Complex Congenital Heart Disease: Double Switch Surgery
Complex Congenital Heart Disease: Double Switch Surgery
Connect with a specialist: http://bit.ly/1nOv8R0
Learn more about the Double Switch: http://bit.ly/1nWfx27
Learn more about our Heart Center: http://bit.ly/1l7Uhk5
Learn more about Pediatric Cardiac Critical Care: http://bit.ly/1l7Upjz
Meet Toshiharu Shinoka, MD: http://bit.ly/1l7UuDZ
Meet Philip Thrush, MD: http://bit.ly/1l7Uzrd
Meet our Heart Center Team: http://bit.ly/1l7UKmb
Learn more about Bennett’s story: http://bit.ly/1nWfx27
Watch as we follow one family’s journey with complex congenital heart disease in this documentary-style story, including a difficult decision to consent to a rare, high-risk, but life-saving surgery to save their son. Come behind the scenes and into the OR, waiting room and recovery room for baby Bennett Beaver.
7.589 -> Bennett was born, uh August 28th, 2013, everything
seemed really normal.
14.179 -> At his two month checkup, the pediatrician
found a heart murmur, and, she told us it
21.98 -> wasn’t a big deal, maybe get it check out
, she recommended Nationwide Children’s
27.27 -> Hospital.
Little did we know that pretty much our whole
30.47 -> world changed when we got up here.
Bennett has dexracardia, meaning his heart
36.02 -> points towards the right side of his body
instead of the left side. his receiving chambers
40.54 -> from the body and from the lungs connect to
the opposite pumping chambers that they should,
46.98 -> and those pumping chambers connect to the
opposite arteries that they should.
51.85 -> Some patients in the long term period the
right ventricle would be fading… and cause
58.02 -> heart failure. So it’s the biggest concern
in this disease.
62.25 -> I was just heartbroken and devastated and
I cried. We got him help just in time basically.
68.82 -> We came here and he had a PA band put on,
and that was to get him ready for his big
76.639 -> surgery that we’ll be doing.
What they did with his initial surgery is
80.249 -> they put a band of artificial tissue around
the pulmonary artery. By doing that surgery
86.799 -> and limiting that blood flow that can go to
the lungs, we kind of put him more in a balanced
92.02 -> state, and so he can use his calories for
what all babies should, growing, developing,
97.88 -> playing , all those things.
Nat pop: Music/pics
101.279 -> We’re here today, just for a checkup actually
and uh, that he’ll be able to do the double
106.919 -> switch..
108.679 -> A double switch combines two surgeries. So,
right now his blue blood from his body comes
114.45 -> back to the right atrium and goes to the left
ventricle and then goes out the pulmonary
118.159 -> artery. And the red blood from the lungs comes
back to the left atrium and goes to the right
122.039 -> ventricle and then goes out the aorta. First
we need to close the hole between the pumping
125.859 -> chambers. Then, we’ll take the blue venous
blood from the body and the red venous blood
130.489 -> from the lungs and route them to opposite
pumping chambers. That only fixes half the
134.739 -> problem though. We have to take the major
arteries that come off the heart and we have
138.469 -> to switch those two. That’s why we call
it a double switch.
141.4 -> After the double switch operation, his circulation
will be close to normal heart circulation,
147.54 -> so his life could be, his quality of life
could be much much better
150.219 -> Essentially a heart transplant is what they
are doing with his heart, just going to use
154.45 -> his own heart, fix it, and hook it up the
right way.
157.569 -> Certainly we know that doing a double switch
in really young babies is difficult, … right
161.98 -> now he’s a good candidate because he’s
growing well, he’s getting bigger, there’s
165.989 -> more space in the chest when that happens
168.28 -> Probably less than 20 double switches are
done in children’s hospitals in the US per
173.18 -> year. But Dr. Shinoka has a lot of experience
doing double switches
177.099 -> I asked him, I said “If it were your kid,
what would you do?” and he recommended the
181.049 -> double switch because it is possible for him
to live a fairly normal life. So if that’s
186.39 -> what the surgeon is going to do, would’ve
done, that’s what we’re going to do.
189.01 -> Three months later, day of surgery
We’re here today at Nationwide Children’s
195.14 -> Hospital for Bennett’s double switch operation
The double switch is going to get him fixed
199.099 -> so he can be a normal kid
This is going to be the longest day of our
203.39 -> lives… uh, 6 to 10 hour surgery
I don’t want you to go through it either
209.15 -> We’re really excited and really happy for
it, but we’re not looking forward to it.
213.15 -> We’re getting close Bennett
213.2 -> I’m just going to verify this is the consent
with the NP? Yeah.
213.92 -> Do you guys have any questions/concerns?
I think we’re good… everyone has covered
215.249 -> it… everyone’s really been great
215.909 -> Ready to rock and roll?!
Good morning… hi.. hi how are you. He’s
222.48 -> not too bad of a mood this morning?
VSD closure arterial switch… so it’s going
232.37 -> to be a long day
232.499 -> Nats walking back to OR
Ok buddy… (kisses) stay strong.. be tough
232.7 -> (mom sobbing)
Hi buddy… say we’ll take good care of
232.87 -> you.. (mom sobbing)
bye sweety…
232.95 -> That’s his favorite stuff… is this woody??
233.599 -> Bye sweety (kisses from mom)
Bye Bennett (Bennett going into OR)
252.499 -> 7:30 a.m. Surgery begins
269.27 -> Alright this is Bennett Beaver doing a senning
double switch and VSD he weighs 9.5 kilos
299.259 -> Dr. Shinoka getting suited up
303.27 -> They tell us that he’s doing great and everything’s
going as it should just a little slower.
309.639 -> Four hours into surgery
I’m looking forward to just seeing him again
312.9 -> I cannot wait… I’m probably going to cry
tears of joy
315.81 -> I kind of want to see Dr. Shinoka just as
bad as him… cause when I see Dr. Shinoka
316.569 -> everything’s over with.
316.69 -> 2:30 p.m. Seven hours into surgery
Hello just wanted to give you another update.
318.43 -> Things are going well and he’s still stable
and doing well vital signs are great Dr. Shinoka
334.419 -> is finishing up with the baffling and we’re
going to start the switch here in a little
344.55 -> while. Ok, Ok? So we’re probably about half
way through.
356.889 -> Ten hours into surgery
We just had our latest update… Kat just
367.229 -> called…
He’s still hooked up to the machine, but
370.77 -> the machine isn’t doing the work, his heart
is actually doing the work.
373.3 -> I didn’t think I’d be this happy, like
it’s not over yet… I can’t believe it’s
380.3 -> gone this well. You just expect the worst.
385.009 -> You’ve been so great to us
388.849 -> waiting on Dr. Shinoka to come out and we’ve
already be told good news just waiting on
393.419 -> the official word… just waiting patiently…
401.759 -> 6:30 p.m. Surgery ends
it took long long time to dissect whole heart…
412.3 -> just keep the chest open tonight.. closure
415.36 -> Everything’s good? Great. No thank you.
Can I give you a hug doc? Thank you for taking
427.419 -> care of him
(grandma) can I hug him too?? (laughing)
431.78 -> It was long, long operation but all was successfully
done and the patient is doing well
439.419 -> Ok, come on back…
Hey big guy… hey…
443.75 -> Is his heart rhythm pretty good? Yeah.. he’s
been normal since he’s been back here
451.87 -> Poor little guy
He looks better than he did when he had the
455.789 -> PA band surgery and this is a much bigger
surgery he’s a big healthy boy…
460.09 -> Everything is so good at this moment
Tonight is the most important night after
471.28 -> the big surgery… yeah
My house is just 10 min. from here… so I
477.099 -> can… (running)… oh really? That’s great
to hear
480.219 -> It’s warm… touch it… yeah.. that’s
a very good sign
484.139 -> thank you very much again… see you tomorrow.
Bye… You really are my favorite person by
489.75 -> the way…
The next morning
493.409 -> He breathed most of the night on his own.
He does have the breathing tube still in,
498.219 -> which will help him, assist him if he needs
500.34 -> Sometimes I think he can hear us, he can understand.
Because sometimes we can talk to him, and
504.129 -> he’ll calm down.
Right now, Dr. Shinkoa is back there closing
508.099 -> his chest.
Um, he was unable to do it yesterday after
510.699 -> the surgery just for the simple fact that
it was an 11 hour surgery, and uh, he did
514.8 -> take him quite a bit of swelling
Dr. Shinoka, he just, he give us our second
519.7 -> chance, I guess.
522.77 -> He’s just a very normal person, but then
again, he just for 11 hours had his hands
530.25 -> inside our son’s chest and fixed him, so
[Woman: Yeah] what can you say about somebody
534.2 -> like that?
The function is excellent, and, uh, rhythm
539.64 -> is ok, no arthymers, so far we have no complications.
So I’m very satisfied.
544.96 -> And the final goal is to start eating and
walking. So hopefully it happens within five
550.7 -> or six days.
553.35 -> I’m so confident with this double switch
564.4 -> Three days after surgery, home video
568.28 -> Today’s the
start of the 8th day. Pretty amazing that
we’re getting out of here so early when
582.13 -> we were told 3 weeks to a month.
We’re free.. we can go home and enjoy the
588.26 -> rest of our lives.
He’s been normal Bennett for about 3 days
591.32 -> now…
He’s been a big sticker for the past week
595.33 -> (laughing)
Nats of Bennett
595.41 -> Yeah, like we get a cold and we’re miserable
for a month, and he has open heart surgery
600.23 -> and within four days he’s doing great. [baby
and Dad making noise][laughter]
612.88 -> Bennett recovered amazingly well. Um, this
is always, it’s done so rarely it’s always
618.9 -> a little bit of an unknown.
I think he shocked all of us when he came
621.89 -> out and, um, really within 24, 48 hours was
steps ahead of where we thought he would be.
627.82 -> He’s got the pump to his body that he should
have. He’s got the pump to his lungs that
631.33 -> he should have
I think that he’s in a far better situation
634.1 -> by taking the risk, and doing what we did.
636.41 -> So here’s your list of medications going
639.06 -> We’ll see him in a couple weeks and make
sure things are still going well, and hopefully
643.57 -> wean some medicines at that point,
I’ll just have you sign the bottom of this
648.04 -> one saying you guys are taking him home. (clapping)
For all he went through to still be all smiles..
652.42 -> and to still, you know wanna play, and interact,
you know, it’s amazing.
656.2 -> You guys are good to go home!
Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ur05mwMn8FA