Best Blood Pressure Monitor (Doctor's Review)

Best Blood Pressure Monitor (Doctor's Review)

Best Blood Pressure Monitor (Doctor's Review)

Best blood pressure monitor in my opinion would be either the Withings BPM Connect or the Omron Evolv, depending on your needs. Check them out here:

In this video I review two of my favorite blood pressure monitors at this time. Blood pressure control nowadays is so much easier and more convenient than it used to be back when most home blood pressure monitors were oversized and had tons of cables and wires. If you are looking for the best automatic blood pressure machine for home blood pressure monitoring, then keep on watching!

Resources: Links to our favorite monitors below!

1️⃣ Withings BPM Connect:

2️⃣ Omron Evolv:

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email: [email protected]

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All information provided on this channel is intended for general education only and must not be used as a substitute for medical advice. Medical information is constantly changing, and we do our best to keep the information on this channel up-to-date, but all information contained here is provided ‘as is’. We are not liable for any damages, disease, or consequences that arise from use of this information.

If you are looking for a top 5 or top 10 blood pressure monitors list or buyer’s guide, then this video is a great starting point because I talk about my top 2 favorites! There are very few blood pressure machines out there that have all the features and get the job done as well as these two!


0.03 -> are you looking for a high-quality blood
2.28 -> pressure monitor in this video I'm gonna
4.259 -> review two of my favorite blood pressure
6.359 -> monitors coming up hey guys I'm dr.
16.109 -> Kenny helping you build healthy habits
18.24 -> and I believe that everybody should be
20.58 -> checking their blood pressure at home if
22.8 -> you do it right it's way better than
24.96 -> getting it checked at the doctor's
26.519 -> office there are just too many reasons
28.56 -> why it's better so I made a whole other
30.539 -> video right here but in this video I'm
32.759 -> gonna review two of my favorite blood
34.469 -> pressure monitors that I use to check my
36.75 -> blood pressure at home if you're
38.489 -> currently in the market for a reliable
40.079 -> blood pressure monitor then you may have
41.94 -> seen that there are hundreds of
43.5 -> different choices
44.309 -> and being the nerd that I am I actually
46.079 -> went and bought and used and returned
49.02 -> all the blood pressure monitors that I
51.03 -> could find online and on Amazon in my
53.61 -> personal and humble opinion I believe
55.92 -> that these are the best two on the
58.23 -> market right now the omron evolve and
60.51 -> the wedding's connect the omron is more
62.789 -> affordable because it has less features
64.71 -> but both are high quality and they both
67.32 -> get the job done there are three
69.78 -> features that both these monitors have
71.909 -> in common that really set them apart
73.83 -> from anything else out there on the
75.21 -> market right now the first feature is
76.83 -> Wireless no wires no cables no more
79.68 -> fumbling with the cuff or getting
81.36 -> tangled or being tethered to an outlet
83.97 -> they're both portable and easy to travel
85.95 -> with just throw in your bag and just
87.57 -> take it wherever you go the next feature
89.549 -> is bluetooth meaning that they both
91.439 -> integrate with your smartphone and they
93.659 -> can automatically record your numbers
95.369 -> for you and they both also come with
97.35 -> their own mobile apps that can compile
99.659 -> your data and trend your data and they
102.119 -> can send your data straight to your
103.47 -> doctor via email the third feature is
105.99 -> that both monitors allow multiple users
108.509 -> in the same family or household so
110.88 -> everyone gets their own profile on their
113.04 -> own smartphone and so you don't have to
115.11 -> buy more than one monitor and I guess a
117 -> fourth feature is that they're both
119.07 -> upper arm cups as opposed to a wrist
121.649 -> cuff and upper arm cuff is just more
123.719 -> accurate so let's talk about the more
126.509 -> affordable one first
127.5 -> and that would be the omron evolve it
130.59 -> used to retail for $100 when it was
132.45 -> first
132.79 -> released but the price has dropped since
134.799 -> then you can find one on Amazon now for
136.9 -> a little over $60 I'll leave a link in
139.209 -> the description below for you guys it's
140.769 -> pretty cool it's got a very clean design
142.239 -> I've used so many Omron products by now
145.06 -> this is the first one that actually
146.65 -> looks like a smart device it's about 8
149.17 -> ounces not even a pound super light
151.599 -> super portable
153.01 -> it works with Alexa it's a function that
154.87 -> I don't personally use but you know it
157.03 -> has its own mobile app called the omron
158.98 -> connect which used to be really glitchy
161.26 -> but now that they fixed it it's ways
163.209 -> smoother and it's great because it helps
165.34 -> walk you through how to take a good
167.29 -> blood pressure another feature I loves
169.09 -> about the omron is that it measures your
170.53 -> blood pressure on the inflation a
172.659 -> traditional blood pressure cuff will
174.25 -> inflate all the way and then measure
176.409 -> your blood pressure on the way down so
178.78 -> you've got to wait painfully as it
181.269 -> slowly releases pressure but the Evolve
183.579 -> measures on the way up and when it
185.379 -> reaches maximum pressure they'll just
187.06 -> quickly release the withas cuff also
189.25 -> measures on inflation but not a lot of
191.2 -> other monitors do that I have a few
193.15 -> complaints about this monitor first of
195.099 -> all it needs batteries I don't know why
197.169 -> it's wireless
198.159 -> it's bluetooth I don't know why they
199.87 -> couldn't just make it rechargeable with
201.31 -> USB or AC adapter
203.109 -> at least it comes with batteries but
204.819 -> after that you got to get more
206.229 -> I would pay extra just to get the
207.97 -> rechargeable feature I ended up buying
209.59 -> rechargeable batteries which were like
211.449 -> 20 bucks another complaint that I saw
213.37 -> online was that people were saying the
215.379 -> app isn't user friendly I personally
217.87 -> didn't experience that but if you don't
219.79 -> want to use your app you can easily
221.319 -> switch over to using something like
223.15 -> Apple health some people say that the
225.04 -> cuff is too rigid or too molded and if
227.68 -> you're a bodybuilder or you have big
229.269 -> arms then it's really hard to get on but
231.609 -> for me I don't really have that problem
233.56 -> guys by the way if you liked this video
235.479 -> give it a thumbs up hit the like button
237.639 -> down there it really helps us out now
241.239 -> let's talk about the wedding's BPM
242.889 -> Connect this is the third model of its
245.379 -> type the waiting's brand released their
247.03 -> original BPM years ago and then upgrade
250.09 -> to the wedding's BPM plus and then
252.759 -> weddings really listen to all the
254.47 -> physician and consumer feedback and now
256.72 -> we have the Withings BPM connect which
260.079 -> I'm super excited to talk about the BPM
262.479 -> Connect is $100 right now link in the
264.969 -> description but
266.04 -> looks amazing it's got this nice
267.93 -> material on it and even though it's the
269.7 -> same weight as the omron it's like less
271.92 -> than a pound
272.64 -> look how compact it can get it's
274.92 -> actually more portable than the omron it
276.96 -> has all the same features as the omron
278.82 -> it's wireless bluetooth mobile app but
281.97 -> in addition the weddings also comes with
284.43 -> a USB charger which makes it so
286.74 -> convenient and even more travel friendly
289.05 -> the Kinect also has the function that
291.12 -> take three consecutive measurements and
293.4 -> average them for you
295.08 -> this device is a small part of the
296.88 -> bigger weddings ecosystem they also have
299.49 -> smartwatches scales
301.2 -> sleep aids and all their devices are
303.21 -> managed from the same mobile app so
305.25 -> let's compare the two and then I'll give
307.17 -> you my thoughts on which one is best for
308.97 -> you when it comes to affordability the
311.58 -> omron wins it's essentially half the
313.47 -> price but I mean you can easily find
315.96 -> blood pressure monitors out there for
317.91 -> twenty or thirty dollars but the quality
320.22 -> is drastically lower in terms of
322.5 -> features the winnings Kinect has more
324.33 -> has the ability to record multiple blood
326.85 -> pressures and average them and you can
328.65 -> program the time frame in between each
330.81 -> recording the omron can't do that and
333.15 -> the on run also is not rechargeable I
335.76 -> personally think that the omron is
337.44 -> easier to put on I fumble with the
339.63 -> Withings but overall that's probably not
341.97 -> that big a deal but to me ease of use
344.55 -> just adds to the experience another
346.59 -> difference is that the whippings is way
348.87 -> easier to share with your friends and
351.15 -> family compared to the omron I think
353.61 -> this is an important topic so I'm gonna
355.23 -> go into a little bit more detail after
356.76 -> every measurement the weddings will ask
358.62 -> you who's profile you want to send the
360.18 -> results to and you literally just press
362.55 -> a button and it's done you can go into
364.74 -> your mobile app later or at any other
366.69 -> time and it automatically show up there
368.88 -> for you whereas with the omron in order
371.85 -> to transfer your measurements you need
373.56 -> to have both the device and your phone
376.11 -> open at the same time and they need to
378.18 -> be paired in order to transfer data and
380.73 -> if you've been passing around the modern
382.29 -> to other people without transferring
384.33 -> data in between the device won't keep
386.82 -> track of whose numbers are whose and
388.68 -> also if you happen to accidentally
390.99 -> transfer someone else's numbers to your
393.45 -> own account its permanent and you can't
396 -> undo it these are all little things that
397.71 -> I pay
398.919 -> but my final thoughts are both of them
401.08 -> are great and high-quality and they both
403.449 -> are more than enough to get the job done
405.309 -> if you're planning on just measuring
407.169 -> your blood pressure by yourself or you
408.639 -> live alone for example then the omron is
411.699 -> more than enough but if you live in a
413.679 -> bigger household and want to share with
415.689 -> your family or friends then I would
417.669 -> consider getting the Weddings connect
419.199 -> that being said I'm the kind of person
421.3 -> who likes to spend extra money to get
423.429 -> extra features and more convenience and
425.439 -> not having to use batteries but what
427.839 -> about you which one are you considering
429.909 -> or do you already have a blood pressure
431.469 -> monitor let me know in the comments
433.36 -> below
433.629 -> tap on the screen over here for more
435.009 -> videos subscribe to the channel and
437.019 -> follow us on Instagram thanks for
439.269 -> watching guys
