How coronary heart disease (atherosclerosis) develops
How coronary heart disease (atherosclerosis) develops
Coronary heart disease happens when fatty deposits build up on the walls of the arteries to the heart. This is known as atherosclerosis. Find out more: http://bit.ly/Na8aPM
The content is intended for general information only and does not replace the need for personal advice from a qualified health professional.
0.38 -> This animation will show how atherosclerosis
develops in the heart.
5.55 -> Click the navigation arrows below the animation
screen to play, pause, rewind or
11.269 -> fast-forward the animation. This animation
contains sound.
17.21 -> Atherosclerosis is the process by which arteries
become gradually narrowed and
21.759 -> hardened.
If this happens in the arteries that supply
29.558 -> The network of blood vessels that branch over
the surface of the heart are called
33.848 -> the coronary arteries.
Atherosclerosis can happen in any part of
38.908 -> the coronary arteries.
The coronary arteries supply the heart with
43.858 -> blood.
Over years, fatty deposits in the blood can
49.178 -> build up and form a plaque (atheroma)
on the artery wall.
54.728 -> This can prevent the heart muscle from getting
the blood (and the oxygen) supply
59.628 -> that it needs.
This tends to happen during physical exertion
64.388 -> or when angry or stressed.
It causes a heavy or tight chest pain called
70.537 -> angina.
Afterwards the pain goes away.
75.587 -> If the plaque continues to grow, the risk
of having a heart attack, where the blood
80.297 -> supply to the heart is completely cut off,
85.117 -> This is the end of the animation.
Click on the animation screen to watch it
89.447 -> again.
Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vUVljd0vweU