What Causes the Heart to Enlarge?
What Causes the Heart to Enlarge?
Dilated Cardiomyopathy, which is dilation with reduction of heart function, is a leading cause of hospitalization and death in the US and worldwide. In this video @DoctorBoladCardiology the main causes of this condition and the treatment is discussed.
5.35 -> [Music]
12.559 -> hello welcome everybody this is dr
14.32 -> bollard board certified physician in
16.24 -> cardiology interventional cardiology and
18.72 -> internal medicine certified by the
20.8 -> american board of internal medicine if
23.439 -> you are new to this channel then
25.439 -> definitely consider hitting the
26.8 -> subscribe button below and switch on the
29.76 -> notification bell
31.359 -> so you don't miss any new videos that i
34.719 -> post
35.52 -> for my subscribers thank you for your
37.68 -> continued support
39.28 -> i recently got a few questions from my
41.6 -> patients about the causes of dilated
44.559 -> enlight heart so i made this video to
47.2 -> explain the causes
49.12 -> when the heart dilates it is commonly
51.36 -> accompanied by reduced heart function
54.32 -> and this is medically referred to as
56.879 -> dilated cardiomyopathy
59.44 -> affected patients may or may not develop
62.32 -> weird heart failure
64.159 -> dilated cardiomyopathy is responsible
66.4 -> for about 10 000 deaths and 46 000
70 -> hospitalizations each year in the united
72.479 -> states
73.6 -> the disease is considered idiopathic
76.479 -> meaning of unknown cause if primary and
79.2 -> secondary causes of heart disease are
81.28 -> excluded by history and physical
83.2 -> examination
84.56 -> and heart testing affected patients can
87.439 -> present in a number of different ways
90.479 -> symptoms of heart failure like
92.32 -> progressive shortness of breath with
94.56 -> exertion
95.6 -> impaired exercise capacity shortness of
98.799 -> breath on lying flat in bed at night and
101.36 -> leg swelling are common presentations
104.799 -> dilated cardiomyopathy can be caused by
107.119 -> a variety of disorders these include
110.079 -> coronary artery disease
112 -> this is the most common cause of heart
114.24 -> failure in the united states
116.399 -> comprising 50 to 75 percent of patients
120 -> with heart failure
121.6 -> this usually occurs when there is damage
123.6 -> to the heart secondary to coronary
125.439 -> artery blockage which causes the heart
128.239 -> to enlarge
130.16 -> infections a variety of infectious
132.48 -> organisms can lead to myocarditis and
135.599 -> cardiomyopathy and these include viruses
139.36 -> these are the most common causes of
141.04 -> infectious myocarditis
143.04 -> and dilated cardiomyopathy
145.84 -> viruses known to involve domicardium
148.64 -> include parvovirus b19
151.319 -> coxavirus influenza virus
153.879 -> cytomegalovirus and hiv infectious
156.879 -> cardiomyopathy also occurs in kyrgyz
159.36 -> disease which is a protozoan infection
161.599 -> due to trypanosoma cruise eye and this
164.16 -> is the leading cause of dilated
165.76 -> cardiomyopathy in central and south
167.76 -> america
169.2 -> lyme disease is usually manifested by a
172.4 -> conduction abnormality but cardiac
174.8 -> muscle dysfunction can also occur
178.12 -> stress-induced cardiomyopathy is an
180.8 -> uncommon but increasingly reported cause
183.44 -> of acute dilated cardiomyopathy
186.4 -> this condition is also known as
188.64 -> transient left ventricular epical
190.879 -> ballooning
192 -> takasubu cardiomyopathy and broken heart
195.04 -> syndrome
196.159 -> this disorder is typically precipitated
198.879 -> by intense psychologic stress and
201.68 -> primarily occurs in post-menopausal
203.92 -> women
205.36 -> genetic causes of dilated cardiomyopathy
208.879 -> occurs in individuals who develop heart
211.76 -> dilation and failure in a familiar
214.08 -> pattern
215.04 -> and there is no underlying cause for the
217.36 -> cardiomyopathy other than the family
219.68 -> history
221.12 -> toxic dilated cardiomyopathy can be a
224.159 -> direct result of toxic exposure from a
226.799 -> variety of agents most notably excessive
230 -> alcohol intake cocaine use certain
233.12 -> medications particularly
234.64 -> chemotherapeutic drugs used to treat
237.04 -> malignancies and radiation therapy
240.56 -> peripartum cardiomyopathy is a rare
243.2 -> cause of dilated cardiomyopathy of
245.439 -> unclear etiology that occurs in late
248.319 -> pregnancy and the early postpartum
250.319 -> period
251.519 -> the diagnosis requires exclusion of
253.92 -> other causes of cardiomyopathy
256.759 -> tachycardia-mediated cardiomyopathy
259.6 -> is a condition that occurs when the
262.16 -> heart weakens and dilates secondary to
265.199 -> fast heart rate over a prolonged period
267.36 -> of time
268.479 -> this type of cardiomyopathy occurs in
270.72 -> patients with chronic supraventricular
273.84 -> tachycardias
275.28 -> with heart rates of 130 to 200 bits per
278.56 -> minute
279.44 -> including atrial fibrillation atrial
282 -> ventricular nodary entry tachycardia and
284.479 -> pre-excitation syndromes
286.56 -> the treatment of dilated cardiomyopathy
288.88 -> depends on the cause of the
290.4 -> cardiomyopathy
292.16 -> as outlined above there are multiple
294.4 -> causes for this condition
296.88 -> as an example if the dilated
299.12 -> cardiomyopathy was secondary to coronary
302.24 -> artery disease then treating the
304.4 -> coronary artery blockages can improve or
307.199 -> reverse the cardiomyopathy
309.68 -> if the cause was secondary to fast heart
311.84 -> rate over a prolonged period of time
314.96 -> then controlling the heart rate with
317.68 -> medications will reverse the condition
320.96 -> other treatments modalities apply to
324.16 -> other causes of cardiomyopathy
327.36 -> if you have any question about what i
329.12 -> presented to you today
331.039 -> then subscribe to my channel
333.44 -> and share your question in the comment
335.28 -> section below
336.56 -> and i will reply to you
338.56 -> if you have a question that you would
340.16 -> not like to share in public
342.32 -> then follow me on twitter at dr bollard
345.919 -> and then send me a private twitter
348.4 -> direct message and i'll reply to you
351.36 -> if you find value in this video then
353.919 -> please like and share this video with
355.84 -> family and friends
357.68 -> this is dr bolat helping you with your
360.4 -> heart health
361.68 -> thanks for watching and talk to you soon
370.47 -> [Music]
378.6 -> [Music]
Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U09Xyx7vQz0