format yeah uh impact font
2283 -> yep half the text on top half text on
2285.52 -> bottom eat an apple like a boss I just I
2288.52 -> think it's kind of a cool historical
2292.5 -> peace at this point
2294.76 -> I feel like it could come back
2296.98 -> top text bottom text like is it now it's
2299.859 -> like no but now it's like I it's like an
2301.66 -> ironic meme sure it's like yeah yeah but
2305.68 -> you'd have to know the original meme to
2307.24 -> understand the irony so I don't think
2309.099 -> it's coming back
2310.48 -> that [ __ ] is dead I don't know what do
2313 -> you think Aaron no that shit's dead all
2315.28 -> right also why did you call a man a boss
2317.02 -> but a woman a tumor
2323.56 -> how dare you Ian yeah that's true I
2326.98 -> called a woman a tumor and I called a a
2329.859 -> p word a boss
2335.28 -> no don't you understand
2338.859 -> I am a boner I want to touch it oh my
2342.7 -> God what
2343.96 -> what my house is on the market three
2346.48 -> bedrooms two bath and nice neighbors
2348.28 -> please ignore the blood stains you can
2350.079 -> paint right over them
2351.46 -> oh
2356.56 -> just sounds
2358.48 -> oh
2361.18 -> oh that's an old reference
2364.98 -> that's an old reference for my parents
2367.3 -> yeah
2371.859 -> that's another meme reference oh my God
2373.9 -> there's the Prairie dramatic prairie dog
2377.02 -> wow damn
2379 -> we're just it really it really was 2012.
2381.28 -> I mean like because we had like because
2383.14 -> on like smosh.com we had like all those
2386.92 -> like picture dump like meme like
2390.52 -> pictures at that time so you were just
2392.74 -> always up to date with the news
2393.76 -> everything was like these memes that's
2396.22 -> like that was humor
2399.339 -> classic meme I'm just glad that like a
2401.56 -> lot of the a lot of that I don't think
2404.26 -> was in like the actual sketches no this
2407.74 -> was just us grasping for straws trying
2409.3 -> to make something funny yeah but like in
2411.94 -> the actual sketches we weren't like
2414.46 -> I mean we did have like the um we did do
2417.099 -> the uh the forever alone phase do you
2419.74 -> remember when we deformed your face to
2421.24 -> look like yeah but that was funny but
2422.859 -> that's funny because it's just like
2424.06 -> frightening
2431.92 -> guys dead
2438.48 -> like some of the art holy [ __ ]
2445.18 -> nice
2449.7 -> why did I even laugh at that oh man well
2454.66 -> well that was that was the behind the
2458.32 -> scenes for the the Death Note got
2460.96 -> nothing to add up for that no that was
2463.66 -> that was a lot yeah so I think what we
2465.579 -> learned was um
2467.32 -> uh we got to stop being mean to women
2472.44 -> I think it's about time that I led that
2475.119 -> charge yeah yeah yeah we got to do an
2478.48 -> episode where hordes of women uh just
2481.839 -> beat the [ __ ] out yeah yeah okay uh-huh
2484.72 -> cool and I'll get i'll get beat up a
2487.24 -> little bit too okay yeah for the Smosh
2489.22 -> the movie reference where I have 50
2490.48 -> girlfriends in bikinis
2492.579 -> yeah yeah
2495.94 -> happened
2498.46 -> we should we should we should just
2500.079 -> rename this show to Smosh confronts
2502.3 -> their misogyny yeah yep
2505.119 -> and pays the price and pays the price
2507.52 -> every episode a woman beats the [ __ ] out
2510.76 -> of forever every misogynistic joke we
2512.92 -> make we get beat up one by one woman we
2515.26 -> should have like a button for every time
2517.119 -> there's like a moment of like misogyny
2519.76 -> and a Smosh video we should like have a
2522.28 -> button that goes oh hell no
2526.359 -> yeah or something or it just says like
2529.839 -> no
2533.14 -> this is the oh hell no but just the no
2535.3 -> it's just no
2537.22 -> no yeah no
2539.98 -> it could be that we'll clip that mm-hmm
2542.099 -> yeah Yep this show flashback with Smosh
2546.339 -> also known as Smosh apologizes
2550.02 -> uh with all that said aside from the
2552.76 -> really stupid snooky joke and the the
2557.2 -> strange man that we decided was kind of
2560.619 -> some kind of some ableism a little bit a
2563.44 -> little bit with Cecil Adams I mean like
2565.5 -> you know some because some some could I
2568.06 -> guess you said handicapped being a
2569.619 -> little bit ableist yeah yeah we were
2571.54 -> really just trying to get someone in a
2573.16 -> uh like a slow-moving vehicle yeah it
2575.5 -> was all we really were trying to get
2576.46 -> yeah it's hard to get a train
2578.76 -> yeah we're not Mr Beast or one of those
2582.16 -> like
2586.8 -> I feel like if we were to make the video
2589.06 -> now it would have been updated with
2590.74 -> someone just randomly yeah
2592.859 -> I mean yeah if anyone
2596.8 -> um has any ways for us to punch that up
2599.26 -> for next time we do a Death Note video
2600.88 -> yeah yeah suggest a different kind of
2603.94 -> slow moving uh device that doesn't
2606.52 -> doesn't come off as ableist maybe a
2608.8 -> Roomba
2611.14 -> that would not hold it I don't think
2612.76 -> it'll hold a person a cat
2614.859 -> roller skating
2616.359 -> roller skates maybe he's roller skating
2618.46 -> if we do a redo okay in the redo
2621.64 -> roller skates okay no Snooki joke a
2625.06 -> hoverboard or a hoverboard one wheel ah
2628.66 -> that already feels like kind of outdated
2629.92 -> let's see many people ride those anymore
2631.9 -> and then the dude at the end different
2634.06 -> justification
2635.44 -> okay but other than that I loved it yeah
2638.079 -> okay I love that episode it's a good
2640.54 -> it's a solid one the writing is just so
2642.94 -> good I think it's because we were just
2644.38 -> so inspired by the anime yeah yeah yeah
2646.66 -> well that's flashback with Smosh uh next
2650.8 -> week we have another great one coming
2653.14 -> for y'all the real real life voodoo
2656.079 -> dolls it might be real life voodoo dolls
2658 -> so uh maybe if you want to pre-watch
2661 -> that uh you can or you can watch it
2663.76 -> fresh with us next week and soon we'll
2666.579 -> also be going over our Pokemon in real
2668.859 -> life episode the very first of that
2671.859 -> series very first that's five episodes
2674.2 -> that has five episodes oh yeah yeah
2677.319 -> there's there's five of them but we're
2679.24 -> just going over the first one and I know
2680.859 -> for a lot of people that was there first
2683.079 -> Smosh video they ever watched yeah so uh
2686.26 -> be sure you're subscribed to the
2688.06 -> smoshcast channel on YouTube where this
2690.7 -> show exists along with Smosh mouth let
2693.339 -> us know in the comments which other
2694.599 -> classic videos you want us to to have
2697.54 -> here on flashback and also if you want
2700.24 -> to support us creating new sketches go
2703.66 -> over to the Smosh channel become a
2705.52 -> member smash royalty tier members will
2707.859 -> see us doing something a lot like this
2709.92 -> uh with uh but live as a watch party so
2714.16 -> that's something that happens at the
2715.599 -> after every single new sketch is
2717.579 -> released Smosh royalty members get to
2719.56 -> see us kind of do a breakdown just like
2720.94 -> this live indeed and also if you want to
2724.24 -> listen to this on in your car or while
2727.06 -> you work out if you want to be lifting
2729.16 -> some weights while we're talking about
2730.3 -> Snooki you can do that because this is
2732.46 -> available on all the podcast thingies
2737.16 -> I don't know what you call like podcast
2739.38 -> uh providers providers yeah and while
2743.02 -> you're there give us five stars like
2745.66 -> like we're your Uber five star please
2747.819 -> five star please
2750.099 -> um give us five stars and uh subscribe
2753.579 -> bell bell ring button like and comment
2757.96 -> yup there's a new episode of this show
2759.88 -> coming out every single week and let us
2761.56 -> know what episodes you want us to cover
2762.76 -> too because uh we're new to this uh any
2765.88 -> suggestions like the misogyny button
2769.3 -> um yeah and any other quotes or sounds
2772.42 -> maybe Smosh references that you would
2774.28 -> like a potential soundboard we'll get a
2776.74 -> soundboard yeah let us know okay all
2779.98 -> right see you next time see you next
2781.24 -> week
Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WW8_qNB00f4