Friday Favorites: Benefits of Garlic Powder for Heart Disease

Friday Favorites: Benefits of Garlic Powder for Heart Disease

Friday Favorites: Benefits of Garlic Powder for Heart Disease

See what a penny a day worth of garlic powder can do.

What else can garlic do?
• New Mineral Absorption Enhancers Found (…)
• Prostate vs. Plants (…)
• Garlic \u0026 Raisins to Prevent Premature Birth (…)
• Inhibiting Platelet Activation with Garlic \u0026 Onions (…)
• Best Food for Lead Poisoning - Garlic (…)
• Benefits of Garlic for Fighting Cancer and the Common Cold (…)

Here’s a tasty recipe for garlic, from the How Not to Die Cookbook: Garlic Caesar Salad Dressing (

Of course the best way to treat heart disease is to simply get rid of it by treating the underlying cause: How Not to Die from Heart Disease (

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Thanks for watching. I hope you’ll join in the evidence-based nutrition revolution!
-Michael Greger, MD FACLM

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0.54 -> [Music]
1.979 -> foreign
3.74 -> [Music]
10.44 -> ancient Greece the art of medicine was
13.139 -> divided into three areas cures through
15.12 -> diet cures through drugs and cures
17.34 -> through surgery
18.84 -> garlic Hippocrates wrote was one such
21.06 -> medicinal food but that was to treat a
24.359 -> non-existent entity called displacement
26.82 -> of the womb so ancient wisdom can only
29.939 -> go so far those who eat more than a
32.64 -> clove a day do seem to have better
34.02 -> artery functions those who eat less than
35.76 -> a clove a day but you don't know if it's
37.739 -> cause and effect until you
39.78 -> put it to the test
41.879 -> heart disease patients were randomized
43.98 -> to receive either garlic powder or
45.54 -> Placebo tablets twice daily for three
47.52 -> months and those lucky enough to be in
49.14 -> the garlic group got a significant boost
51 -> in their artery function a 50 increase
53.7 -> in function taking only 800 milligrams
56.16 -> of garlic powder a day it's just a
58.199 -> quarter teaspoon of garlic powder a 50
60.66 -> increase in ordering function for less
62.28 -> than a penny a day
64.68 -> if regular plain boring garlic powder
67.68 -> can do that what about those fancy
69.479 -> Kyolic aged garlic extract supplements
71.82 -> 30 times more expensive and they don't
75 -> work at all four weeks and zero
77.28 -> significant Improvement it's hard to
79.38 -> improve on Mother Nature
81.72 -> garlic powder can improve the function
83.939 -> of arteries but what about the structure
85.74 -> of Our arteries dozens of studies on
87.96 -> garlic all compiled together show garlic
89.82 -> can reduce cholesterol levels in the
91.38 -> blood by more than 16 points so my
95.1 -> garlic powder be able to actually slow
97.439 -> the progression of atherosclerosis
99.479 -> garlic powder tablet versus placebo for
102 -> three months the placebo group got worse
104.4 -> which is what tends to happen to eat the
106.619 -> same artery clogging diet in your
108.24 -> arteries continue to clog but the
110.939 -> progression of the disease appeared to
112.38 -> slow and stall in the garlic group
115.38 -> of course it'd be nice to see the artery
117 -> wall thickening actually reverse but for
119.28 -> that one might have to add more plants
121.56 -> than just garlic to one's diet
124.259 -> still though that same quarter teaspoon
126.36 -> of a simple spice available anywhere may
128.58 -> be considered as an adjunct treatment
130.08 -> for atherosclerosis the number one
131.94 -> killer both men and women in the United
133.319 -> States and around much of the world
136.68 -> what about garlic for high blood
138.3 -> pressure systematic review and
139.98 -> meta-analysis of randomized control
141.72 -> trials demonstrating garlic as a
143.94 -> statistically significant and clinically
145.92 -> meaningful effect on both systoc and
148.56 -> diastolic blood pressure reducing the
150.36 -> top number by nearly seven of the bottom
152.52 -> number by about five may not sound like
154.98 -> a lot but reducing diastolic blood
156.84 -> pressure the bottom number by Five
158.76 -> Points can reduce the risk of Stroke by
160.5 -> about a third and heart disease by 25
163.379 -> percent
164.599 -> plant-based medicine can provide
167.04 -> beneficial effects with little or no
168.66 -> side effects and compared to other
170.4 -> medicine relatively cost effective I'd
173.819 -> say so at as little as a penny per day
179.87 -> [Music]
198.599 -> thank you
