Coronary Artery Disease: Medications

Coronary Artery Disease: Medications

Coronary Artery Disease: Medications

Lynn Yang, a clinical pharmacist at the Ottawa Heart Institute discusses medications as it relates to coronary artery disease for those who have been diagnosed with coronary artery disease or who want to learn more about the condition.


1.467 -> My name is Lynn Yang.
3.467 -> I am one of the Clinical Pharmacists
5.033 -> at the Heart Institute.
7.2 -> Please turn to page 50 in your booklet as we discuss
10.533 -> some of the new medications you have been prescribed.
16.7 -> The objectives of this section are to review the 5 main
20.533 -> medications prescribed after heart attacks and angina,
24.333 -> review the use of nitroglycerin spray or sublingual tablets
28.8 -> and review tips that may help you manage your medications.
36.867 -> Patients who have a heart attacks or angina usually
39.934 -> go home on 5 medications.
42.667 -> Those being ASA, an Antiplatelet, an ACE Inhibitor,
47.3 -> a Beta Blocker and a Cholesterol Lowering Medication.
52.867 -> There are many different medications in each class so
55.867 -> you may be on a different drug and dose than someone else.
60.3 -> All you need to know is that your doctor specifically
62.9 -> chose that drug and dose based on your blood pressure,
65.9 -> heart rate and various other conditions that you may have.
70.767 -> You may also be on other heart medications based on other heart
73.633 -> conditions that you may have.
76.967 -> These other drug classes are listed in your book.
80.4 -> If you have any questions about those drugs,
82.6 -> you can feel free to contact your doctor or
84.633 -> your community pharmacist.
90.5 -> ASA or Acetylsalicylic Acid is commonly referred to
94.6 -> by its brand name, Aspirin.
98.367 -> You will likely be taking a dose between 80 mg
100.734 -> and 325 mg once per day.
104.9 -> ASA helps to prevent excess clotting and has been shown to
108.8 -> decrease the risk of future heart attacks.
112.533 -> Because it is considered a type of blood thinner,
115.066 -> there is an increased risk of bleeding or bruising.
118.5 -> Signs of bleeding include throwing up what looks like
121.233 -> black coffee grounds, blood in your urine or your stool
125.5 -> or black tarry stool.
128.2 -> If you experience any of this, or if you find that you are
131 -> bruising for no reason, call your doctor.
135.7 -> You may also experience stomach upset with non-coated ASA.
143.266 -> If you've had a heart attack or unstable angina,
146.5 -> you will most likely have been prescribed one of
149.066 -> the antiplatelets listed here.
151.867 -> These antiplatelets have been shown to prevent
154.4 -> future heart attacks.
156.934 -> Also, if you had a stent placed in one of your coronary
159.967 -> arteries, your body will see the stent as a foreign object
163.533 -> and will want to clot around it.
166.1 -> So taking your antiplatelet will prevent your stent
168.467 -> from blocking with a clot until a layer of skin grows over
171.867 -> and covers the stent.
175.066 -> The amount of time you will need to be on this medication will
177.667 -> depend on various factors such as any pending surgeries and the
182.133 -> type of stent that was inserted.
185.033 -> Your cardiologist will be able to tell you how long you will
187.2 -> be taking this medication.
190.7 -> If any other health professional tells you to stop taking your
193.5 -> antiplatelet medication, it is very important that you
196.767 -> contact your cardiologist first to make sure it is
199.333 -> okay to stop this drug.
202.533 -> Side effects include: rash, hives and an
205.6 -> increased risk of bleeding.
214.2 -> Angiotensin Converting Enzyme Inhibitors or ACE Inhibitors
218.233 -> have been shown to help prevent future heart attacks
220.8 -> and lower blood pressure.
223.967 -> ACE Inhibitors also help to maintain the normal shape of the
226.734 -> heart after a heart attack so that you don't end up
229.633 -> with a baggy heart that doesn't pump very well.
233.9 -> For heart failure patients, ACE inhibitors make it easier for
237.3 -> the heart to pump blood to the rest of the body.
240.433 -> Finally, ACE Inhibitors have been shown to protect the
243.834 -> kidneys in patients where the kidneys don't work very well.
248.166 -> ACE inhibitors can increase potassium levels so your
251.6 -> doctor will do blood tests once in a while to check this.
255.333 -> Because ACE Inhibitors can lower you blood pressure,
258.3 -> you may get light-headed or dizzy when moving from a lying
261.233 -> position to a standing position.
264.133 -> If this occurs, try sitting at the edge of
266.734 -> your bed before standing.
269.4 -> This will give your body a chance to adjust to the
271.7 -> change in position and pump more blood to your head.
276.433 -> You may also experience a dry cough.
279.2 -> If it becomes bothersome, speak to your doctor.
281.867 -> They may change the drug to something else.
285.967 -> If you get swelling of the lips, face or throat,
288.533 -> call 911 immediately.
293.567 -> Beta Blockers can be used to lower blood pressure.
296.433 -> They also slow the heart rate which helps prevent angina.
301.467 -> Beta blockers have been shown to prevent future
303.567 -> heart attacks and in heart failure patients can improve
306.5 -> the pumping of the heart.
309.3 -> Since Beta Blockers can lower blood pressure,
311.734 -> you may experience light-headedness
314.066 -> when you stand up.
316.033 -> If this occurs, try to get up a little more slowly so that your
319.2 -> body gets a chance to adjust and pump more blood to your brain.
324.433 -> Because Beta Blockers slow your heart rate,
326.867 -> you may find that you are more tired than usual.
330.333 -> Be patient as it may take a few weeks for your body to get used
333.867 -> to being on Beta Blocker.
336.7 -> If you have diabetes, be aware that Beta Blockers may hide the
340.333 -> signs of low blood sugars, except for sweating.
345.567 -> Beta Blockers can also aggravate asthma,
348 -> but because Beta Blockers are so beneficial,
350.7 -> your cardiologist will continue the Beta Blocker
353.333 -> as long as your asthma can be controlled with puffers.
359.533 -> The final drug that you will likely be taking is class
362.333 -> of cholesterol lowering medication called Statins.
365.934 -> Statins lower LDL which is the bad cholesterol that forms
369.533 -> plaques in your arteries.
372.934 -> Statins have been shown to prevent future heart attacks,
375.467 -> decrease the likelihood of needing future
378 -> procedures to open the coronary arteries and it can
381.233 -> also help to prevent strokes.
384.8 -> Its also been thought that Statins have anti-inflammatory
387.367 -> properties and can stabilize plaques in the arteries making
390.7 -> them more difficult to rupture and to cause a heart attack.
395.767 -> The current cholesterol targets are total cholesterol less than
399.6 -> 5.2, HDL, which is your good cholesterol, greater than 1,
404.9 -> triglycerides less than 1.7, LDL less than 2 and total
409.533 -> cholesterol to HDL ratio less than 4.
413.667 -> Other cholesterol lowering medications may be added to
416.467 -> your Statin if the cholesterol targets are not reached
419.4 -> with Statins alone.
422.767 -> Side effects include muscle or joint pain.
425.6 -> If it becomes bothersome let your doctor know.
429 -> Your doctor will also do blood tests once in a while
431.1 -> to check how well your liver is functioning.
437.066 -> Nitroglycerin comes in many forms.
440.233 -> If you are using a patch or tablets that you are using
442.667 -> regularly every day, these are to help prevent angina.
447.3 -> These agents may cause headaches.
450.533 -> You can use Tylenol to help with the headaches but if the
453.2 -> headaches become unbearable, let your doctor know.
456.8 -> Nitroglycerin spray or tablets that dissolve under
459.2 -> your tongue stop angina when you have an angina attack.
466.967 -> Before you use your Nitroglycerin Spray,
469.533 -> make sure you sit down or lean against a wall.
473.033 -> Nitroglycerin can make you lightheaded and we don't need to
476.1 -> fall down and break a hip while you're dealing with your angina.
481.1 -> If it is a new bottle or you haven't used the spray in more
484.033 -> than fourteen days, you need to prime the container.
487.8 -> You do this by facing the spray away from you and pumping the
491.233 -> actuator until four sprays of nitroglycerin come out.
495.767 -> Then use one spray on or under your tongue.
499.9 -> If you're using tablets instead of the spray to stop angina,
503.166 -> the tablets must be dissolved under the tongue to be absorbed.
507.033 -> Wait five minutes.
509.567 -> If you still have angina, use a second spray and
512.467 -> wait five minutes.
514.567 -> If you still have angina, you can take a third spray
517.7 -> while you are calling 911.
521.934 -> Nitroglycerin is not addictive so you can use it
524.967 -> as often as you need to.
527.9 -> If you know an activity will cause angina,
530.433 -> you can take a spray before you exert yourself to prevent
532.967 -> the angina from occurring.
539.033 -> Here are some tips to help you manage your medications.
542.834 -> Circle the drugs you are taking in your book so that you can
545.8 -> easily figure out which drugs you are taking.
549.9 -> You are getting a lot of information at one time so it's
553.033 -> a good idea to review your discharge book regularly so it
556.633 -> helps you remember why you are taking these medications.
560.734 -> You are more likely to continue to take your medications if you
563.367 -> understand why you are taking them.
567.1 -> Use the same pharmacy for all your medications so that your
570.467 -> pharmacist has a complete list of your prescription medications
574 -> and they can tell you and your doctor if any of your
577.133 -> medications should not be taken together.
580.967 -> When you go home, your medications may not be the
583.166 -> same drug or dose as you were on previously.
588.6 -> Get your new prescription filled right away and take all your
591.4 -> old mediations to the pharmacy.
594.2 -> Your pharmacist will be able to tell you which ones to continue.
597.667 -> The pharmacist can also take the medications you don't need any
600.6 -> more and discard them for you.
604.333 -> Never stop a medication without letting your doctor know.
607.7 -> Remember, they put you on the drug for a reason so they might
611.8 -> want to give you an alternative drug if you are having
614.467 -> problems taking the ones you have been prescribed.
618.8 -> Carry a current list of your medications with you so that you
621.867 -> have a quick reference for medical appointments or if
624.867 -> you ever end up in the emergency department.
630.066 -> If you have trouble remembering to take your medications,
632.834 -> try to time it around daily events such as
635.4 -> mealtimes or bed time.
638.467 -> You can purchase a pill organizer such as a dosette
641.1 -> or have pharmacy blister pack your medications for you.
645.166 -> It is a good idea to keep a small supply of your medications
647.9 -> in your handbag or office just in case you forget to
651.734 -> take your medications before you go to work.
655.166 -> You can also talk to your doctor if you find that the dosing
657.867 -> schedule too difficult.
660.266 -> Your doctor may be able to simplify your
662.1 -> medications for you.
665.3 -> Don't store your medications in hot or humid areas such as the
668.834 -> medicine cabinet in your bathroom or the glove
671.633 -> compartment in your car.
674 -> These type of conditions will shorten the
675.7 -> expiry of your medications.
680.133 -> If you ever have any questions, speak to your
682.6 -> doctor or pharmacist.
