CRT 23: IVUS vs QCA-Guided PCI for Coronary Artery Stenosis: The OPTIMAL Trial

CRT 23: IVUS vs QCA-Guided PCI for Coronary Artery Stenosis: The OPTIMAL Trial

CRT 23: IVUS vs QCA-Guided PCI for Coronary Artery Stenosis: The OPTIMAL Trial

In this short interview, we are joined by Dr Jose De La Torre Hernandez (Hospital Universitario Marques de Valdecilla, ES) to provide an update on the OPTIMAL Randomized Controlled Trial, sponsored by the European Cardiovascular Institute. In this ongoing study, 800 patients will be randomized to receive either intravascular ultrasound-guided percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) or qualitative angiography-guided PCI for the treatment of left main coronary stenosis.

1. What was the rationale behind this study?
2. What was the patient population, current enrollment status and study design?
3. What is the potential impact of the results of this trial?
5. What are the next steps for OPTIMAL?

Recorded remotely from Santander, 2023.

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0.54 -> Hello, my name is Jose De La Torre Hernandez.
4.653 -> I am the responsible chief
6.24 -> of the Internal and Cardiology Department
8.64 -> in the Hospital Universitario Marque de Valdecilla
10.617 -> in Santander in Spain.
12.627 -> (bouncy music)
16.08 -> The rationale for the OPTIMAL trial is very clear
18.75 -> because the LM PCI is a procedure
20.643 -> that is becoming very common
22.8 -> after trials demonstrating that it's equivalent to CABG
26.58 -> in terms of long-term outcomes,
30.06 -> that LM PCI should be done with head quality,
33 -> given the relevance of the location of this disease.
36.3 -> Then there is a possibility
37.44 -> of using only angiography for the guidance
39.5 -> of the procedure or relying on intravascular imaging,
43.29 -> particularly intravascular ultrasound imaging.
46.11 -> There are registries,
47.16 -> mostly registries and very small trials,
49.56 -> only two very small trials, comparing angio guidance
53.13 -> versus IVUS guidance
54.51 -> and all of them consistently suggest a benefit
57.27 -> in favour of IVUS guidance
59.28 -> in terms of cardiac death, MI, thrombosis, et cetera.
63.96 -> But there is not really,
66.3 -> is lacking definitely a relevant trial, properly sized,
69.87 -> well designed, and that is the reason why we are running
72.45 -> with the OPTIMAL trial.
73.95 -> This is a randomised trial with a target
76.86 -> of 800 patients to be randomised
78.84 -> to IVUS guidance versus angio-guidance
81.48 -> and these patients are over 18 years old.
85.41 -> They have left main disease
87.66 -> with indication for revascularization based on ischemia
91.65 -> or even in basic examination with, for example,
96.324 -> pressure wire
97.69 -> and the PCI procedure is considered appropriate
100.8 -> by the heart team positioned in the institution.
103.62 -> Then these patients that have a clear and well-established
106.29 -> indication for LM PCI are those that we can randomise
110.79 -> for the OPTIMAL trial.
112.05 -> Of course, we have a set of different exclusion criteria.
115.26 -> We cannot randomise patients with non ST-segment MI
118.924 -> at the moment of the procedure
121.56 -> or patients with previous CABG
124.26 -> and other criteria like low expectancy of life
127.14 -> that are common to these studies.
129.87 -> We have three countries involved:
132.18 -> UK, Italy, and Spain, nearly 30 institutions
137.1 -> and we are now, this is the criteria
140.144 -> and with the flow chart, the procedure
145.044 -> is just to schedule
147.36 -> the PCI and to follow after the randomization
150.757 -> the angio guidance or the IVUS guidance.
153.15 -> In case of angiography guidance,
154.95 -> you just do the procedure up to your criteria,
157.68 -> and in case of IVUS, it's necessary that you perform
161.79 -> at least it is mandatory, absolutely mandatory,
164.28 -> a final IVUS of the stenting of the left main.
168.06 -> If only one stent you can do is mandatory,
170.667 -> the IVUS examination of the one single stent,
174.12 -> in case of two stents, is mandatory.
176.1 -> The IVUS running through the two of the stents implanted
180.09 -> and we have established optimization criteria.
183.3 -> Several targets that you have to meet
185.91 -> in order to consider, there is an optimization
188.4 -> of the procedure based on.
190.8 -> The potential impact is really huge
193.41 -> because nowadays the recommendation of IVUS guidance
196.62 -> for an LM PCI is as class 2, 2A,
200.4 -> which is in favour of the usage
201.72 -> but is not definitely encouraging the operators
205.59 -> to apply and, in fact,
207.78 -> worldwide, the penetration, the use
209.91 -> of IVUS guidance for this procedures
211.41 -> is not really very high.
213.48 -> Maybe in nation countries it's high,
215.4 -> it's maybe 80%, but in western countries,
217.71 -> in European Union or in United States,
220.828 -> this penetration is between 20 and 40%
223.827 -> and it's because all over the world, people, the operators,
228.27 -> cardiologists, considered there is not enough evidence.
231.137 -> Then the impact is that in case of positive results,
234.75 -> the recommendation could be upgraded
236.22 -> to class 1 and the practical,
238.65 -> the use in real practice of IVUS-guidance in LM PCI
241.98 -> will increase definitely, which is a great benefit
244.83 -> for our patients.
246.18 -> Of course, OPTIMAL, we are close to finish enrollment
249.9 -> because we have nearly, not definitely,
253.35 -> but nearly 700 patients included,
255 -> we have to reach the the 800 target
257.79 -> and we expect to do so in June, July.
260.79 -> Then we have two years of follow-up
264 -> because the primary outcome is established for two years,
267.3 -> but at the same time that we are going, waiting for this,
270.54 -> we are going to do a strict follow-up
272.16 -> with adequate adjudication of the different outcomes
276.03 -> of different events by properly designed committees.
279.27 -> We also plan to perform some analysis,
282.24 -> of analysis that are going to address aspects.
284.55 -> For example, what are the best criteria for optimization?
287.49 -> Whether there is a prognostic way
288.756 -> that the different criteria
289.62 -> we have used?
291.12 -> The differential effects, of IVUS guidance
292.62 -> according to the lesion location in the main distal
294.84 -> ostial and IVUS derived outcome.
297.84 -> Then the next steps is finishing enrollment in June,
302.64 -> we study in June, maybe July.
304.23 -> Then two years follow-up, good follow-up, strict follow-up
307.71 -> without losing patients and then prepare the main manuscript
311.73 -> and also work on different sub-analyses.
315.48 -> I think that OPTIMAL is going to be
317.46 -> an important landmark trial,
319.02 -> building really the evidence for the use of imaging guidance
323.512 -> in complex PCI.
325.38 -> In this case, it's for left main,
327.81 -> there are other trials, like, for example,
329.82 -> like achievement that are addressing the same issue
332.741 -> but for other complex lesions like calcified lesions,
335.73 -> osteo lesions, other bifurcations, CTOs, et cetera,
339.93 -> then it's an important trial that is part
343.71 -> of a building that is intended to support
347.76 -> and to give strong evidence for intravascular imaging
350.4 -> guidance of PCI, particularly in complex settings.
