Bionic leg tests show promise for stroke recovery
Bionic leg tests show promise for stroke recovery
After a stroke, many people have problems getting around. Scientists in England are working to get stroke patients back on their feet with the help of robotic technology.
0.179 -> well after a stroke many people can have
2.76 -> problems getting around and scientists
4.74 -> in England are working to get stroke
6.899 -> patients back on their feet with the
9 -> help of robotic technology KCAL 9's Tina
12.12 -> Krause has a story from London
16.34 -> researchers call this the power of
19.14 -> progress a bionic solution for stroke
21.72 -> patients struggling to get moving again
23.88 -> we had a 10-week Intervention Program
27.18 -> that we ran using a overground robotic
30.119 -> training device also known as a bionic
32.52 -> leg in a trial at England's University
35.1 -> of Portsmouth several dozen stroke
37.44 -> patients having trouble walking were
39.48 -> given a bionic leg a digital 3D camera
42.54 -> system tracked their progress and the
44.76 -> leg understands and knows exactly when
46.739 -> it needs to extend dependent upon where
49.02 -> the pressure is on a pressure insole
51.079 -> researchers found giving bionic legs to
53.82 -> people to use at home alongside
55.559 -> traditional Physical Therapy sped up
57.899 -> recovery we saw a confidence increase we
60.48 -> saw walking ability increase and
62.219 -> therefore daily step count and activity
64.5 -> increase from there for that group The
66.72 -> Bionic lay gave one stroke patient bound
69.299 -> to his wheelchair the strength to walk
71.52 -> again by the end of the 10-week program
73.619 -> he was able to walk around his home
76.2 -> without a stick and no one around
80.1 -> scientists say with the price tag for
82.38 -> robotic devices starting to drop the
84.9 -> idea of high-tech home-based
86.82 -> Rehabilitation is gaining momentum Tina
90.24 -> Krause KCAL 9 news
Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=utrhSqLNIIk