Understanding heat stroke & heat exhaustion
Understanding heat stroke & heat exhaustion
Dr. Chirag Patel, assistant chief medical officer for UF Health Jacksonville, joins us to discuss the warning signs of heat stroke and heat exhaustion and how much water you should drink in these hot temperatures.
0.24 -> today's feel like temperature is
1.76 -> expected to climb to around 105 degrees
4.48 -> in certain areas we want to help you
6.64 -> stay safe in these scorching
7.919 -> temperatures we've had several heat
9.2 -> advisories in fact this past week and
11.04 -> are looking at another one possibly this
12.639 -> weekend as well and help you to better
14.799 -> understand then how to protect you and
16.8 -> your kids as well dr sharag patel is the
19.76 -> assistant chief medical officer for uf
21.92 -> health jacksonville and is joining us
23.519 -> live via zoom this morning to explain
25.119 -> the warning signs of heat exhaustion and
26.88 -> heat stroke good morning doctor thanks
28.64 -> for being with us
30.88 -> good morning so first how much water
33.52 -> let's talk we tell our viewers all the
34.96 -> time about the importance of hydrating
36.88 -> how much water should an adult be
38.8 -> drinking to offset these hot set these
41.2 -> hot temperatures particularly if they
42.879 -> they work outside
45.36 -> one of the most important things you can
46.8 -> do when you're out in the sun or the
48.64 -> heat is to stay hydrated and adults need
51.36 -> about 20 to 24 ounces of fluid for every
54.719 -> 20 minutes in the heat and i know that
57.6 -> seems like a lot of fluid but if you
59.359 -> think about how much you actually sweat
61.76 -> you are losing a lot of fluid and so 20
64.08 -> to 24 ounces of fluid every 20 minutes
66.159 -> in the heat is what the standard is you
68.4 -> also lose salt and other minerals when
70.24 -> sweating so other drinks which contain
72.24 -> electrolytes like sodium potassium and
74.159 -> chloride are also really important and
76.64 -> when you'll be out in the heat of the
77.6 -> sun for an extended period of time you
79.439 -> really need to avoid uh alcohol
81.36 -> containing fluids and those with
82.88 -> caffeine yeah so it's interesting
84.4 -> because essentially what you're saying
85.6 -> for our view to be viewer to be able to
87.2 -> kind of you know visualize this is
89.119 -> you're talking about three to four
90.64 -> bottles of the kind of the typical size
92.32 -> water bottles every 20 minutes that is a
94.88 -> lot of water and clearly there are a lot
97.04 -> of people who are not drinking enough
98.72 -> now what about children do they need to
101.119 -> drink the same amount of water what's
102.64 -> the basic guideline for them because we
104.24 -> know parents love to get their kids
106.079 -> outside kind of run them let them burn
108.32 -> off a lot of that energy since they're
109.759 -> out of school
111.84 -> absolutely you know children depending
113.52 -> on their size are going to need about 8
114.88 -> to 12 ounces of fluid every 20 minutes
117.119 -> in the heat that's about a glass to a
118.88 -> glass and a half of some fluid every 20
121.439 -> minutes they're going to be outside so
123.119 -> for people who you know they i hear this
125.439 -> all the time in fact for my kids they
126.96 -> just don't love the taste of water
129.52 -> are there any other substitutes that are
131.599 -> better than others and specifically what
134.08 -> should they not be drinking i think that
136.08 -> parents tend to think well this is a
137.92 -> liquid of some kind so it's okay if we
139.76 -> give it to the kids
142.08 -> yeah absolutely that's a pretty common
144 -> thought that it's a liquid size should
145.36 -> be okay
146.4 -> really for those who don't like the
147.44 -> taste of water you can do things like
148.879 -> add flavoring drops to your water which
150.72 -> are available at most grocery and
152.08 -> convenience stores
153.44 -> sports drinks like gatorade are also
155.68 -> options though you do need to balance
157.44 -> this with some sugar-free options as
159.44 -> well i do not recommend soft drinks
161.92 -> especially those containing sugar and
163.76 -> caffeine because sugar and caffeine can
165.92 -> both cause your body to make more urine
167.92 -> than it should which can speed up your
169.84 -> fluid loss there are plenty of other
171.519 -> sugar and caffeine-free carbonated
173.12 -> beverages that are out there that are
174.8 -> safer alternatives would you explain the
176.959 -> warning signs of heat exhaustion
180.64 -> yeah so with heat exhaustion you know
183.2 -> you're thinking cold clammy skin heavy
185.92 -> sweating cramps you can get weakness
188.319 -> your pulse can get rapid headaches
190.72 -> dizziness passing out and nausea if you
193.599 -> end up not making as much sweat as you
195.92 -> were that's a sign you're very
197.76 -> dehydrated and on your way to heat
199.68 -> stroke
200.959 -> and and then you know obviously you need
203.2 -> to get medical attention particularly if
205.2 -> it's moving to heat stroke which has
207.2 -> have similar warning signs as well uh
209.44 -> including passing out
211.12 -> but but that said as we look at this
213.36 -> high fever confusion rapid pulse
215.44 -> headache nausea for heat stroke warning
217.12 -> signs what is the best thing for someone
219.519 -> who's concerned that they've got a loved
221.519 -> one who is suffering from this other
222.879 -> than obviously calling 9-1-1 that they
224.879 -> can do right then and there to help
228.799 -> yeah so i'll talk about them in a couple
231.2 -> of different sections here so prevention
233.519 -> is always going to be the best treatment
234.72 -> so if you're going to be in the sun or
235.84 -> the heat for an extended period of time
237.599 -> you've got to fit in brakes to get out
239.04 -> of the sun and get into a cool place at
240.799 -> least every hour
242.239 -> something other important that you can
243.76 -> do are things like applying sunscreen
245.84 -> wearing lightweight and loose fitting
247.36 -> clothing wearing a hat and if possible
249.68 -> wearing uv blocking or relaxing
251.599 -> reflecting fabric if you're going to be
253.519 -> exerting yourself in the heat of the sun
255.439 -> don't over exert yourself and go to
257.759 -> slower pace than normal but if you do
260.079 -> happen to develop heat exhaustion or a
262.32 -> loved one develops heat exhaustion move
264.32 -> them to a cooler place immediately
266.32 -> ideally with air conditioning you can
268.16 -> try to lower their body temperature by
270 -> loosening their clothes you can get a
272 -> cloth damp with cool water or sponges
274.56 -> and apply it to their skin you can try
276.479 -> to get them in a cool shower or a bath
278.639 -> you can also give them sips of water if
281.04 -> that person is vomiting their symptoms
283.199 -> worsen or they don't improve within an
284.88 -> hour they've got to immediately seek
286.479 -> medical attention the difference here
288.4 -> with heat stroke though is heat stroke
290.16 -> can lead to permanent consequences if
291.759 -> it's not addressed quickly so if you
293.68 -> have somebody that develops heat stroke
296.56 -> call 9-1-1 and get them to medical care
299.12 -> immediately and then just like with heat
301.039 -> exhaustion move them to a cooler place
303.199 -> lower their body temperature how you can
305.199 -> get them into a cool shower or tub and
307.12 -> fan them aggressively but what's
308.8 -> different is you do not want to give
310.4 -> them anything to drink typically with
312.32 -> heat stroke you have an individual who
314 -> becomes confused and trying to force
316.08 -> liquids can lead them to inhale the
318.08 -> liquids and can cause problems like
320 -> pneumonia or lung injury dr patel
322.24 -> excellent information particularly very
323.919 -> timely given how hot it's been lately
325.759 -> thank you for your time this morning we
326.88 -> appreciate it
Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v06l58ulJWY