Cardiovascular Disease (CVD) and Hypertension Tutorial
Cardiovascular Disease (CVD) and Hypertension Tutorial
In this short tutorial we’ll be looking at cardiovascular disease, its effects on the population and the health service, and its relationship to hypertension or high blood pressure.
Cardiovascular disease or CVD is a general term for conditions affecting the cardiovascular system that’s the heart and blood vessels.
It’s usually associated with a build-up of fatty deposits inside the arteries and an increased risk of blood clots. And it can also be associated with damage to arteries in organs such as the brain, heart, kidneys and eyes.
3.919 -> in this lesson we'll be looking at
5.68 -> cardiovascular disease and its effects
7.68 -> on the population and the health service
9.76 -> and its relationship to hypertension
12.96 -> cardiovascular disease or cvd is a
15.679 -> general term for conditions affecting
17.44 -> the cardiovascular system that's the
19.6 -> heart and blood vessels
21.6 -> it's usually associated with a buildup
23.6 -> of fatty deposits inside the arteries
26.16 -> and an increase in risk of blood clots
28.96 -> and it can also be associated with
30.72 -> damage to arteries in organisms such as
33.2 -> the brain heart kidneys and eyes
36.719 -> cvd is one of the main causes of death
38.64 -> and disability in the uk but it can
40.8 -> often be largely prevented by leading a
43.04 -> healthy lifestyle
44.719 -> there are many different types of cvd
46.879 -> though the four main types are
48.8 -> coronary heart disease strokes and
51.199 -> transient ischemic attacks or tias
54.399 -> peripheral artery disease
56.399 -> and aortic disease let's have a quick
58.8 -> reminder of what each of these are
62.32 -> coronary heart disease occurs when the
64.239 -> flow of oxygen-rich blood to the heart
66.24 -> muscle is blocked or reduced
68.32 -> this puts an increased strain on the
70 -> heart and can lead to heart attacks
72.24 -> where the blood flow to the heart muscle
73.92 -> is suddenly blocked angina which is
76.64 -> chest pain caused by restricted blood
78.56 -> flow to the heart muscle or heart
80.64 -> failure where the heart is unable to
82.72 -> pump blood around the body properly
85.84 -> strokes and tias a stroke is where the
88.56 -> blood supply to part of the brain is cut
90.4 -> off which can cause brain damage and
92.32 -> possibly death
93.759 -> a transient ischemic attack also called
96.079 -> a tia or mini stroke is similar but the
99.04 -> blood flow to the brain is only
100.32 -> temporally disrupted
102.399 -> peripheral artery disease
104.56 -> peripheral artery disease occurs when
106.24 -> there's a blockage in the arteries to
108.079 -> the limbs usually the legs
110.479 -> this can cause various unpleasant or
112.399 -> debilitating symptoms including leg pain
114.88 -> when walking
116.159 -> numbness or weakness in the legs and
118.32 -> persistent ulcers on the feet and legs
121.6 -> aortic disease
123.36 -> aortic diseases are a group of
125.119 -> conditions affecting the aorta the
127.439 -> largest blood vessel in the body which
129.44 -> carries blood from the heart to the rest
131.2 -> of the body shown here as the large red
133.68 -> artery coming from the top of the heart
136.959 -> one of the most common aortic diseases
138.879 -> is an aortic aneurysm where the aorta
141.44 -> becomes weakened and bulges outwards
144.08 -> it doesn't usually have symptoms but
146.08 -> there's a chance it could burst and
147.52 -> cause life-threatening bleeding
150.4 -> causes of cvd
152.64 -> the exact cause of cvd isn't clear but
155.2 -> there are lots of risk factors that
156.8 -> increase your chances of getting it
158.959 -> the more risk factors a person has the
161.12 -> greater their chances of developing cvd
164.239 -> the main risk factors for cvd are
167.2 -> hypertension this is the biggest risk
169.519 -> factor
170.72 -> smoking high cholesterol diabetes
174.16 -> inactivity obesity
176.879 -> family history of cvd and ethnic
179.28 -> background
180.72 -> other risk factors include being over
182.4 -> the age of 50 being male
184.8 -> unhealthy diet and excessive alcohol
187.36 -> consumption
189.36 -> so what are the effects of hypertension
191.2 -> and cardiovascular disease on the
193.2 -> population and on the health service
196.56 -> cvd causes a quarter of all deaths in
198.72 -> the uk that's more than 160 000 deaths
202.08 -> each year or one death every three
204.319 -> minutes
205.84 -> there are 7.6 million people living with
208.56 -> cbd in the uk which places a financial
211.2 -> burden of approximately 9 billion per
213.84 -> year on the nhs
216.72 -> cbd is also a key driver of health
218.879 -> inequalities accounting for around 25
221.68 -> percent of the life expectancy gap
224 -> between rich and poor populations in
225.92 -> england
227.28 -> as mentioned earlier hypertension is the
229.68 -> biggest risk factor for cvd and is
231.92 -> actually one of the top five risk
233.36 -> factors for all premature death and
235.439 -> disability
236.799 -> an estimated 5.5 million people have
239.76 -> undiagnosed hypertension across england
241.84 -> alone
243.12 -> the nhs long-term plan commits the nhs
246.4 -> to reducing morbidity and mortality due
248.879 -> to cvd
256.639 -> you
Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u6e6RBuJPrA