Cardiovascular Diagnostic Procedures & Coronary Angiogram - Medical-Surgical | @LevelUpRN

Cardiovascular Diagnostic Procedures & Coronary Angiogram - Medical-Surgical | @LevelUpRN

Cardiovascular Diagnostic Procedures & Coronary Angiogram - Medical-Surgical | @LevelUpRN

Diagnostic procedures associated with the Cardiovascular system, including: electrocardiography (EKG), echocardiogram, transesophageal echocardiogram (TEE), and hemodynamic monitoring. Coverage of a coronary angiogram (or “cardiac cath”), including pre-procedure and post-procedure nursing care.

Our Medical-Surgical video tutorial series is taught by Cathy Parkes BSN, RN, CWCN, PHN and intended to help RN and PN nursing students study for their nursing school exams, including the ATI, HESI and NCLEX.

#NCLEX #Medsurg #Cardiovascular #coronary #HESI #Kaplan #ATI #NursingSchool #NursingStudent⁠ #Nurse #RN #PN #Education #LVN #LPN

0:00 What to Expect with Diagnostic Procedures \u0026 Coronary Angiogram
0:34 EKG
0:53 Echocardiogram
1:18 TEE
1:38 HemodynamicMonitoring
2:10 Coronary Angiogram
2:34 Nursing Care
4:55 Quiz Time!

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All of the nurses at Level Up RN are here to help! Cathy Parkes started helping her fellow classmates back when she was in nursing school, tutoring so they could pass their exams and graduate. After she got her BSN and started working as an RN at Scripps Encinitas Hospital, she started this YouTube channel to help nursing students around the world. Since then she has built a team of top-notch dedicated nurses and nurse educators who are focused on improving nursing education and supporting career advancement for nurses everywhere. With flashcards, videos, courses, organizational tools and more, we are singularly focused on helping students and nurses Level Up on their exams and nursing careers.


0.48 -> I am Cathy with Level Up RN. In this video, I'm  going to wrap up our coverage of diagnostic tests  
6.88 -> associated with the cardiovascular system. And  at the end of the video, I'm going to provide you  
12.16 -> guys with a little quiz to test your knowledge of  some of the information I'll be covering in this  
17.04 -> video. If you have our medical-surgical  nursing, second edition flashcards,  
22.16 -> definitely pull those out so you can follow  along. Specifically, in this video, we will  
26.8 -> be talking about procedures that we can use to  diagnose disorders of the cardiovascular system.  
34 -> An EKG or electrocardiogram provides a graphic  representation of the heart's electrical activity.  
42.48 -> And if you are needing help with EKG  interpretation, we have a great flashcard  
48.4 -> deck and a complete video playlist to help you  with that. So definitely check that out if needed.  
53.76 -> An echocardiogram uses ultrasound waves to help  visualize cardiac structures, especially the heart  
61.36 -> valves. It also measures ejection fraction,  so normal left ventricular ejection fraction  
69.04 -> is between 55 and 70 percent. So if your  patient has a reduced ejection fraction,  
75.76 -> then that would be indicative of heart failure.  We also have a transesophageal echocardiogram,  
83.28 -> so a TEE. This is where a transducer is placed  down the esophagus to provide a more detailed  
91.44 -> view of those cardiac structures. And this  procedure is done under conscious sedation.  
98.16 -> Hemodynamic monitoring provides direct measurement  of pressures in the heart and the great vessels  
105.92 -> through an arterial line. So some of the pressures  that we can obtain through hemodynamic monitoring  
112.64 -> include central venous pressure, which should  be between 2 and 6 mmHg. We can get the  
119.68 -> pulmonary artery wedge pressure, which should be  between 4 and 12 mmHg, and we can also measure  
127.44 -> cardiac output through hemodynamic monitoring. Next, let's talk about a coronary angiogram or  
133.84 -> what is referred to as a cardiac cat.  This is an invasive procedure that  
139.04 -> is used to determine if your patient has a  blockage or narrowing of a coronary artery.  
145.84 -> And during this procedure, a catheter is inserted  at the femoral artery and then threaded up to  
153.04 -> the heart. So in terms of nursing care, we have  pre-procedure and post-procedure, nursing care.  
160.32 -> Pre-procedure, we're going to want to make sure  our patient is NPO for eight hours or more. We're  
166.88 -> going to want to assess for allergies to iodine  and shellfish. Although I have to be honest  
172.72 -> with you, there's a lot of data and research to  indicate that an allergy to iodine or shellfish  
179.68 -> does not increase an individual's risk for  having a reaction to the contrast dye associated  
186.4 -> with a cardiac cath. However, most providers  still assess the patient for these allergies,  
192.8 -> and as a nurse and a nursing student, this  is definitely important to know as well.  
197.68 -> So you're going to assess for those allergies  to iodine and shellfish. You're also going to  
202.4 -> assess your patient's kidney function. So you're  going to check their creatinine and BUN levels  
208.56 -> because if the patient has impaired kidney  function, then they may not be able to excrete the  
215.52 -> contrast dye easily, and that can be toxic to  the kidneys. In addition, we want to assess and  
222.48 -> mark their distal pulses so that we can easily  find those after the procedure and check their  
228.8 -> pulses. So you're going to mark that dorsal pitas  pulse and that posterior tibial pulse as well. 
236 -> After the procedure, we're going to want to  check the insertion site at the femoral artery  
241.6 -> for bleeding, and we're going to want to check  the extremity distal to that insertion site for  
248.56 -> pulse, capillary refill, color, and temperature.  So we want to make sure we're getting good  
253.84 -> blood flow down to that extremity. And then  we're going to closely monitor the patient's  
258.8 -> vital signs per facility policy. So this often  includes taking vital signs every 15 minutes,  
266.48 -> four times. So that first hour, you're going to  take it every 15 minutes and then after that,  
272 -> you're going to take it every hour for four  hours. Again, your facility policy may vary,  
278.56 -> but we will definitely be closely monitoring  their vital signs. And then we also want to  
283.52 -> encourage our patient to increase their intake  of fluids to try to flush out that contrast dye.  
289.52 -> And we're going to have our patient lay flat  for four to six hours after the procedure. 
295.52 -> Okay, time for a quiz. I have three  questions for you. First question,  
300.32 -> what procedure uses ultrasound waves to visualize  cardiac structures and measure ejection fraction?  
310.88 -> If you said an echocardiogram,  you're correct. Question number two,  
316.72 -> what lab values are used to assess a patient's  kidney function prior to a cardiac cath?  
325.84 -> The answer is creatinine, as well as BUN.  Creatinine being the more important of those two.  
333.52 -> Question number three, how should a  patient be positioned after a cardiac cath?  
342 -> The answer is they need to lay flat, and  they need to lay flat for four to six  
346.56 -> hours after the procedure. Okay, that's it  for this video. I hope it's been helpful.  
352.72 -> If so, be sure to like this video. Leave me a  comment if there are other topics or suggestions  
358.8 -> you have for me. I definitely want to hear  those. In my next video, we will start talking  
363.76 -> about dysrhythmias, so definitely check that out. I invite you to subscribe to our channel and share  
369.84 -> a link with your classmates and friends in nursing  school. If you found value in this video, be sure  
375.52 -> and hit the like button, and leave a comment and  let us know what you found particularly helpful.
