8 Common Reasons Why People Die In Their Sleep

8 Common Reasons Why People Die In Their Sleep

8 Common Reasons Why People Die In Their Sleep

Death is one of life’s few certainties, that and taxes. It’s scary to think that while you rest, you could face the possibility of passing on from this life. It’s a common belief that this is the best way to go. Though It might seem preferable to many, it’s not very comforting when it happens to young people.

In today’s video, we will explore what it truly means to pass on in our sleep and how it happens in the first place! Stick around as we dig deep into the reasons why people die in their sleep.

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WATCH 🎥: How To Prevent Nightmares \u0026 Sleep Better -    • How To Prevent Nightmares \u0026 Sleep Better  

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Medical Disclaimer: https://pastebin.com/xLmigD6i

#SleepApnea #DeathInSleep #Bestie

Sources: https://pastebin.com/KjiWwmES

Intro - 0:00
Heart Attacks - 0:34
Arrhythmias - 1:07
Strokes - 1:47
Heart Failure - 2:14
Pulmonary Disease - 3:07
Sleep Apnea - 4:22
Carbon Monoxide Poisoning - 5:26
Epilepsy - 6:06


Number one on our list is heart attacks.
Researchers have found that a large number of people pass on in their sleep due to heart attacks.

Arrhythmias follow at a close second.
Arrhythmias, a common cause of death while sleeping, is associated with the heart’s electrical activity. Cardiac blocks that disrupt the electrical pattern cause heart failure and death.

Strokes are another common sign.
Strokes frequently occur during sleep, which can result in sudden death. The heart significantly influences other systems that rely on its blood circulation capacity.

Congestive heart failure also plays a role in sudden death.
Congestive heart failure can also eventually result in total heart failure. Left-sided heart failure can rapidly affect the right side of the heart, which results in fluid accumulation in the lungs, shortness of breath, mainly while lying down, and peripheral edema in the feet and legs.

Let’s explore Pulmonary disease.
Pulmonary disease is often long-lasting, and its effects may show slowly. Progression of this disease can result in death.

Sleep apnea is common in sleep deaths.
One of the worst widespread causes, among the many different types of sleep apnea, is obstructive sleep apnea.

Carbon Monoxide Poisoning the silent killer.
Carbon monoxide is an odorless, colorless gas typically produced by fuel combustion in automobiles, fireplaces, gas stoves, barbecues, and furnaces. Carbon monoxide poisoning can occur in poorly ventilated, enclosed spaces.

Last but not least, on our list is epilepsy.
Epilepsy considerably increases the risk of dying while sleeping. The Epilepsy Foundation claims that more than 1 in 1,000 epileptics die suddenly each year.

For more information, please watch the video until the very end.
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1.04 -> Imagine closing your eyes and  falling asleep, never to awaken.
4.48 -> (Pause)
5.36 -> Death is one of life’s few certainties, that and  taxes. It’s scary to think that while you rest,  
10.08 -> you could face the possibility  of passing on from this life.  
12.88 -> It’s a common belief that this is the best way  to go. Though It might seem preferable to many,  
16.72 -> it’s not very comforting when  it happens to young people.
20.16 -> In today’s video, we will explore what it truly  means to pass on in our sleep and how it happens  
24.4 -> in the first place! Stick around as we dig deep  into the reasons why people die in their sleep.
29.84 -> (bestie intro)
31.867 -> (Pause)
32.88 -> Number one on our list is heart attacks.
36.08 -> Researchers have found that a large number  of people pass on in their sleep due to  
39.68 -> heart attacks. A heart attack occurs when  the blood flow to the heart is cut off or  
43.2 -> slowed to a large extent. Most of the  time, blood flow becomes blocked due  
47.52 -> to the build-up of fat, cholesterol, and  other substances in the heart’s arteries.
52.72 -> Coronary artery disease causes most heart  attacks. In coronary artery disease,  
57.2 -> one or more arteries block the blood supply to  the heart, and plaques, deposits of cholesterol,  
61.68 -> are usually to blame. Plaques can narrow the  arteries, cutting off blood flow to the heart.
67.08 -> (Pause)
68.08 -> Arrhythmias follow at a close second.
71.12 -> Arrhythmias, a common cause  of death while sleeping,  
73.707 -> is associated with the heart's electrical  activity. Cardiac blocks that disrupt the  
77.84 -> electrical pattern cause heart failure and death.
81.28 -> Often sudden, unexpected death while sleeping has  been blamed on the failure of the heart beating.  
86.24 -> The incorrect signaling causes the heart  to beat too quickly or slowly. Due to these  
90.16 -> irregularities, the heart muscle gets damaged.  The charge required to fire the muscle in a  
94.72 -> synchronized manner may be disrupted. Contractions  may become irregular, too fast, or too slow,  
99.6 -> and the effectiveness of the heart's pumping  may be compromised, leading to cardiac arrest.
105.16 -> (Pause)
106.16 -> Strokes are another common sign.
108.96 -> Strokes frequently occur during sleep, which can  result in sudden death. The heart significantly  
114.16 -> influences other systems that rely on its blood  circulation capacity. In particular, an abnormal  
119.28 -> heartbeat can induce a blood clot to move to  the brain and cause a stroke. Hypertension,  
123.76 -> or high blood pressure, may raise the  risk to a greater extent; consequently,  
127.44 -> people with these traits and symptoms are  more vulnerable to dying in their sleep.
132.2 -> (Pause)
133.2 -> Congestive heart failure also  plays a role in sudden death.
137.44 -> Congestive heart failure can also eventually  result in total heart failure. Left-sided  
141.76 -> heart failure can rapidly affect the right  side of the heart, which results in fluid  
145.36 -> accumulation in the lungs, shortness of breath,  mainly while lying down, and peripheral edema  
150.32 -> in the feet and legs. Overloaded heart volume  can halt its ability to pump blood. Once the  
154.88 -> heart stops pumping blood, the person becomes  brain dead and passes away in their sleep.
159.84 -> In other instances, the affected person  may have had an undiscovered cardiac  
163.28 -> problem that made them more susceptible  to dying from an irregular heart rhythm.
167.52 -> Heart disease can kill both the  elderly and the young. The American  
171.04 -> Academy of Pediatrics identifies  sudden cardiac death during sleep  
175.2 -> or the day as the most significant  cause of death among young athletes.
180 -> The heart and lungs work together, and just  like a team, if one system fails quickly,  
184 -> the other is likely to fail soon after.
187.08 -> (Pause)
188.08 -> Let’s explore Pulmonary disease.
191.04 -> Pulmonary disease is often long-lasting,  and its effects may show slowly.  
195.12 -> Progression of this disease can result in death.
198.64 -> At the most basic level, the lungs are in charge  of obtaining oxygen and carbon dioxide from the  
203.44 -> air. When the lungs don't function properly,  the amount of oxygen in the blood drops,  
207.2 -> and carbon dioxide rises, your body’s  acid-base balance can change drastically.
213.12 -> Asphyxiation can happen when there is a  sudden blockage, like when someone chokes  
217.12 -> on vomit. Even though it's unlikely, a case of  obstructive sleep apnea could also end in death.
223.04 -> Chronic illnesses such as chronic  obstructive pulmonary disease,  
226.48 -> cystic fibrosis, emphysema, lung tumors, and  pneumonia that get worse over time can lead  
231.68 -> to respiratory failure. Respiratory failure  occurs when the lungs themselves stop working.
237.12 -> Changes in the muscles or nervous system,  like amyotrophic lateral sclerosis  
241.68 -> or myasthenia gravis, can also  cause the lungs to stop working.
246.16 -> Sometimes, congenital disabilities, like  congenital central hypoventilation syndrome,  
250.96 -> can make it hard to breathe. SIDS- sudden  infant death syndrome is a condition when  
255.6 -> babies don't breathe properly while they sleep,  which in some cases may lead to sleep death.
261 -> (Pause)
262 -> Sleep apnea is common in sleep deaths.
265.2 -> One of the worst widespread causes, among  the many different types of sleep apnea,  
268.96 -> is obstructive sleep apnea. Obstructive sleep  apnea primarily affects our sleep patterns.  
273.92 -> It causes recurrent stops and starts while  breathing during sleep, resulting in your throat  
278.08 -> muscles relaxing intermittently throughout  sleep, which leads to airway obstruction.  
282.16 -> Researchers state that untreated sleep apnea has  an increased risk of experiencing a heart attack.  
287.12 -> People with untreated sleep apnea are  twice as likely to suffer a stroke.
291.76 -> So how does obstructive sleep apnea kill?  When the air passage of the breathing  
296 -> system becomes clogged, oxygen levels  in the blood might abruptly decrease.  
300.16 -> If a person is already at risk for heart attack  and stroke, obstructive sleep apnea can trigger  
304.8 -> a sudden cardiac event or brain attack that  can lead to an untimely death during sleep.
310.24 -> Patients with obstructive sleep apnea have  a greater risk of sudden cardiac death  
314.4 -> between midnight and 6 a.m. Data suggests that  about 22 million Americans have sleep apnea,  
319.68 -> and about 80% of these cases are left untreated.
323.84 -> (Pause) Carbon Monoxide Poisoning the silent killer.
327.84 -> Carbon monoxide is an odorless,  colorless gas typically produced  
331.28 -> by fuel combustion in automobiles,  fireplaces, gas stoves, barbecues,  
335.52 -> and furnaces. Carbon monoxide poisoning can  occur in poorly ventilated, enclosed spaces.
341.92 -> Carbon monoxide poisoning symptoms range from  headache, vertigo, and weariness to vomiting,  
346.72 -> loss of consciousness, and abrupt death. The best  technique to detect carbon monoxide in your home  
351.52 -> is to install a carbon monoxide  detector and routinely run tests.
356.16 -> According to data from the CDC, roughly 400 people  
359.2 -> die from carbon monoxide poisoning  every year in the United States alone.
364.2 -> (Pause)
365.2 -> Last but not least, on our list is epilepsy.
368.72 -> Epilepsy considerably increases the risk  of dying while sleeping. The Epilepsy  
372.88 -> Foundation claims that more than 1 in 1,000  epileptics die suddenly each year. Those who  
378.32 -> have epilepsy and successfully manage their  illness with proper treatment can lower the  
382.24 -> likelihood that they will pass away due  to sudden unexpected death during sleep.
385.92 -> (Pause)
386.8 -> It looks like we have explored the major causes  of why people die in their sleep. Hopefully,  
390.64 -> you have learned that the likelihood of  passing away during sleep is primarily  
393.68 -> influenced by your heart and brain  health, along with a few other factors.
398.24 -> People may reason that once your time has  come, there is nothing you can do about it. 
401.76 -> We often ignore warning signs of poor  health, especially within our heart!  
405.2 -> Let’s keep the conversation going with a  couple more heart-related videos. Shall we?  
409.36 -> Check out 6 Signs Of A Silent Heart  Attack That Are Always Ignored Or 
412.72 -> 11 Early Warning Signs Of Heart  Disease In Men You Shouldn’t Ignore.
416.08 -> Go ahead, click one. Or better yet,  watch both to learn more about signs  
419.36 -> and symptoms you shouldn’t ignore.  Which statistic surprised you most  
422.8 -> while watching this video? Let us  know in the comments section below.

Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v7t2ZrXJMuE