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Siga nossas redes sociais:

Você tem pressão alta? Sabe o que é? Sabia que alimentos do nosso cotidiano são extremamente prejudiciais? Mas você sabe quais são os alimentos mais perigosos para essas doenças? Sabe quais os riscos de se alimentar de forma errada?

Responderemos muitas perguntas nesse vídeo!

A pressão alta é uma condição em que a força do sangue contra a parede das artérias é muito grande. Normalmente, a hipertensão é definida como a pressão arterial acima de 14/9 e é considerada grave quando a pressão.

E a diabetes? Sabe o que é? Quais são os tipos?

Diabetes Mellitus (DM) é uma síndrome metabólica de origem múltipla, decorrente da falta de insulina e/ou da incapacidade e/ou falta de insulina exercer adequadamente seus efeitos, caracterizando altas taxa de açúcar no sangue ( hiperglicemia) de forma permanente.

Existem quatro tipos principais de Diabetes: Pré-diabetes, Diabetes tipo 1, Diabetes tipo 2 e a Diabetes Gestacional.

Mas você já pensou em regular sua pressão alta e diabetes de forma segura e natural? Sabia que evitando alguns alimentos do seu dia a dia, você pode se prevenir desse males? ISSO MESMO!

Hoje falaremos de 05 alimentos que você deve evitar se você sofre dessas doenças ou se você quer fugir desse problema!

❤️ Esse vídeo é meramente educativo e visa orientar a população sobre assuntos de medicina e saúde em geral. Todo o conteúdo tem caráter estritamente educativo.
❤️ As informações aqui contidas de forma alguma substituem a consulta médica e também não servem como recomendação de plano de tratamento. Em caso de dúvidas, busque atendimento médico.
❤️ A Medicina é uma ciência em constante evolução e algumas informações têm prazo de validade. Os vídeos são produzidos com base nos artigos científicos publicados até a data de postagem do vídeo.


0 -> you who have high blood pressure and diabetes come with me
6.24 -> boxed grape juice few things are as poisonous as that and I'll explain to you why
13.98 -> if you have high blood pressure or diabetes you should avoid both the juice and the various other
20.4 -> foods and that's why I I separated here, in addition to the juice, four more that you need to avoid at all
27.36 -> costs because we know that high blood pressure is a very common disease not only in our country but
33.84 -> also in the whole world. from
39.9 -> Latin America and with these people with these populations it doesn't work differently from the way it
45.36 -> happens here in Brazil
53.16 -> . a Technically
59.88 -> known as hypertension and one of the major problems with hypertension is that it is mostly
66.18 -> a silent disease which means that it was a disease that does not generate signs and
71.64 -> symptoms and the person will only perceive the harm the negative consequences of Hypertension after
77.82 -> decades of illness later on and then The problem will be very serious so that's why it's very
84.9 -> important that we first prevent high blood pressure and also when it's already developed
91.44 -> when it has already appeared in that person, in addition to treating it If necessary with medication, also make adjustments
98.64 -> in lifestyle, especially in food because these adjustments alone are enough
104.64 -> to control the blood pressure of most people and in addition to the arterial person, we
110.52 -> also have Diabetes or diabetes, which is also a disease very common less common than
118.2 -> high blood pressure but here in Brazil for example we have about 13 15 million type
126.12 -> two diabetics and people look at 15 million diabetics It's a lot of people and what is the problem that is becoming
133.2 -> more and more dangerous nowadays type 2 diabetes was a disease of older people
138.84 -> of older people but nowadays as people's lifestyle is getting
144.96 -> worse and worse type 2 Diabetes is appearing at increasingly earlier ages so we
151.14 -> we see children we see teenagers we see young adults with type 2 diabetes need to take
157.2 -> metformin needing to use insulin to control blood glucose and we
161.88 -> definitely don't want that to happen because if you take medicine you know how bad it is.
168.3 -> than taking a medication for the rest of your life every day, so it harms the
173.82 -> person's quality of life
180 -> . the most natural alternatives
186.06 -> we have is food and that's why, in addition to juice, I've separated some more
192.24 -> foods for you here. the first personal food is something that is on the table of all Brazilians
199.2 -> . want to do anything here no merch for
206.28 -> the manufacturer even because I'm going to speak ill of his product so I took it here at my
211.02 -> friend's house I separated Five foods that these diabetic hypertensive patients should avoid I took
217.44 -> the white rice there and then guys what is the big white rice problem white rice is a
225.06 -> refined carbohydrate being a refined carbohydrate it generates glycemic peaks but intense it has
233.4 -> a higher glycemic index this is very bad Both for those who have high blood pressure but especially
238.5 -> for those who have diabetes because these rises these increases a lot fast glycemic index tests end up
248.4 -> being harmful for the control of the disease and end up jeopardizing the entire treatment of that
254.76 -> person, causing the disease to perpetuate and he continues to need to take increasing doses
259.92 -> of the drugs to be able to control the glycemia and what is an interesting alternative to brown rice
267.06 -> and that's something we always talk about here and I won't get tired of criticizing nutritionists
272.4 -> who say that white rice and brown rice are the same thing they say that
277.44 -> because they don't go to page two they they are only analyzing macronutrients here they are
283.5 -> analyzing what protein, fat and carbohydrate mainly are leaving aside a range of a
290.76 -> hundred other substances that are beneficial to health and that end up being removed with the
297.6 -> rice refining process and then in addition to the fibers also several other nutrients several other
304.98 -> minerals flavonoids antioxidant substances that are thrown in the trash by the
312.42 -> grain refining process so if you are thinking that eating brown rice is the same thing as eating
319.2 -> white rice you're wrong, it may be the same thing from a caloric point of view but from a
324.9 -> nutritional point of view it's far from being the same thing and that's why we see studies associating the
332.64 -> consumption of brown rice with the prevention of colon cancer bowel cancer and we see studies
338.7 -> associating the consumption of white rice with some other types of cancer. So guys, if
345.36 -> possible , always give preference to brown rice.
350.76 -> or wholemeal the next food
356.22 -> is a food that every grandmother likes to give to Netinho The Netinho who doesn't eat well The Netinho who
367.2 -> is difficult that he is nauseous to eat but he loves a Nescau I love a bagel of bread with ham
372.84 -> loves a Guaraviton loves a soda I love chocolate a biscuit as a hobby That's grandma grandpa
382.32 -> If you give this to your grandson I have bad news for you because
388.68 -> you are doing much more harm to your grandson than good So look, let's avoid the chocolate milk
396.06 -> want to understand why if you take the list of ingredients for Nescau do Toddy de Whatever
402.66 -> is chocolate you will see there that the first ingredient is sugar you know which means that
408.96 -> what else is in this here is sugar and refined sugar is the highest type of Sugar that exists
418.14 -> and that's why your grandson is fine today, but in the future what will happen to him? He
424.38 -> will gain weight once he gains weight
429.96 -> . that comes with high blood pressure and type 2 diabetes so
437.28 -> if you are giving this to your grandson you are contributing so that he has to
444.12 -> be taking a little insulin injection once again, is it a problem for your grandson to take this here
450.18 -> once a week there is definitely not any give it to him the day he is at your
457.62 -> house on sunday give it to him at ease the problem is taking it every day several times a day the problem
464.46 -> is that this is the rule and not the exception the exception no problem and even good what's the problem you have
473.34 -> to please Netinho they like it's good hot chocolate in cold weather or else
478.14 -> chocolate with ice in hot weather here in Rio today specifically is cold but generally who
485.1 -> knows who knows here knows that most of the year is hot so people can give Nescau
491.16 -> you can eat white rice but make it the exception once again the next food this here is
498.9 -> the poison for hypertensive people you know why because this here problem is not even salt the problem is
508.98 -> its second ingredient which is monosodium glutamate we see there several problems
514.92 -> associated with the use of monosodium glutamate several products several manufacturers several suppliers
521.58 -> even like to be proud of the absence of monosodium glutamate in their Preparations
528.48 -> in their products So guys glutamate monosodium it needs to be avoided and salt
534.9 -> is obviously only fundamental for the electrolyte balance of our body but when consumed
542.16 -> in excess it increases the risk of high blood pressure and also increases the risk of various types
548.7 -> of cancer So, folks, salt has to be very sparingly and the problem is not even so much
553.86 -> the table salt or the Himalayan pink salt itself, but rather the products rich in sodium, especially
561.54 -> the industrialized or ultra-processed ones, such as lasagna noodles, frozen foods
569.1 -> in general, fast food restaurants, Outback, whatever see a restaurant that has several dishes
575.28 -> with high sodium content Outback I love Chives that chicken but it's poison I will never
581.64 -> eat Outback again Of course not here is the time I go but it's my exception I won't
586.38 -> eat at Outback every day Okay, I think that after that, Outback doesn't sponsor me anymore, Leo,
590.1 -> let's go and the last element is this one. Maybe it's the root of all diabetes problems,
598.68 -> also associated with a bad lifestyle as a whole, a sedentary person, a stressed person
607.08 -> a person who drinks a person who smokes a person who does not sleep well all these Pillars of a
614.58 -> healthy lifestyle are directly related to a higher risk of you developing high blood pressure
620.16 -> diabetes and several other diseases that we call non-transmissible chronic diseases that
626.52 -> diseases are these anxiety depression cancer and anything else that is chronic Or is it
633.18 -> lasts for a reasonable amount of time and is non-communicable or is
640.62 -> a non-infectious disease a disease that cannot be passed from me to someone else like
647.1 -> a virus or with a personal bacteria These were the five foods that none or actually
654.3 -> that all diabetics and all hypertensives should avoid in order to have an increase in
662.88 -> quality of life ok so if you start eating better If you start doing
668.7 -> physical activity i I assure you that your life will change for the better and you will no
674.64 -> longer need to take so many medicines for high blood pressure and also for
681.78 -> diabetes
689.7 -> . to adopt better habits if you want to learn the complete step by step of how to adopt
697.02 -> the best habits for your health also for your quality of life and also why not for your
703.56 -> mental health I suggest you read my book The Code of Longevity fortunately thousands of
709.56 -> people have already read it and transformed their lives for the better but there's one person missing who hasn't read it yet
715.56 -> and is wasting precious time to finally get rid of the Medications and live the life you've always
721.8 -> dreamed of with lots of energy and health do the following click now in the first link of the description
727.92 -> and get my book The Longevity Code if you don't like it there's the Unconditional guarantee of
734.94 -> satisfaction your money back So look, you read it, you didn't like it, ask for a refund that we'll give you, then,
740.58 -> there's no risk for you, then, look click now on the first link in the description and get
745.68 -> your personal longevity code continue here on our channel because I have separated two
751.8 -> very special videos for you, the first about a supplement bar medicine that can also
759.36 -> help with your high blood pressure and the second about a drink that will bring down your blood sugar a
766.68 -> big hug for you and your family stay here Be well stay with us and see you next time

Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vyaw2qIRhUg