New discoveries in pulmonary hypertension at UArizona
New discoveries in pulmonary hypertension at UArizona
New discoveries in pulmonary hypertension at UArizona
0 -> good evening thank you for joining us
1.28 -> i'm pat paris heidi alaga has the night
3.12 -> off researchers at the university of
4.96 -> arizona are making major strides in
7.12 -> developing new and innovative ways to
8.88 -> diagnose lung disease in the early
11.04 -> stages nine on your side chandraya
13.36 -> thomas has more from the experts
16.88 -> associate professor ruslan rafikov and
19.52 -> dr olga rafikova are researchers at the
22.32 -> university of arizona the duo has been
24.56 -> working on ways to help diagnose lung
26.56 -> disease at earlier stages they've been
28.8 -> on the project for the last few years
31.119 -> and so far the results are promising we
33.76 -> can see a very severe changes in the
36.719 -> metabolic profile before the disease
39.84 -> actually shows up the team has been able
42.079 -> to create a unique fingerprint also
44.32 -> known as metabolite for pulmonary
46.399 -> hypertension it's a condition that
48.239 -> causes high blood pressure that can
50.16 -> affect your heart and lungs on average
53.6 -> i think it's a statistical
55.84 -> data that people to recognize pulmonary
58.559 -> hypertension that they struggle
60.879 -> on average for years so basically when
63.52 -> normal cells become diseased cells the
66.08 -> metabolic process will change all it
68.799 -> takes is a blood sample and artificial
70.799 -> intelligence programming to get the data
73.2 -> needed for a diagnosis the changes are
76.24 -> specific to the disease so we're calling
78.56 -> them disease fingerprints those changes
81.439 -> are specific to the disease and if we
83.6 -> can detect that pattern then we know
85.92 -> that the disease is present 45 of
88.24 -> americans have at least one chronic
90.159 -> disease researchers teamed up with tech
92.56 -> launch arizona to create a new startup
94.88 -> called metfora to help them move their
96.96 -> work into commercial use and this is a
99.439 -> great example of fourth industrial
101.6 -> revolution it's kind of the blurring of
103.28 -> the lines between the physical the
105.36 -> digital and the biological world it's
107.92 -> also been discovered through the process
109.84 -> that women over 40 are three to four
111.92 -> times more likely to have pulmonary
114.159 -> hypertension and might not know it but
116.56 -> an earlier diagnosis can help save
118.56 -> treatment time money for patients and
121.28 -> lives in the future the team is
123.2 -> currently looking at copd and other
125.439 -> diseases to help find new solutions we
129.28 -> take the time it takes to get to a
131.36 -> proper diagnosis from years down to
135.2 -> weeks or days shondrea thomas kanga9 on
139.12 -> your side
140.64 -> with women over 40 being three to four
143.36 -> times more likely to have pulmonary
145.2 -> hypertension you may wonder what causes
148.239 -> it what are some of the symptoms and
150.56 -> how to look out for it and maybe even if
152.8 -> you can prevent it let's take a deeper
154.319 -> look now the cdc says pulmonary
156.56 -> hypertension happens at all ages
158.959 -> including children but the likelihood of
161.92 -> having it increases with age so
164.56 -> what causes it the cdc says different
167.04 -> diseases like heart liver and lung
168.959 -> disease could be a cause along with high
171.36 -> blood pressure and blood clots in the
173.28 -> lungs
174.319 -> your genetics also play a role the cdc
177.44 -> says at the start of the disease
179.04 -> symptoms are common to other medical
181.28 -> conditions like difficulty breathing and
183.04 -> fatigue so a lot of the time diagnosis
186.4 -> is delayed until more severe symptoms
189.12 -> show up like dizziness chest pain ankle
191.76 -> swelling or feeling your heart racing so
195.36 -> what can you do to prevent pulmonary
197.36 -> hypertension the cdc says it can't
199.599 -> always be prevented but you can take
202.8 -> steps to prevent it by making healthy
204.959 -> lifestyle changes like managing high
207.04 -> blood pressure and other diseases
210.5 -> [Music]
212.879 -> you
Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UFqS2cba3wQ