How can a stroke affect you?
How can a stroke affect you?
3.28 -> [Music]
6.56 -> because a stroke
7.52 -> affects your brain and your brain is
9.04 -> responsible for everything that your
10.559 -> body does
11.599 -> it can affect it in every which way some
14.559 -> of the most common things
16.32 -> are swallow problems movement problems
20.56 -> sensation problems incontinence problems
24.16 -> and generally with speech or
25.599 -> communication
27.84 -> stroke can affect your day-to-day life
29.679 -> in every aspect
32.399 -> your brain is responsible for everything
34.16 -> you do and if it's been damaged that can
36.559 -> make things
37.2 -> really hard so if you are having
40.719 -> difficulties
41.68 -> with things after your stroke then it
43.84 -> may well be that your stroke caused
45.36 -> those difficulties
47.52 -> now this could be with your
48.64 -> communication your memory and
50.8 -> understanding
52.239 -> or your mobility and walking it could be
55.44 -> to do with your ability to drive and
57.44 -> maybe your reaction times when driving
59.6 -> it can be absolutely anything and i
62 -> would say speak to your stroke care
63.68 -> consultant
64.799 -> about how the stroke has affected you
66.799 -> and if you're having difficulties with
68.32 -> any activities of daily living
71.28 -> depression and anxiety are really really
73.68 -> common post-stroke
75.04 -> and it's important to identify the signs
77.2 -> and symptoms of these
78.479 -> so that you can speak to your gp and get
80.72 -> the help that you need
82.24 -> and because you've had a stroke you are
83.84 -> entitled to psychological support
86.32 -> so please do stress this when you go and
88.4 -> see your gp
89.52 -> if it's impacting on your quality of
91.119 -> life also remember that our stroke
93.439 -> association helpline can provide
95.119 -> information
96.24 -> sign posting and emotional support
99.28 -> you may find that you get emotional
101.28 -> ability
102.479 -> where you laugh uncontrollably for no
104.32 -> reason or you cry
106.159 -> uncontrollably with no trigger at all
108.64 -> this is really common post stroke and is
110.72 -> often worse at the start of your stroke
112.799 -> and as you start to recover can get
114.64 -> easier and more manageable
116.719 -> stroke as a neurological condition is
118.64 -> very different to a lot of other
120 -> conditions
121.04 -> such as parkinson's ms muscular
123.439 -> dystrophy and dementia
125.36 -> mainly because stroke isn't progressive
128.959 -> with those conditions people slowly
130.959 -> deteriorate
132.4 -> with stroke the brain damage is almost
134.56 -> instantaneous
135.76 -> and from there on it's stable and this
138.879 -> means that stroke survivors have a huge
140.8 -> potential to recover
143.04 -> now what we've found over the last
144.4 -> hundred years is that the brain is
146.48 -> incredibly plastic
148.4 -> and the principles on which we say you
150.16 -> can recover
151.44 -> is called neuroplasticity which
154.239 -> basically is the brain's ability to form
156.8 -> new connections
158.08 -> throughout the rest of your life so just
160.879 -> because you have got brain damage
162.72 -> doesn't mean that your brain can't
164.4 -> compensate for
166 -> new pathways and adapt so that you can
168.64 -> continue with your recovery
170.48 -> and make the most of your life after
172.08 -> stroke
173.519 -> the more support you have the more
175.36 -> likely you are to be able to recover
177.519 -> and keep the motivation that you need to
179.599 -> put the hard work into your recovery
182.239 -> so what's really important is that you
184.56 -> accept the support that's there
186.8 -> this can be from family friends
189.44 -> neighbors
190.48 -> different professionals or charities
192.56 -> such as the stroke association
194.4 -> we can all help you in a range of
195.84 -> different ways
197.44 -> with a stroke you've got the rest of
198.879 -> your life to potentially get better at
200.959 -> whatever it is you want to do
202.64 -> so give it your best shot keep trying
205.44 -> and try and do the best you can
213.89 -> [Music]
215.07 -> [Applause]
215.58 -> [Music]
218.64 -> you
Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uMzgpPGW9rs