Antihypertensives are a class of drugs that are used to treat hypertension. Antihypertensive therapy seeks to prevent the complications of high blood pressure such as heart attack and stroke. This pharmacology lecture covers topics such as pathophysiology of hypertension, regulation of blood pressure, cardiac output, systemic vascular resistance, baroreceptors, alpha \u0026 beta receptors, vasoconstriction, vasodilation, renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system, bradykinin, nitric oxide. Mechanism of action of antihypertensive drugs and their side effects; adrenergic antagonists; alpha \u0026 beta blockers, centrally acting adrenergic agents, dihydropyridine \u0026 nondihydropyridine calcium channel blockers, loop, thiazide, potassium-sparing diuretics, renin inhibitors, angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors, angiotensin II receptor type 1 blockers (ARBs), endothelin receptor antagonist, dopamine-1 receptor agonist, peripheral vasodilators. Drugs mentioned include; Doxazosin, Prazosin, Clonidine, Methyldopa, Amlodipine, Felodipine, Nicardipine, Nifedipine, Diltiazem, Verapamil, Furosemide, Hydrochlorothiazide, Triamterene, Spironolactone, Aliskiren, Benazepril, Captopril, Enalapril, Lisinopril, Quinapril, Ramipril, Candesartan, Irbesartan, Losartan, Olmesartan, Valsartan, Bosentan, Fenoldopam, Sodium Nitroprusside, Nitroglycerin, Hydralazine, and Minoxidil.

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0:00 Pathophysiology of hypertension
2:55 Alpha-1 blockers
3:10 Beta blockers
4:01 Centrally-acting adrenergic drugs
4:49 Calcium channel blockers
7:27 Diuretics
8:57 Inhibitors of renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system
12:25 Miscellaneous antihypertensives


0 -> in this lecture I'm going to talk about pharmacology of antihypertensive drugs
5.15 -> so let's get right into it hypertension or high blood pressure is a
10.86 -> quite common disorder affecting many people who typically don't even notice
15.059 -> any symptoms now in order to gain a better understanding of pharmacology of
20.33 -> antihypertensive agents first we need to review a basic physiology of blood
24.84 -> pressure regulation so when we talk about blood pressure we are generally
30.33 -> referring to the force or tension of blood pressing against the artery walls
34.61 -> now this pressure in the arteries is maintained by among other things
38.87 -> contraction of the left ventricle systemic vascular resistance elasticity
44.309 -> of the arterial walls as well blood volume in other words blood pressure is
49.379 -> simply a product of cardiac output and systemic vascular resistance there are a
56.129 -> couple of major systems involved in blood pressure regulation first arterial
61.32 -> blood pressure is regulated by pressure sensitive neurons called baroreceptors
66.02 -> located in the aortic arch and carotid sinuses so for example if blood pressure
73.89 -> falls too low those baroreceptors can send signals to the adrenal medulla
78.17 -> causing release of catecholamines and thus increase in sympathetic activity through
83.9 -> activation of alpha and beta receptors so activation of beta-1 receptors causes
90.54 -> increase in heart rate and stroke volume and thus increased cardiac output which
96.09 -> leads to increase in blood pressure on the other hand activation of alpha-1
100.92 -> receptors on smooth muscle causes vasoconstriction and thus increase in
105.75 -> vascular resistance which again leads to increase in blood pressure now another
111.18 -> major system involved in blood pressure regulation is the
114.979 -> renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system so we also have baroreceptors in the
120.299 -> kidneys that respond to fall in blood pressure or reduction of blood flow by
124.86 -> releasing enzyme called renin additionally renin secretion is also
130.05 -> stimulated by sympathetic activation of beta-1 receptors
133.47 -> in the kidneys now renin is necessary for the production of angiotensin II
139.34 -> angiotensin II is a very potent vasoconstrictor which constricts systemic
144.27 -> blood vessels thus increasing peripheral resistance angiotensin II also
149.97 -> constricts renal blood vessels and stimulates aldosterone secretion which
154.2 -> leads to sodium and water retention thereby increased blood volume cardiac
158.52 -> output and ultimately increased blood pressure now let's switch gears and
163.68 -> let's talk about antihypertensive agents so there are several major
168.03 -> classes of antihypertensive drugs which work by interrupting different parts of
172.68 -> this blood pressure regulating system first we have alpha-1 blockers such as
177.93 -> Doxazosin and Prazosin which block alpha-1 receptors on the smooth muscle
182.94 -> thus causing decrease in systemic vascular resistance and ultimately
187.26 -> decrease in blood pressure next we have selective beta blockers such as Atenolol
193.02 -> and Metoprolol which selectively block beta-1 receptors on the heart thus
198.33 -> causing decrease in cardiac output and thereby decrease in blood pressure as
203.519 -> you may remember we also have non-selective beta blockers such as
207.42 -> Labetalol and Carvedilol that can additionally block alpha-1 receptors and
212.13 -> thus simultaneously decrease vascular resistance furthermore beta blockers can
218.13 -> inhibit beta-1 receptors present on the kidneys and thus suppress release of
222.81 -> renin formation of angiotensin II and secretion of aldosterone so these
228.39 -> effects result in decrease in systemic vascular resistance and again fall in
233.34 -> blood pressure to learn more about alpha and beta blockers make sure you check
237.989 -> out my video about adrenergic antagonists now the next major class of
242.85 -> antihypertensive agents are centrally acting adrenergic drugs which work by
247.92 -> blocking sympathetic activity within the brain example of drugs that belong to
252.989 -> this class are Clonidine and Methyldopa now Clonidine selectively stimulates
258.63 -> presynaptic alpha-2 receptors thus providing negative feedback to reduce
263.19 -> catecholamine production and release this leads to decrease
267.5 -> in systemic vascular resistance and cardiac output and ultimately decreased
272.039 -> blood pressure Methyldopa on the other hand also lowers blood pressure through the
277.53 -> same mechanism however unlike Clonidine it is not an
281.25 -> agonist itself so first it must be converted to its active metabolite
285.96 -> called methylnorepinephrine now let's move on to another major class of
292 -> antihypertensive agents that is calcium channel blockers so calcium channel
298.169 -> blockers are divided into two main subclasses dihydropyridines and
303.8 -> nondihydropyridines now dihydropyridines selectively inhibit L-type calcium
309.389 -> channels in the vascular smooth muscle under normal conditions when calcium
315.539 -> enters the smooth muscle cell it causes it to contract which leads to increased
320.219 -> vascular resistance and thus increase in blood pressure so when dihydropyridine drug
326.699 -> blocks the entry of calcium into the vascular smooth muscle cell the
331.139 -> contraction is inhibited which leads to decreased resistance to blood flow and
335.219 -> thus lowering of blood pressure example of drugs that belong to this group are
341.31 -> Amlodipine Felodipine Nicardipine and Nifedipine when it comes to side
348.3 -> effects of dihydropyridines they're related to systemic vasodilation so you
354.12 -> can expect dizziness headache flushing and peripheral edema another side effect
359.909 -> that may occur with this class is swelling of gums also known as gingival
364.83 -> hyperplasia now let's move on to nondihydropyridines which are non selective
370.889 -> inhibitors of L-type calcium channels in other words they are not only capable of
376.11 -> blocking calcium channels on vascular smooth muscle but also calcium channels
380.43 -> on cardiac cells such as those of SA node and AV node which leads to reduced
385.469 -> myocardial contractility slower heart rate and slower conduction that's why these
391.11 -> agents exhibit significant antiarrhythmic properties for more
395.819 -> details make sure you check out my video about antiarrhythmic drugs
400.74 -> now it's important to remember that even though decreased heart contractions
404.52 -> typically result in decreased cardiac output
406.94 -> nondihydropyridines do not significantly decrease cardiac output
411.6 -> most likely because of the reflex tachycardia that occurs as a result of
415.83 -> vasodilation currently there are only two drugs that belong to this group
421.29 -> namely Diltiazem and Verapamil now when it comes to side-effects nondihydropyridines
427.8 -> can cause excessive bradycardia and cardiac conduction abnormalities
432.71 -> additionally Verapamil which happens to be the least selective calcium channel
437.07 -> blocker can exert significant inhibition of calcium channels in the smooth muscle
442.05 -> that lines the GI tract which can lead to constipation
446.9 -> now the next major class of antihypertensive agents are diuretics there
452.31 -> are three major classes of diuretics that are used in the treatment of
455.61 -> hypertension first we have loop diuretics such as Furosemide which
460.17 -> work by reducing reabsorption of sodium chloride in the kidneys leading to
464.07 -> significant diuresis with less volume in the vascular space less blood returns to
469.41 -> the heart so cardiac output decreases this in turn leads to decrease in blood
473.79 -> pressure particularly in patients with volume-based hypertension and chronic
478.44 -> kidney disease secondly we have thiazide diuretics such as Hydrochlorothiazide
483.72 -> which also reduce reabsorption of sodium chloride in the kidneys but to a much
488.73 -> smaller degree than loop diuretics this leads to initial decrease in
493.08 -> intravascular volume decrease in cardiac output and ultimately lower blood
497.25 -> pressure however the long term effects on blood volume are minimal and
501.48 -> sustained antihypertensive effects are thought to be produced by thiazide induced
506.1 -> vasodilation lastly we have potassium-sparing diuretics such as Triamterene
512.31 -> and Spironolactone which increase diuresis by either interfering with the
516.63 -> sodium potassium exchange in the kidneys or by blocking the actions of
520.95 -> aldosterone potassium-sparing diuretics are often used in combination
525.12 -> with loop and thiazide diuretics to reduce loss of potassium that can occur with
530.94 -> the use of these drugs for more details make
534.5 -> sure you check out my video about diuretics now let's move on to another
539.03 -> group of antihypertensive agents that is agents that work on the
543.88 -> renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system so here we have three pharmacological
548.99 -> targets that can be used to reduce the activity of angiotensin II which is
553.4 -> ultimately responsible for causing blood pressure to increase first we have renin
559.07 -> the enzyme responsible for conversion of angiotensinogen to precursor of
564.35 -> angiotensin II that is angiotensin I so renin is the target of renin inhibitors
571.31 -> which selectively inhibit this enzyme thus decreasing production of
575.57 -> angiotensin II the example of drug that belongs to this class is Aliskiren
581.98 -> secondly we have angiotensin-converting enzyme that is responsible
585.71 -> for conversion of angiotensin I to angiotensin II this enzyme is the target
592.94 -> of ACE inhibitors so just like inhibition of renin inhibition of
597.23 -> angiotensin-converting enzyme also leads to decreased production of angiotensin II
602.3 -> however what makes ACE inhibitors different is that in addition to
606.26 -> lowering angiotensin II levels they can also elevate bradykinin levels
610.93 -> bradykinin is a peptide that causes blood vessels to dilate by stimulating
615.8 -> the release of nitric oxide and prostacyclin
618.67 -> however normally angiotensin-converting enzyme inactives bradykinin so it's
624.2 -> inhibition leads to bradykinin induced vasodilation the example of drugs
630.71 -> that belong to this class are Benazepril Captopril Enalapril
635.47 -> Lisinopril Quinapril and Ramipril finally we have
641.27 -> angiotensin II receptors type 1 or AT1 receptors for short so binding
647.96 -> of angiotensin II to these receptors is actually responsible for most of the
653 -> effects of angiotensin II including vasoconstriction and stimulation of
657.26 -> aldosterone release these receptors are the target of angiotensin II receptor
662.839 -> blockers or ARBs for short the example of drugs that
667.49 -> belong to this class are Candesartan Irbesartan Losartan Olmesartan and
674.24 -> Valsartan so in summary the agents that work on
679.22 -> this renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system either block the production of
683.569 -> angiotensin II or block its actions on the AT1 receptors this in turn leads to
689.629 -> decreased systemic vascular resistance but without significant changes in
693.559 -> cardiac output additionally these agents reduce the effects of angiotensin II on
699.35 -> renal hemodynamics specifically angiotensin II constricts the efferent
704.899 -> arteriole thereby generating back pressure in the glomerulus which can
709.699 -> lead to injury so by reducing activity of angiotensin II these agents also
715.759 -> improve renal blood flow and thereby reduce the risk of renal injury now when
721.73 -> it comes to side effects because these agents suppress aldosterone release
725.6 -> their use can contribute to development of hyperkalemia furthermore
730.85 -> ACE inhibitors in particular may cause dry cough or in rare cases angioedema
736.1 -> which can be life-threatening this is thought to be due to increased
740.809 -> levels of bradykinin and substance P now before we end this lecture I wanted to
747.499 -> briefly discuss few other antihypertensive agents that do not fall
751.699 -> into any of the classes that we covered thus far so first we have Bosentan
757.279 -> which is a competitive antagonist of a potent vasoconstrictor called endothelin-1
763.4 -> which acts on the endothelin-A and endothelin-B receptors located
768.379 -> on pulmonary vascular cells by blocking the action of endothelin-1 on
773.809 -> these receptors Bosentan leads to vasodilation which decreases pulmonary
778.549 -> vascular resistance for that reason Bosentan is often a drug of choice for
783.709 -> treatment of pulmonary hypertension next we have Fenoldopam which is a selective
791.48 -> dopamine-1 receptor agonist the dopamine-1 receptors are located on the
797.149 -> smooth muscle cells in the peripheral vasculature
800.529 -> as well as the renal coronary cerebral and mesenteric arteries by stimulating
806.769 -> dopamine-1 receptors Fenoldopam produces generalized arterial vasodilation
811.6 -> which leads to decreased peripheral resistance and thus lower blood pressure
817.29 -> additionally Fenoldopam inhibits tubular sodium reabsorption which
821.86 -> results in natriuresis and diuresis due to its rapid onset of action and
827.68 -> short duration of action Fenoldopam is often used in the
831.339 -> hospitals for short-term management of severe hypertension another fast-acting
837.85 -> agents that are also used for hypertensive emergency are
841.7 -> Sodium Nitroprusside and Nitroglycerin which simply serve as a source of nitric oxide
847.209 -> a potent peripheral vasodilator lastly we have direct acting smooth muscle
853.54 -> relaxants namely Hydralazine with mechanism of action that has not been
858.22 -> entirely determined yet and Minoxidil which works by stimulating opening of
863.559 -> ATP-activated potassium channels in the smooth muscle which leads to membrane
868.75 -> stabilization making vasoconstriction less likely while these agents
874.089 -> significantly decrease peripheral resistance they also produce significant
878.47 -> compensatory reflex tachycardia and renin release for that reason these
883.93 -> drugs are typically administered in combination with a diuretic and a beta
888.279 -> blocker on the flip side topical application of Minoxidil promotes hair
893.68 -> growth which is why this drug is used more often for treatment of baldness
897.73 -> rather than hypertension and with that I wanted to thank you for watching I hope
902.86 -> you enjoyed this video and as always stay tuned for more
