#1 Food That Causes High Blood Pressure + NEW Guidelines Available for Blood Pressure

#1 Food That Causes High Blood Pressure + NEW Guidelines Available for Blood Pressure

#1 Food That Causes High Blood Pressure + NEW Guidelines Available for Blood Pressure

“Famous” Physical Therapists Bob Schrupp and Brad Heineck present #1 Food That Causes High Blood Pressure plus NEW Guidelines Available for Blood Pressure

Update The Bob \u0026 Brad Blood Pressure Monitor is now available! https://amzn.to/3fmnPPl

The Nursal Blood Pressure Monitor is available at https://bobandbrad.com/featured-products

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9.309 -> I am so ready! Hi folks
10.92 -> I'm Bob Schrupp, physical therapist
12.52 -> Brad Heineck, physical therapist. Together we are the most famous physical therapists on the internet,
15.66 -> In our opinion of course Bob
17.36 -> Number one food that causes high blood pressure plus we're gonna give you the new guidelines for blood pressure that were
22.68 -> I think just established this last year, Brad.
24.84 -> Yeah, I'm really happy you brought this up because this is something I'm interested in
28.46 -> and I think everyone-- it's a little controversial
30.88 -> Right, over the age of 40 you're probably thinking about this
34.079 -> Yeah, so we're gonna present both sides by the way if you are new to our channel
37.32 -> Please take a second to subscribe to us. We provide videos on how to stay healthy fit pain-free and
40.98 -> We upload every day and Brad is missing his cue, he's supposed to have the Facebook sign over here
45.09 -> [Brad] I've been doing that all day long Bob
47.44 -> In case you haven't already please make sure you sign up to us on Facebook
50.5 -> And like us because Brad and I, as children, were not liked and
54.25 -> We're trying to turn things around so it's Bob and Brad
57.37 -> Alright, he got the cue
59.35 -> Alright, we're gonna keep you hanging a little bit here Brad you know we're not gonna tell you the food quite yet
64.019 -> We're gonna first talk about why blood pressure is a problem, third in the United States people in the United States have high blood pressure
71.17 -> high blood pressure can damage your eyes
74.38 -> It can damage obviously arteries even causing strokes and heart attacks
78.64 -> It can thicken the heart wall because your heart is working harder and that can cause problems and it can damage your kidneys
85.619 -> So you know it's not something you want to dismiss by any means right and so
89.59 -> We'll talk about the guidelines
90.93 -> And what you know could be a problem, sure, now if you want to measure
95.47 -> Your blood pressure we found an instrument here that actually works pretty good
100.09 -> this is the
101.74 -> blood pressure monitor by Nursal
105.82 -> very simple to use
107.71 -> You want to make sure you got the right cuff size you want to make sure it's hooked up too by the way
113.079 -> Because if the cuff is too big for you or too small it's not gonna take an accurate measurement
118.659 -> You want me to hold onto it?
120.49 -> You know really all you need to know is that you can turn it on and you can turn it off
124.63 -> There's the orange button, there's other things you can
129.34 -> Keep track of different measurements for like you and me, you know go p1 p2, but right now
135.959 -> I'm just keeping it simple
138.61 -> Read the instructions you can go ahead, but all you got to do is you take the cuff here, and there's a little round
146.349 -> Indicator here. That's where you're supposed to put it over the brachial artery, the brachial artery's on the inside of the arm here
152.29 -> So if you get close to that area you're generally pretty good
156.579 -> Yeah you don't have to be exactly over it
159.159 -> I'm gonna get over to this area here, and then when this comes around this index thing is supposed to be
166.93 -> You're not supposed to go back past this line here, and it tells you all this in the instructions
172.87 -> These are things no matter what
175.75 -> manufacturer you get you want to look and make sure that
179.319 -> It's set up properly so you get an accurate read, you want to yeah follow all the guidelines
184 -> For one thing you want to make sure you've been resting for like five minutes. You don't cross your ankles
190.269 -> You should be seated in a 90/90 position
193.06 -> To be consistent
194.17 -> Yeah, make sure you just didn't recently done with exercise or eating even if you ate recently so all those things
201.599 -> so I'm just gonna go ahead and hit the on button and it's gonna take a few seconds here to
206.62 -> Inflate the cuff. Sit up nice and tall there Bob
212.31 -> I'm gonna get picky on you and what I did with this by the way is I took my blood pressure
216.31 -> Manually so I used a stethoscope
218.62 -> And then I took it with this, and I found this was consistently a little bit lower. Okay, but in its defense
226.93 -> Anytime I have my blood pressure taken somewhere else it's always lower than when I take it
230.98 -> Okay, so it may be actually fairly accurate the other thing is I took it many times with this and it was very
238.78 -> Consistent, right that's a big thing.Yeah. That's the big thing so
242.62 -> You know you can compare it to maybe what the doctor says
245.56 -> But this gave me the same numbers each time so my lower number's a little bit higher right now 121 over 82
253.72 -> Normally, I am lower than that. I'm sure I'm a little bit nervous. Yeah well
258.15 -> We got millions of people watching that's right, millions and billions so anyway so the easy way to do it
264.93 -> We'll put a link below, I like this. It's a fairly inexpensive unit for 20-some bucks
270.949 -> It's a good way to monitor your blood pressure. And again I used one of those once and I was consistently high for a few weeks
276.639 -> And I went in and I found out that I was just fine
281.18 -> That my monitor my electric one was
284.18 -> Just reading high, but at least I knew I was fine
286.759 -> Yeah, it was just high
287.8 -> So it was consistently high? Right
290.36 -> They'll even sometimes put a monitor on you for 24 hours because there's a lot of people that get that white coat syndrome where
296.83 -> They go on to see the doctor and their blood pressure gets, they're always high because they're nervous
300.55 -> And then one doctor mentioned even that
303.8 -> they put a monitor on this one person and like one minute after they leave the office the blood pressure goes down all when your
310.24 -> Oh when they monitor and right one minute before they went in there it went up, so it's just kind of interesting
315.31 -> Let's get to the number one food Brad. I think most people think it's salt and salt can be a problem
320.349 -> I know that some people try to downplay that but I mean I saw with my wife
324.43 -> She was taken to eating this broth that had high salt and
329.599 -> Her blood pressure just, right up with the usage of the broth intake up with the blood pressure
336.05 -> What some of the studies are showing now is that actually that refined
340.34 -> carbohydrates sugars
342.38 -> especially high fructose corn syrup
345.59 -> What you find in everything. I mean a lot of processed food, sure look into your ingredients
350.389 -> This is really causing a lot higher incidence of diabetes, but it's also resulting in higher blood pressure
357.07 -> So that's the one thing, it's really not good for you. I mean
362.33 -> You really want to try to avoid it as much as you can you and again you're gonna find it's in some cereals
366.909 -> It's in just look at any ingredients. You know the ingredients
369.86 -> I think most everyone knows is the the first few ingredients that are the highest in
375.02 -> Concentration and you'll be that high fructose syrup is up in their top few ingredients in many products
381.58 -> Yeah it was a less expensive way to manufacture food, and so it came very prevalent, and it tastes good
388.15 -> You know it's sweet
388.78 -> It tastes good, so people like it, I'm telling you if you want to make one change to your diet
392.86 -> That would be it, we're gonna name a couple other things that might be surprising to you
397.56 -> Another one is you have to watch your alcohol intake, you know for men they recommend not any more than two drinks a day
404.79 -> And for women not more than one so
407.8 -> And you know if you're gonna have you know the big 44-ounce beers that wouldn't work
413.61 -> That's a good point
415.26 -> They have size recommendation
418.04 -> What counts as one drink so if you get the wine glass that
421.23 -> You know it looks like a, and you fill it up to the top yeah, you can put a whole bottle in there
424.31 -> you can put a whole bottle in there
427.68 -> The other one probably is not any surprise to anybody would be smoking, it's gonna definitely raise blood pressure
433.26 -> So let's get to the new guidelines here Brad. Where did my marker go?
437.52 -> That's right here Bob
442.5 -> I'm gonna stand up Lonnie if that's all right
444.87 -> If it cuts his head off don't worry about it. They can look at me instead
448.35 -> So these are new guidelines that came out what they consider normal now is
453.72 -> 120 over 80 and if you're below that you know keep up the good work you're doing a good job, okay
458.75 -> I'm just gonna go by what they're recommending on this and then we'll talk about some of the
462.75 -> opposing views of it
464.79 -> It's considered elevated if
466.95 -> You're in the range from 120 to 129 or 80 over 80 so this is again systolic over diastolic
474.63 -> The one that I tend to find you know
478.44 -> changes the most
479.55 -> From depending on what kind of stress you're on is the upper number
484.11 -> The lower number seems to be a little more stable, have you found that to be true or not Brad?
488.16 -> Yeah, I don't have any input on that, okay
494.3 -> High now they have it broken down in stages
496.1 -> High stage one is if you're in the 130 to 139 for a systolic and 80 to 89 for diastolic
503.4 -> Can you read these okay Lonnie?
509.76 -> High stage two is 140 or higher
513.96 -> 90 over or higher then you can be in that stage two so if you're in you know
519.09 -> If you're in the elevated you want to keep an eye on it
522.26 -> You know you're gonna start monitoring to make sure it's not getting higher, if you're high stage one
527.49 -> This is when you want to maybe making some lifestyle change, getting rid of that high-fructose corn syrup
533.54 -> Maybe exercising more you know
536.37 -> Sleeping more getting stress out of your life
539.64 -> or you may want to start taking medications
543.6 -> At 140 over 90 they do recommend taking medications at that point
548.43 -> And you know this is called a hypertensive crisis is when you're at 180 over 120 or more
555.66 -> And I've had patients that have been there, right
558.48 -> It's time to get that down
561.15 -> Consult the doctor immediately, right, so but now
565.02 -> having said all this there was a
569.16 -> Kind of a rebuke of this by it was in JAMA
573.57 -> JAMA and if you're in the medical field you know that's a highly respected journal, yeah
579.75 -> By the University of Sydney and Bond University
582.44 -> And they're saying these guidelines could be a little bit dangerous because what they're finding is that
588.78 -> One thing systolic blood pressure, which is the the top one has poor
595.5 -> Reproducibility in other words a lot of the monitors do not
600.06 -> Monitor it correctly and so you may be getting some numbers that are not really accurate and so you're gonna make
607.92 -> recommendations based upon inaccurate numbers
610.8 -> the other thing they're saying is that 80% of
614.58 -> the people
615.9 -> If they were diagnosed as hypertensive under these guidelines. They would get no
624.6 -> Benefits from going on to the medicine. They'd be better off
628.4 -> Just not going on the medicine themselves, so the medicine was not bringing the blood pressure down
632.81 -> It would bring it down, but they're saying is they didn't have any other risk factors
637.01 -> And so that they really didn't need to be on the medicine, okay, so
641.13 -> With high blood pressure you look at more than just that number, the doctor should be looking at some other
646.95 -> Symptoms that the body may present with yeah, they just said right
650.69 -> Exactly if you've got the high blood pressure, the doctor should be looking at the other risk factors that you have to say
656.12 -> Hey, you know you got a high blood pressure, but everything else looks fine
659.57 -> So maybe we really don't need to and that's why you need to have your doctor involved on this. We're not trying to
665.07 -> I'm just saying don't panic if you're in these numbers
667.99 -> Go see your doctor then to discuss it with them
671.28 -> And say you know do I really need to be on medication or there's other choices? Do I really have risk factors?
678.58 -> So yeah, I don't know if I should bring this up now Bob, but you know 30 to 40 years ago
684.3 -> I don't remember the date, but at one time
688.72 -> This 140 over 90 was considered normal, okay. Yep, I remember this
694.27 -> I actually remember those numbers being fine
697.3 -> So well I don't know at that time were people dying left and right of heart attacks or having strokes
702.57 -> I don't know what the correlation is but
706.54 -> I actually had these numbers when I was in my 20s late 20s and early 30s
710.74 -> And I changed my lifestyle to bring them down
713.07 -> And I didn't use any medication just basically aerobic exercise, took care of it very nicely
718.36 -> Yeah, so I mean we're telling you not to panic here
721.8 -> And that's one thing that you know that this study was worried
724.32 -> Is that people are gonna get in these
726.64 -> You know stages where they should be treated
728.76 -> And they're gonna get depressed or it can raise their anxiety level, which brings your blood pressure up even more
734.73 -> That's exactly what they said Brad, it compounds, so you know
739.03 -> They're saying for the majority of people who are at low risk and not recommended for drug treatment about 25 million
744.4 -> The doctors should not label them as hypertensive because again the doctors should support healthy choices
751.27 -> But you know if you label them once with that. They're gonna say you know I'm hypertensive and like you said, they get anxious
757.9 -> They get depressed they get you know that causes all sorts of other issues
763.66 -> It's just a snowball effect to make the person less healthy than they really need to be because they're not relaxed
770.85 -> Yeah, so I think from the doctor standpoint what they're saying is you know
775.33 -> You recommend the healthy choices you watch their blood pressure
778.38 -> And you see what happens and if it gets better on their own obviously you didn't have to worry them in the first case so
784.48 -> Speaking about hypertensive I just thought of something Bob, normally
788.16 -> You're a lot taller than me, but now when I'm sitting you're standing how does that look Lonnie?
794.44 -> Quite a contrast I imagine.
796.51 -> Remember Brad and I, you know we gotta say it on this one,
799.46 -> Yeah, we can fix just about anything except for a broken heart
802.98 -> And we can't fix the high blood pressure either apparently so thanks for watching

Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u8mHxRfevY4