What causes young people to have heart attacks? | Dr. Shriram Nene

What causes young people to have heart attacks? | Dr. Shriram Nene

What causes young people to have heart attacks? | Dr. Shriram Nene

Although heart attacks and cardiac arrest have remained major health concerns around the world, a growing number of cardiovascular diseases have been diagnosed and reported among the younger population in recent years.

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#DrNene #YoungHeartAttack

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DISCLAIMER- this video is for creating awareness about knowledge available in the medical field and is not intended to be medical advise. Every individual should consult with their own healthcare professional before embarking on a healthcare journey. The information provided is no substitute for a thorough evaluation, exam and advice from your healthcare professional.


2.8 -> hey guys welcome back to the channel i'm sure  all of us were heartbroken when we heard about  
7.92 -> these youngsters less than 50 years old often  less than 40 years old dying of premature heart  
14.08 -> disease when we heard about raj koshal  puneeth rajkumar and siddharth shukla  
19.76 -> but the truth is heart disease according to the  who is the number one killer of people across the  
25.76 -> world and it accounts for about 17.9 million  deaths a year in india alone we have about 17  
32.08 -> and a half lakhs and remember india doesn't have a  reported all-cause mortality so what are the risk  
37.76 -> factors for heart disease what are the symptoms  how do you treat it and how do you avoid it hey  
43.28 -> guys i'm dr naenae a u.s trained cardiac thoracic  and vascular surgeon and a general surgeon as a  
49.28 -> healthcare innovator and a health tech innovator  i want to empower you to your best health ever on  
55.76 -> this channel we will share evidence-based medicine  from all of us to you through our experiences and  
62.32 -> training about health and health care the goal is  to help you make informed decisions about your own  
68.48 -> health as well as that of your loved ones we're  here for you so don't hesitate to reach out so  
74.16 -> the first thing to remember is heart  disease is all about supply and demand  
78.96 -> and there's these arteries on the outside of the  heart which pump blood to the heart muscle the  
84.64 -> heart muscle is three different things it's a  muscle which when constricted pumps blood from  
92.56 -> the two upper chambers to the lungs or to the body  and it's also an electrical conduction system and  
100.16 -> it's an arterial and venous system that powers up  all of the other things and what happens in heart  
105.6 -> disease is you get blockages in the main arteries  which feed to your heart or in the smaller  
110.8 -> arteries that feed to your heart and when they  block up and don't have enough flow that muscle  
115.84 -> becomes ischemic or has starvation for oxygen and  that results in a heart attack so let's start with  
123.52 -> anyone who has looked at the risk factors for  heart disease they're fairly clear and some of  
129.2 -> these are more important than others like if you  have a first degree relative with heart disease  
133.84 -> your risk of heart disease goes up four to ten  fold higher than the baseline similarly if you've  
138.72 -> had a previous heart attack your risk goes up  substantially for having a second heart attack  
144.16 -> and in these types of patients we're talking  about primary prevention through different means  
150.48 -> and different ways to change their risk factors  in addition to these risk factors which we talked  
155.6 -> about there's also risk factors of smoking morbid  obesity diabetes and a host of others which we've  
164.16 -> listed as always i've left the references in the  description below so you can always look at the  
170.88 -> evidence-based material for yourself and decide  now let's say you have those risk factors do  
176 -> you run and hide put your head in the sand no in  fact now you have to think about what you can do  
181.68 -> to change that if you're morbidly obese see a  doctor go on a diet start an exercise program  
187.68 -> to make your heart stronger at the same time as  reducing weight and being happier if you have  
194.08 -> first degree relatives with heart disease make  sure that you go into a doctor and mention that if  
200.8 -> it if they succumb to it meaning they passed  below the age of 50 the risk is even higher and  
205.68 -> interestingly in india it's a very peculiar type  of heart disease in males where it's one type of  
212.72 -> lipid vehicle called triglyceride rich  heart disease and it occurs 10 years younger  
218.24 -> than the western counterparts so if we saw heart  disease peaking somewhere between 50 and 65 in  
223.52 -> the u.s it often peaks between 40 and 50 in india  and this has been mentioned in numerous papers uh  
229.92 -> where they find this and when it happens asians  are often smaller in built and they have smaller  
235.28 -> arteries and as a result end up with tighter  blockages and worse blood flow so let's move on  
241.52 -> now from the risk factors to what are the symptoms  of heart disease in 85 roughly of patients who  
249.6 -> have heart disease they may have typical symptoms  and why i'm saying that is you'll figure it out in  
255.76 -> a second but those symptoms can be chest pain  chest pressure shortness of breath chest pain  
261.36 -> radiating to the left arm or back pain and it  can be associated with activity or sometimes at  
268.64 -> rest the tricky part is 15 of patients will either  have no symptoms or have atypical symptoms meaning  
275.76 -> symptoms of heartburn or dyspepsia which are  often construed as something else and that's  
281.2 -> particularly to diabetics who often have nervous  systems nerves in particular which don't function  
288.56 -> normally and in those patients and also in women  we often see the disease presenting late and hence  
296.48 -> the mortality or the complications are much higher  so the idea is if you're a diabetic or in the case  
302.88 -> of women we found that they often did not go  in early they said oh this is just heartburn  
310.24 -> or i'm so busy i have so many things do i won't go  in and heart disease in women actually has worse  
316.8 -> outcomes because they often present later  and they often have smaller arteries  
320.96 -> so now you've got these symptoms or maybe atypical  symptoms and they're reproducible and they come on  
326.64 -> with activity what do you do if you're at home  and you have chest pain if you're in the u.s  
333.84 -> you call 9-1-1 and you go to the hospital  or you drive into the hospital immediately  
339.28 -> and why that's important is time is muscle in  the u.s we used to count survival and mortality  
347.2 -> risks by door to balloon time meaning the time  you got into the hospital but more importantly  
352.16 -> from the time you hit the hospital to the time  you hit the cath lab and the artery was opened  
356.8 -> or you went to surgery and in an ideal setting  30 to 60 minutes is the best outcomes if you  
363.2 -> wait longer than six hours of the heart attack  the risks are much higher and six to 24 hours is  
369.68 -> the witching period for heart surgeons operating  because you get very bad reperfusion effects often  
375.52 -> leading to the heart being stunned now that's a  challenge in india because the truth is that just  
381.68 -> getting to the hospital with traffic and all that  many places is tough but moreover india's not one  
387.44 -> india it's 30 metro 70 rural and where resources  in many cases are sparse and so the idea is to  
395.76 -> recognize this early and often and move from the  acute care mode to prevention early recognition  
402.16 -> early treatment prevention of heart disease relies  on a recognizing risk factors for heart disease  
408.16 -> and changing them b focusing on living a better  lifestyle and improving all of your parameters for  
417.28 -> healthy living it's not always easy you can't  always change the stress at work you can't always  
422 -> change your diet you can't always improve your  exercise particularly in the last two years with  
426.4 -> the pandemic let's face it not all of us could get  outside and do what we needed to do i'm already  
432.08 -> feeling better and i had had my pandemic pounds  for a while and now they're all gone but i can  
437.28 -> tell you that you need to overcome that you need  to set the goals in front of you and look at these  
442.56 -> go see a doctor track all of these things in a  later video we'll talk about different aspects  
447.52 -> of this with weight loss and exercise and all  that on the channel so you can refer to those to  
453.2 -> help you with some of that but heart disease is  always about prevention it's about eating right  
459.52 -> watching your weight exercising if you have high  cholesterol and you have risk factors or you've  
466.24 -> had an event that's primary prevention let's  talk about cholesterol for a second the original  
471.52 -> studies done in framingham massachusetts suggested  that people with elevated cholesterol were at  
478.08 -> risk of heart attack at a higher rate however  more recently there were some crestor studies  
483.84 -> on a particular drug which reduced cholesterol  and over 12 years they weren't able to show a  
489.2 -> significant decrease in mortality in most patients  there were exceptions to that in patients who had  
496.64 -> secondary prevention meaning they'd already had  an event or patients with exceptionally high risks  
502.64 -> family history or other factors which would push  you to using it but as a rule we're not paying  
508.88 -> as much attention to cholesterol now as a primary  prevention technique whereas before that we were  
514.96 -> all pushing to bring the cholesterol and the ldl  way down and why that is is because the benefits  
520.32 -> did not outweigh the risks in primary prevention  in patients with low risk in patients with  
525.52 -> high risk or secondary prevention it makes  sense let's move on from prevention now  
532.08 -> to what you do if you're having these symptoms  the first and foremost thing is to call for help  
538.4 -> don't just sit by and watch this consume you  because time is muscle as we always said and  
545.52 -> the bottom line is the sooner you get in and the  sooner someone can get you assessed and evaluated  
549.84 -> and treated the better off you're gonna be in the  meanwhile what can you do there's numerous studies  
555.36 -> that suggest just taking a baby aspirin alone 81  milligrams is beneficial how it works is to block  
561.92 -> platelet coagulation or clotting and it can help  with your heart in the hospital setting i would  
569.36 -> give people supplemental oxygen i would give them  nitroglycerin while getting an ekg and doing other  
574.16 -> things on the way to the cath lab in addition in  many cases we would put on blood thinners through  
579.68 -> the iv you can't do that at home right your only  hope is to get into the hospital now you've been  
584.4 -> admitted to a hospital you typically go through  the er they're going to do an ekg on you and  
589.44 -> they're going to look at specific changes which  would indicate that parts of your heart muscle are  
595.2 -> having problems with blood flow and what they'll  end up doing is temporizing you until they can get  
602.32 -> a cath lab operating if perchance your ekg is not  showing it but you have symptoms the other thing  
607.6 -> they often do is draw cardiac enzymes what are  cardiac enzymes when your cells die they basically  
615.76 -> break down and these cardiac enzymes which are  byproducts of muscle breakdown will go into the  
622.16 -> bloodstream and these can be measured  the most common ones are troponins or  
627.76 -> myocardial enzymes and these things are essential  and if your troponins measured at different  
633.12 -> intervals or positive then it indicates that  you have had a cardiac event that would push  
640.4 -> you to potentially take someone to the cath lab  but there are a lot of criteria the second thing  
646.16 -> they may do in the hospital after getting the ekg  if they're not sure is getting an echocardiogram  
650.88 -> to see if one part of your heart muscle is moving  differently than another part and what will happen  
655.92 -> is if there's an area which is starved for blood  meaning there's a blockage there that part of  
661.44 -> the muscle will become either hypokinetic  or a kinetic hypokinetic means move less  
666.88 -> and a kinetic means not move at all depending on  when you get to it you can reverse that if it's  
673.2 -> within the first six hours there's a good chance  that you can get that back and if it's within  
677.12 -> the first 30 minutes chances are it'll get back  completely beyond that sometimes the heart will  
681.92 -> get stunned and it may take a number of hours  or days to get better so what are the options  
687.12 -> once you're faced with that there's actually three  options the first is if you're in a remote area  
693.92 -> and you're having a massive heart attack the one  thing they can do and if they're proving it is  
697.84 -> they can lyse you with tnk which is something  which breaks down the clots there are basically  
704.24 -> things which act on the clots to break them down  if they don't have a cath lab in an ideal setting  
710.48 -> a cardiologist would see you they would take you  to cath lab and through access through your groin  
715.28 -> through the femoral artery they would or through  your radial artery they would put a catheter up  
719.76 -> and squirt some dye in to see what blockages  are there and then they'd pass a wire down  
724.32 -> and get past the blockage and then either suck it  out or put a stent across it to re restore flow  
730.88 -> now there's situations where you can't do that  and the absolute indications for a bypass surgery  
738.24 -> would be severe three vessel disease meaning that  the three main arteries on your heart are blocked  
743.92 -> and you're starving the heart muscle for blood  the second would be a left mane meaning that the  
750.32 -> two arteries on the left side of your heart one  going down the front and one going down the side  
754.8 -> the led and the circumflex come from one root  called the left main off the aorta and if that's  
760.72 -> blocked high grade it's very risky to put a stent  across and so that would be another indication the  
766.24 -> third would be multivessel disease meaning small  blockages all throughout in arteries which could  
771.28 -> be bypassed in diabetics and in all of these  three cases they've shown that there's benefit  
777.12 -> to operating on someone now they catheterize you  they put in a stent what can you expect usually  
783.6 -> recovery from stents is fairly quick there are  some complications which can occur like having  
788.72 -> bleeding from your groin you can have  pseudoaneurysm or a small collection there  
794.16 -> or you can have bleeding from other areas from  the blood thinners they put you on they also put  
798.32 -> you on anti-platelet agents for a number of months  and you will have to tolerate them and some of the  
804.4 -> side effects can be from bleeding from your gut  from your stomach through ulcers and things like  
808.96 -> that or from other areas which were not an issue  before but were revealed once they put you on the  
815.52 -> antiplatelet now let's say they can't stent you  what are the other options depending on how sick  
821.04 -> you are and how well they can stabilize you with  the blood thinners the oxygen the nitroglycerin  
828 -> they can dictate whether you need to go to  emergency heart surgery or whether they can  
833.04 -> let you stabilize a little bit and take you but  generally if they've opened up the block or bought  
838.08 -> you some time and you're no longer showing your  semi-changes but you have severe heart disease  
842.24 -> then the recommendation would be to do it either  electively meaning at a small time interval or  
849.6 -> emergently meaning that i need to go right away  and when they take you to the operating room what  
854.4 -> they'll end up doing is under general anesthesia  they'll take artery from the inside of your chest  
861.12 -> veins from your legs and open your chest up and  sew the arteries onto your heart or the vein  
866.72 -> onto your heart coronaries and then attach that  to the aorta in the case of the veins or attach  
874 -> with the artery that comes from the inside of  your chest it already has its own blood supply  
878.56 -> with that the long-term survival is exceptionally  good in patients who warrant that and remember i  
884.64 -> gave you those criteria for doing it so now you've  had heart surgery what do you expect generally  
889.84 -> you're in the hospital about three to seven days  afterwards it will take about three months to  
895.12 -> get over it but the recovery will be full in most  cases there are risks and your doctor will explain  
901.52 -> those to you but the long-term benefit from heart  surgery is very clear the artery which we put on  
907.84 -> often is open 90 of the time at 10 years and the  veins can be as high as 70 percent it's a very  
914.08 -> proven procedure for patients who need it the hope  would be with this and what the take home is is if  
920.24 -> we can prevent early recognize and early treat and  move away from acute care we can solve this puzzle  
927.6 -> let's face it worldwide and in india there aren't  enough resources to go around and heart disease is  
933.84 -> such a killer predominantly because people come in  late and if they understand what the risk factors  
940.4 -> are what the symptoms are what the treatment is  and also when they should go in right then the  
947.52 -> hope would be that we can treat them earlier  in the diseases process and in doing that we  
954.32 -> can potentially save their lives and save the  lives of their loved ones as always i've left the  
959.52 -> evidence-based links in the description of this  video and you can go to my website doctornay.com  
965.44 -> which has a lot of the details that you can dig  deeper on i'm here for you and you're here for  
971.28 -> me and together we'll build a better world but  the idea is to start the dialogue now and so  
976.8 -> leave comments below don't forget to subscribe  like and share and always always think of your  
983.52 -> health because it's something which can slip by  very quickly and it's something that if you spend  
988 -> time on can be amazing here's to your health and  here's to your happiness thanks for joining us
1002.6 -> [Music]
1003.6 -> you

Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vEaCshtSBMs