Left Main Coronary Disease – Selecting the Best Treatment

Left Main Coronary Disease – Selecting the Best Treatment

Left Main Coronary Disease – Selecting the Best Treatment

In patients with left main coronary artery disease of low or intermediate anatomical complexity, there was no significant difference between percutaneous coronary intervention and coronary-artery bypass grafting with respect to the rate of the composite outcome of death, stroke, or myocardial infarction at 5 years.

Joining us today to discuss the findings of the EXCEL Trail and how it has impacted clinical treatment is Juan A. Crestanello, M.D., a cardiovascular surgeon and Chair of the Department of Cardiovascular Surgery, and Malcolm R. Bell, M.D., an interventional cardiologist and Vice Chair of Cardiology at Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota.

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6.399 -> hi my name is kyle clarich and i'm vice
9.2 -> chair for clinical practice in
11.519 -> cardiology consultant cardiology in
13.599 -> rochester minnesota at the mayo clinic
16.16 -> and we are here today for one of our
18.4 -> sessions interview with the experts and
20.64 -> i'm joined by two of my colleagues dr
23.519 -> juan crestanello professor of surgery
26.24 -> and chair of the department of
27.92 -> cardiovascular surgery and malcolm bell
30.96 -> vice chair of cardiology and professor
33.92 -> of medicine and we are going to take on
36.239 -> the topic today of left main coronary
39.04 -> artery disease selecting the best
41.12 -> therapy for your patient
43.04 -> and we're going to start out because of
44.96 -> the new truck of a relatively new trial
46.8 -> the excel trial that
48.96 -> has
49.76 -> raised our awareness and recent
51.44 -> guidelines that were published and maybe
53.6 -> i'll just start out by asking juan what
56 -> was the excel trial can you give us a
57.92 -> little summary of what kind of patients
59.84 -> they studied and what that major
61.68 -> outcomes were
63.28 -> sure
64.159 -> thank you kyle um
66.32 -> so the excel trial was a prospective a
69.439 -> multi-center a randomized trial
72.799 -> that enrolled
74.08 -> around 1900 patients
76.72 -> with left main coronary artery disease
78.799 -> and those patients
80.64 -> were randomized either to pci or a
84.24 -> coronary artery bypass surgery
86.88 -> the primary outcome was a com combined
90.159 -> endpoint of death a stroke of my
92.799 -> myocardial infarction
94.96 -> the trial follow patients to up to five
97.28 -> years
98.64 -> and
99.6 -> at five years
101.119 -> the primary outcome death
103.92 -> stroke or or micro infection was not
106.96 -> different between coronary artery bypass
109.84 -> surgery or percutaneous coronary
112.88 -> intervention great thank you do you
115.04 -> think that um the population of patients
119.04 -> within the exile trial was
121.04 -> representative of what most of us see in
123.119 -> day-to-day practice
125.52 -> well the
126.84 -> um the population was a
131.76 -> as any a clinical trial was
135.36 -> strictly
136.72 -> defined
138.319 -> um the the severity of the coronary
141.04 -> artery disease was a
143.44 -> what we call or the complexity of the
145.44 -> coronary artery disease was low or
147.84 -> intermediate and that was evaluated a
151.28 -> by the syntax core
154.239 -> which was overall a low and that tells
158.4 -> you that the the severity and complexity
160.8 -> of coronary artery disease was a
164.319 -> was was low or or intermediate
167.76 -> and in addition to that there was a a
170.56 -> slow
171.599 -> proportion of a diabetic patients a low
174.48 -> proportion of diabetic patients around
177.12 -> 30 percent
178.48 -> who are
179.68 -> the patients who in general had more
182.64 -> extensive coronary artery disease and
184.56 -> more complex coronary artery disease and
186.56 -> we know
187.92 -> that those patients are the ones that
190.4 -> benefit the most
192.239 -> from from surgical revascularization
196.319 -> in addition there was a the majority of
199.12 -> the patients were were male
201.44 -> and there was a a a a low
204.08 -> proportion of a female patients in the
206.239 -> trial
208.08 -> and was there do you think there was any
209.68 -> differences between the cabbage patients
212.56 -> and the pci patients
215.28 -> or percutaneous intervention patients
219.519 -> well there was some
221.76 -> baselines a
223.519 -> difference but
225.28 -> but one of the differences that can be
228.08 -> impactful in terms of the outcomes was
230.159 -> the difference in the compliance of
231.76 -> medications and the in the follow-up
234 -> period where the the pci
237.12 -> patients were
238.799 -> there was a higher higher a proportion
241.84 -> of patients who were
243.439 -> taking antiplatelets a dual antiplatelet
246 -> agency agents than a compared to the to
248.959 -> the coronary artery bypass surgery
251.2 -> patients
252.56 -> and what was that or was there a time
254.48 -> dependence uh on the outcomes
258.639 -> yeah certainly there was a at a time um
262.88 -> if you look at the overall result of the
264.8 -> trial
265.84 -> the composite endpoint of death stroke
268 -> or rmi there was a
270.4 -> chain initial benefit
272.8 -> for for pci
275.04 -> and about a two and a half to three
277.44 -> years there was a
279.6 -> change in
281.04 -> the in the outcomes where you you could
283.84 -> still see in an increase
286.32 -> um
287.28 -> increased rate of a death a stroke or mi
290.72 -> on the
292.24 -> pci patients compared to
294.8 -> to the cabbages so
296.72 -> after the first two and a half years um
299.759 -> the initial advantage of a pci
303.28 -> a was lost
304.96 -> and that was mostly
306.88 -> related to
308.56 -> the
309.44 -> the increased rate of a micro infarction
312.08 -> and the increased rate of a death after
314.72 -> that two and a half years
316.8 -> that's that's really interesting so
318.32 -> there was an initial interest or initial
320.88 -> benefit to the pci group and then the
322.72 -> curves crossed right in the middle about
324.479 -> two and a half years of the five years
326 -> and then there was the later time frame
328.16 -> there was a benefit for the cabbage
330.24 -> patients based on
332.4 -> myocardial infarction
334.16 -> and death as opposed to stroke so that's
337.12 -> very interesting not the composite
338.72 -> endpoint then
339.919 -> what does the result
341.6 -> then tell us about our clinical practice
343.84 -> how does it impact and maybe i'll ask
346.56 -> both of us both of you to
349.039 -> comment on
350.479 -> what your has this changed your practice
352.72 -> at all the excel trial um how do we how
355.919 -> do we take this into account when we're
357.6 -> thinking about an individual patient in
359.44 -> the office
361.44 -> malcolm maybe i'll let you go first
364.56 -> thanks kyle you know i think that
366.8 -> it's just worth remembering that you
368.56 -> know when you asked about you know
370.639 -> the type of patients in this study
373.199 -> the first thing i think we need to be
375.039 -> aware is is that
378.16 -> about 15 or so were actually acs
381.039 -> patients they'd had an mi in the last uh
383.039 -> your week or so so that's a very small
386.08 -> population but it's a population we see
388 -> a lot obviously in the hospital practice
390.319 -> uh that is 60 had stable ischemic heart
393.12 -> disease so
395.039 -> this is really the group of patients
396.56 -> that you're talking about that
398.4 -> you're discussing the the findings of
401.039 -> their angiogram in the
403.44 -> in the office
405.36 -> but i think that um
408.56 -> it probably hasn't changed our practice
410.639 -> too much for you because obviously we've
412.56 -> been doing by surgery on these patients
414.319 -> for a long time but
416.16 -> we certainly here at mayo and other
417.68 -> places have been doing pci for left main
419.599 -> disease for for many years and and
422 -> remember the the original excel the
424 -> trial publication was back in 2016 so uh
428.319 -> and that's really i think sort of shaped
430.56 -> how we've approached these patients
432.24 -> along with uh you know a couple of other
434.24 -> large left main trials
436.8 -> but i think that
438.16 -> you know it's important to remember that
439.68 -> many patients were excluded from from
441.36 -> that trial and so like any randomized
444.56 -> trial you know it's a selected
446.319 -> population
447.84 -> so
448.96 -> i think the important thing though is
450.639 -> and this is something that hasn't
451.919 -> changed in our practice
454.08 -> except for emergencies we do not do ad
457.36 -> hoc pci in left main disease in stable
460.639 -> patients i think it's important
462.639 -> you know to take them off the table and
464.56 -> and have that discussion uh with them
467.52 -> and then it's just a matter of patient
469.039 -> selection and we can go into more detail
471.12 -> in
471.84 -> in terms of that but uh so as i said i
475.36 -> think it hasn't really changed that
476.8 -> practice here too much we've got two
478.479 -> very effective and safe procedures
480.96 -> but as uh dr castanello pointed out it's
484.56 -> the long-term outcome which is really
486.4 -> important and we did see those curves
488.24 -> start to diverge uh they may diverge
490.56 -> even further in 10 years time you know
492.96 -> with the 10-year follow-up
495.12 -> this was a non-inferiority trial and and
497.599 -> the still was not inferior in five years
499.36 -> but you could see that uh reversal and
501.759 -> separation of those curves
504.08 -> so one thank you malcolm uh juan would
506.639 -> you have anything to add to that has it
508.56 -> changed the way you
510.16 -> practice clinically
512.479 -> not really i mean we um i agree with the
515.839 -> dr bell
517.039 -> we
519.039 -> here at mayo we had a
521.76 -> collaborative approach in terms of a
524.08 -> decision making
525.76 -> where we um
528.24 -> the the heart team has a
532.24 -> discussion about the the the patients
535.6 -> and and a base on
538.72 -> the
540 -> patient overall patient situation
543.04 -> we make a decision what the the best
545.04 -> treatment would be and that
547.2 -> involved considerations in terms of the
549.519 -> complexity of the left main disease
552.72 -> the presence of
554.72 -> additional a coronary artery disease in
557.279 -> in other territories like
559.839 -> the led territory the circumflex and the
562.08 -> right coronary artery
563.839 -> the overall cardiac function the
565.6 -> presence of other
567.36 -> cardiac
569.12 -> pathologies
570.48 -> and
572 -> the
573.04 -> the age of the patients the the
576.399 -> life expectancy and other comorbidities
578.64 -> and the ability to pull the patient
581.12 -> successfully through surgery
583.76 -> as well as the patient's preference
586.56 -> are all factors that we consider in that
589.519 -> type of a decision
591.76 -> so then
593.36 -> i'll pose this question to both of you
595.2 -> too is what are the
597.76 -> patients that you would consider to be
599.76 -> most
600.64 -> benefited from
602 -> coronary artery bypass which left main
604.56 -> patients would you have
606.24 -> a tendency to to recommend coronary
608.48 -> artery bypass grafting versus
611.36 -> a percutaneous coronary intervention
615.279 -> well maybe as i'm not wearing the
616.56 -> surgical hat i think it'd be reasonable
618.56 -> for me to uh
620.079 -> give an honest opinion there because as
622.48 -> dr christina says we do work in concert
624.959 -> together and and we're referring um
628.16 -> each other patients uh and that's been a
630.72 -> you know a long-standing practice here
632.959 -> at mayo
634.079 -> but i think you know when you see a
636.48 -> patient who's got an angiogram that
638.32 -> clearly shows severe left main disease
641.2 -> i i think the patients are best suited
643.12 -> for surgery and the ones that we would
645.12 -> tend to sort of shy away from doing pci
648 -> on would be those who have distal left
650.56 -> main you know this is bifurcation it's
652.56 -> already more complex disease but
654.48 -> particularly if it's associated with
656.32 -> multivessel disease particularly complex
659.2 -> coronary artery disease
661.04 -> and
661.92 -> and also you know
664.32 -> if we can't completely revascularize the
666.24 -> patient i mean that's clearly an
667.68 -> indication for surgery
670 -> and as dr kristen hello said you know
672.72 -> the diabetic patient i mean these are
674.64 -> the patients that we probably should be
676.079 -> doing bypass surgery on
678.48 -> i also think that all things being equal
681.2 -> probably the younger patients we
683.2 -> probably really have to
685.92 -> perhaps have a preference for
687.279 -> recommending
688.399 -> bypass surgery over stenting and one
691.12 -> thing which we haven't discussed is you
692.8 -> know the mortality difference and and
695.04 -> although that was not statistically
696.88 -> significant um
698.8 -> uh
699.92 -> significantly different in the five-year
702.24 -> follow-up uh it did cause some
704.24 -> controversy there's about a three
705.36 -> percent absolute difference and we don't
707.44 -> know what's going to happen uh in the
708.88 -> future and so that younger patient i
712.32 -> think they really need to be appraised
713.839 -> that you know the possible
715.44 -> benefit in terms of needing further
717.68 -> procedures and particularly that there
720.079 -> might be a survival difference
722.72 -> um the older patient though
725.92 -> these are very often the patients who
727.279 -> come along with lots of comorbidities
730.079 -> very often the surgeons are maybe a
732.32 -> little hesitant about you know offering
734.32 -> you know open-heart surgery
736.16 -> and if they have suitable anatomy and we
738.639 -> can you know offer complete or
740.72 -> near-complete revascularization i think
742.88 -> those are the ones that are better for
744.72 -> pci
746 -> uh the easy ones of course are the ones
747.76 -> who have osteo and shaft
749.92 -> uh your disease
751.68 -> um and but again i think this comes down
754.399 -> to a shared decision making with the
756.839 -> patient dr crosstail also mentioned
759.44 -> about patient preference and and
761.839 -> sometimes you
763.44 -> have a patient that you really think
765.12 -> probably is going to benefit from
766.399 -> surgery
767.92 -> but
769.04 -> and you can show them survival curves
771.2 -> and all the data but they're still
773.44 -> reluctant to undergo open heart surgery
775.279 -> it's a small number of patients but i
777.12 -> think we have to make sure we
778.32 -> accommodate their
780.24 -> um your expectations and
782.72 -> and what they would like
784.56 -> to have in terms of revascularization
787.68 -> uh dr christine did i miss out anything
790.24 -> there i mean
791.44 -> does that resonate with you
793.76 -> absolutely i think that i agree with all
796.56 -> those
797.92 -> those same statement uh and the only
800.959 -> thing that i will add
803.12 -> in terms of the of the young patients
805.68 -> and and also on the diabetic patients
808 -> the the benefit the the long-term
810.079 -> benefits of bypass surgery
813.12 -> is enhanced by the use of arterial
816.12 -> revascularization so they add in a
818.8 -> second a memory artery in addition to
821.279 -> the lima to the led
823.04 -> that will
825.839 -> have a additional advantage in terms of
828.56 -> long-term
829.68 -> long-term survival
831.92 -> one of the things that we we learned
833.92 -> from the
835.519 -> from
836.56 -> from from the excel trial and i think
838.48 -> that's important to point out is that
841.76 -> the
842.639 -> mortality
844.56 -> benefit
846.24 -> of a
847.68 -> surgery
849.279 -> a
850.24 -> or the survival benefit of surgery are
852.88 -> are not seen until you know the two and
856.16 -> a half years or so
858 -> that's the that's the statistical when
861.12 -> when when the curve starts to cross and
863.76 -> and diverge so if
866.399 -> and that provides an important piece of
868.48 -> information if we have a patient
870.8 -> who for whatever reason either because
872.959 -> of their age or because of their
874.959 -> comorbidities
877.04 -> their life expectancy is going to be
879.04 -> limited
881.44 -> less than two and a half years
883.44 -> the the the possibility of realizing the
886 -> benefit from a coronary artery bypass
888.399 -> surgery are going to be very limited and
891.12 -> those in those patients
894.399 -> pci
895.76 -> would be
896.72 -> you know beneficial for them better than
899.279 -> surgery
900.48 -> so if i can summarize and please feel
902.639 -> free to correct me if i say anything out
905.199 -> of line here if i'm a non-invasive
907.36 -> non-surgical per colleague here but all
910.24 -> left main
911.6 -> patients are not the same that's what
913.279 -> i'm hearing
914.32 -> and that
915.76 -> since they're not the same we would
917.36 -> probably have a tendency to lean towards
919.92 -> coronary artery bypass grafting in
922.639 -> younger patients with a longer survival
925.6 -> in patients with
927.6 -> complex
929.12 -> coronary artery disease
931.44 -> and maybe those that are
933.36 -> have less comorbidities but also maybe
936.399 -> lean towards it in diabetes even though
938.399 -> that might be a little counter-intuitive
939.92 -> but we've learned that from many years
941.44 -> ago
942.8 -> and then the pci patients maybe uh we
946 -> would tend towards the percutaneous
948.079 -> interventions and those patients that
949.92 -> have less lesion complexity so you know
952.48 -> the syntax score of less than 33
955.6 -> and increased
957.839 -> comorbid
959.199 -> problems and a shorter life span
961.759 -> but in the at the end of the day the
963.92 -> heart team and the discussion between
967.279 -> the patient
968.8 -> the surgeon and the cardiologists
971.6 -> interventionalists are very important
974.639 -> and we have to take into consideration
977.04 -> the patient's expectations and wishes
980.56 -> and one last thing i think was uh was
982.8 -> important to point out is that you you
984.48 -> mentioned the option for arterial grafts
986.88 -> so left internal mammary right internal
989.36 -> manner maybe even both
991.759 -> um in some of these patients and so
993.68 -> that's a consideration to uh to add to
996.32 -> the list even though it wasn't directly
998.56 -> necessarily covered
1000.959 -> in their earlier discussion so this is
1003.12 -> great well it's been great to have this
1005.44 -> conversation and i hope it helps our our
1007.92 -> listeners to better understand how we
1011.519 -> think about these patients with what we
1014.16 -> consider to be a very serious illness
1016 -> that's left main coronary artery disease
1019.199 -> thank you for your attention
1021.12 -> until next time have a great day

Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tjx5JadvZ_I